Chapter 12.2

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Ryan stuck her tongue out at Nicole's camera, arms around both Tommy and Jonathan

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Ryan stuck her tongue out at Nicole's camera, arms around both Tommy and Jonathan. Before the flash went off, Billy joined the picture, squatting down in front of Ryan, making the same face she was. For a second, she was annoyed, but she was having such a great time, she wasn't going to let him ruin it.

"That was great!" Nicole grinned, waving as she walked back to Tina. "See you later, Ryan!"

Ryan waved, kicking Billy in the back before he stood up. Just because she wasn't letting him ruin her night, it didn't mean she couldn't make her night better. "You had to get in the picture, didn't you?"

"Of course, best way to annoy you." Billy grinned, taking a step closer to her. "Nice to see you, Princess- or should I call you Tinkerbell?"

"Well, I'm here to enjoy myself and have a good time with friends," She pushed him back, raising an eyebrow. After all the drama he had caused in the past twenty-four hours, there was no way she was going to let him off so easy, with without the spiked punch she'd had a glass of. "Which you are not."

"Tommy's my friend now," Billy said with a shrug. "So I think you might be stuck with me."

"What?" Ryan turned to face Tommy, arms crossed. They had a talk about Billy yesterday, Ryan expressing her concerns that Billy would revert Tommy back to the asshole he had been a year ago. Tommy had promised her it would never happen again. Now, she wasn't so sure. "What is he talking about?"

"Look," Tommy started, giving Billy a frustrated look. "I was going to tell you-"

Before he could finish his explanation, a collective murmur of shock made its way through the party. Ryan glanced over Billy's shoulder, seeing Nancy drenched in punch while Steve gaped at her in shock. Quickly throwing the cup on the ground, Nancy marched through the crowd up the stairs.

"Shit, Nancy." Ryan pushed past the group surrounding her, moving to run after Nancy. Billy jumped out in front of her, not letting her pass by, moving in the same direction she moved every time. Go figure, just when she was starting to get over the bullshit he'd pulled in the library. "Move, Hargrove!"

"Slow down there Tinkerbell," He tried, still thwarting her attempts to get past him. "You might not want to get involved with that shit."

"That shit is my best friend," Ryan snapped, hitting his arm in frustration. "Move so I can help."

"Well, your best friend is having some relationship issues you should stay out of."

"That has nothing to do with-"

"Doesn't it?"

Ryan swallowed hard, glaring up at him, "They're my best friends. Nancy needs me." She shoved past him. "Move."

"Trust me, you need to be anywhere but up there." Billy warned, grabbing her arm. "It is going to be extremely ugly."

Both Jonathan and Tommy rushed forward to pull him off of her when she held up her hand to stop them. "Things are going to get ugly down here if you don't let me go up there."

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