Chapter 14.2

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The next morning, Steve woke up with a yawn, blinking his eyes against the sunlight shining through the window

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The next morning, Steve woke up with a yawn, blinking his eyes against the sunlight shining through the window. He propped himself up, glancing around the room in confusion. For a split second, he was unsure of where he was. Once the fuzziness left his brain, recognition sparking in its place, he remembered. Ryan. He was in Ryan's room. He was Ryan's bed. When he glanced to the side, sure enough, he saw Ryan curled into his side, still asleep as tiny snores escaped her lips.

He couldn't help but smile as she snuggled closer to him, relaxing into his side. He was tempted to stay in bed all day, then he looked at the clock. If they got up now, they'd only be twenty minutes late to first period. He didn't care, but he knew if he let her sleep, Ryan definitely would.

"Ryan." Steve leaned over, gently shaking her sleeping body. "Ryan wake up, we're gonna be late."

"No," Ryan mumbled, not even bothering to open her eyes. "Go back to sleep."

"You're already about to be late for first period, Sunshine." He tried again, amused with her sleepy voice. It was cute. He'd heard it before, but it had been a good while since he'd heard it last.

"Mmhmm, but I'm already late, so why rush?" She groaned, not lifting her head. "Sleep, Steve. Go back to sleep."

"Yeah, but don't you like astronomy?"

"Stars and planets are still in space, Stevie." She yawned, burying herself further into her blankets. "You have economics, and guess what? Money is still the root of all evil, none of that has changed in the past twenty-four hours."

Steve sighed with an amused smile, rolling out of bed in spite of the whines coming from the pile of blankets that was Ryan, "No, come back you're like a personal heater."

"Sorry, Sunshine, time to get up for school." Steve turned to see Ryan's head poking up from underneath the blankets. "Seriously, come on."

"Ugh," She groaned, pushing the blankets off of her. "Fine."


Ryan played with the seatbelt on Steve's car before dropping the divider mirror down. She wiped at some of the stray glitter by the sides of her eyes that she'd missed in her shower the night before. She was actually surprised there wasn't any glitter all over her house.

"You know," She sighed, closing the mirror. "I have my own car, Steve."

"I know that, but we're both running late, this is just easier." Steve pointed out, speeding down the road. He left out the part of him missing driving around town with Ryan riding shotgun. It was like the good old days. "Besides, you drove last night."

Ryan looked out the window, seeing a familiar curly-haired boy in a cap, pedaling fast down the street, "Steve, wait, pull over."

"What?" Steve looked over at her in confusion before following her gaze to the boy on a bike.

The Girl in the Window {Steve Harrington} Where stories live. Discover now