Chapter 30.2

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Peter waited patiently for Hopper to let him out of the back of the cruiser, thinking about what they were about to walk into

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Peter waited patiently for Hopper to let him out of the back of the cruiser, thinking about what they were about to walk into. He had sat silently through Hopper's conversation with El, thinking about all the times that Hopper had freaked out about all the crazy things Aaron and Ryan would get into. His siblings were both reckless and mature at the same time, something he never understood. The reckless part was what worried Hopper so much, which explained all of his actions over the past five or six years.

The double doors to the back of the cruiser opened, Hopper standing on the other side, "Are you going to get out or-"

"You know you're a great dad, right?" Peter blurted out before he could stop himself.


"You're a great dad." He repeated. "I mean, we may have had our parents, but you became our dad when they died, which you didn't have to do, but you did, and you did a damn good job at it too. You're a great dad."

"Yeah, yeah," Hopper shook his head as he hid a smile. "Hand me that gun, will you?"

"Sure thing, Dad." Peter grabbed the AR, sliding over to Hopper, jumping out of the back.

He walked with Hopper over to El, seeing her stare up at the lab, thoughts clouding her eyes. Hopper slung the gun over his shoulder, "You let us do all the heavy lifting out front, okay? Save your strength till we're down below. Are you okay?"

Peter watched as El's gaze shifted from one of fear to one of determination, walking to the building with no fear. He turned to look at Hopper, eyebrows raised, "Are you sure she's not at least related to Ryan in some way?"


Ryan sped down the empty highway, a Camaro full of kids and her unconscious boyfriend in the backseat. It definitely wasn't the way she saw the night going, but at the same time she wasn't surprised. After a demodog had been thrown through the window while they were trying to fight an even bigger monster possessing a thirteen year old boy, stealing Billy Hargrove's sports car was nothing.

While Mike and Lucas had run through the house gathering supplies to go into the tunnels, she had stopped the bleeding on Steve's face. Max had helped her clean up her own injuries, wrapping her arm with gauze from the first aid kit while Dustin stuck rainbow bandaids on Steve's forehead. He'd also put one on the cut on her cheek.

Once the trunk was loaded up with their supplies, the entire group helped her carry Steve out to the car. They'd left Billy passed out on the living room floor, not bothering to move him. For a second, Ryan considered giving him a pillow, but when she remembered how he had thrown Lucas against the shelf, she decided against it. Instead, she just wiped the blood from his mouth to make sure he didn't die choking on his own blood.

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