Chapter 11.2

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Two hours later, Ryan walked out of Jonathan's room covered in glitter, dainty jewelry that jingled when she walked, complete with pointed ears and fairy wings

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Two hours later, Ryan walked out of Jonathan's room covered in glitter, dainty jewelry that jingled when she walked, complete with pointed ears and fairy wings. The idea to dress as a fairy had come from Lucas, saying that Ryan would most definitely be the perfect person to be an undercover fairy princess. The entire ensemble had taken her a whole year to put together and plan, starting almost immediately after Halloween ended the year before. She looked like a very sparkly, redheaded Tinkerbell.

Bob looked up from the video camera he was handing Jonathan, a bright grin on his face, "Wow! You look amazing!"

"Thanks!" Ryan grinned, dropping into a small curtsy. "You look awesome!"

"Hey Tinkerbell, look over here!" Jonathan waved his hand over his head, aiming the lens of the camera her way.

Ryan stuck her tongue out, before shoving him away from her, looking over at Will and Joyce. Will glanced over at her with a bright smile, "You look so cool!"

"Yeah, you do." Joyce agreed, studying her wings. "How'd you make the wings?"

Ryan glanced at the glittery pieces of plastic strapped to her back, "I didn't. Aaron and Hopper did. Cool right?" She twirled around for Joyce to get a better look. It had taken them a whole month to design and melt down the materials to make her wings. It was great.

"Okay, I want a picture of the three of you," Joyce gathered them all up in the living room. "Even though Jonathan isn't dressed up."

"I am dressed up." He insisted, standing on the other side of Will. "I'm dressed as the guy that doesn't like Halloween."

Ryan rolled her eyes, flicking his ear, "It wasn't funny the first time, J. It's not funny now."

After Joyce had Bob take the trio's picture, they quickly made their way to the door. They were supposed to be meeting the kids at the Wheeler's before seven- it was already almost six-forty.

"Be safe!" Joyce called from behind them as Ryan and Will raced to Jonathan's car, Jonathan trailing behind them slowly.

Bob waved, "I hope it doesn't suck."

Ryan turned around with a laugh, "Good one, Bob. Sounded like Dracula."

"Oh, you'll laugh at that, but you won't laugh at my joke?" Jonathan scoffed, but his lips twitched as he tried to hide a smile. "You know what? The night might not suck, but you definitely do."

"Well, you know what else sucks?" Ryan grinned as she pulled open the passenger door. "Your jokes."


Ryan adjusted her ears in the drop down mirror of the passenger seat before making sure her glittery makeup was still perfect. Sure, they were just going trick-or-treating with the kids, but she still wanted to look good. She'd spent too long on her costume to look mediocre.

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