Prologue 2

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A/N if you are confused, read the Important note I posted before

Your POV

I sat near the window of the orphanage bedroom. It was the only quiet area at this time of day. The other girls were running around outside. Since I was the oldest of the girls here, I wasn't able to exactly make friends. And it's harder to be adopted now. Couples only want the cute little ones so they can make more memories with them or manipulate them better, depends on your luck.

It still feels like shit though. Being I'm the system. I'm constantly going from one foster home to the other.

"Y/N, you're being placed in another foster home. Don't mess up.." My caretaker told me from the bedroom's entrance. I sighed before slowly getting up.

I grabbed the two suitcases I had and made my way to the entrance of the building.

My caretaker was discussing how I behaved and how they usually deal with it with my new foster parents. I muffled it out, already having memorized the lines. Ignore her sharp tongue, don't let her out of your sight, no loud noises, keep her away from black cars, blah blah blah. It was stupid how they treated kids like aliens here.

"Y/N, come here!" My caretaker called. I quickly walked over to stand next to her.

"These are your foster parents and possible adopted parents, Maddie and Tom." She greeted with a small motion of her hands towards a couple. It was a slim, kind looking woman and her slightly fit husband.

Are they really sure they want kids?

I waved my right hand to them and they returned my welcome with warm smiles.

"Go ahead." My caretaker lightly pushed me forward and soon I was going to their home.

We were on the road, driving further and further away from the bland and boring place.

"So, Y/N, we do want to inform you that we have a son at home." Maddie said.

"Yeah. But he isn't exactly.. human? Here." Tom said, struggling to explain as he handed me his phone. There was a picture of who they called their son. It was a blue hedgehog kind of thing.
Honestly, I'm not really one to judge. I don't exactly know their past.

"Hm.. he looks interesting. What's his name?" I asked as I handed Tom his phone.

"Sonic. He may be a bit confused and surprised to see you. Also, he's really fast." Maddie explained. I nodded and soon we pulled up to a nice home. It looked peaceful.

I hopped out of the truck and grabbed my two suitcases from the trunk. Tom helped me carry the heavier one.

We walked up to the front door as Maddie unlocked it. When I stepped in, I saw a blue flash speed by before it stopped right in front of me.

"What are you doing here?" It asked immediately.

"Um.. I'm being fostered here." I replied a bit quietly.

"Why are you so nervous? Never seen a hedgehog before?" Sonic questioned more. I tensed a bit.


"Sonic, calm down. Give her some space. I'll show her to her room." Tom said as he put his hand on the hedgehog's forehead. I internally thank him as I followed him to a room.

He placed my suitcases on the bed.

"Well, I'll let you settle in for now." Tom said before leaving the room and closing the door behind me.

I sighed. All my other homes were so rude to me and hurt me. Sometimes physically hurt me. This kindness was so rare and confused me.

"I'm just gonna unpack and hide in here for a bit..." I moved to myself.

1 week

"Hey, Y/N. Are you ok in there? We're gonna leave breakfast at your door, just leave the plate out when you're done." Tom said after knocking on the door.

"Thanks..! I'm sorry for not coming out of here..." I apologized from my bed. I feel guilty but I don't know if I'm safe.

"Take all the time you need."

1 month

"Hey, did you shower? Your hair looks really nice." Maddie complimented.

"Yeah.. I had the energy today." I respond as I sat at the kitchen counter instead of the table.

"I'm proud of you."

6 months

"Hey, Y/N, what movie do you wanna watch? Ozzie keeps picking the borings ones." Sonic said as he held up some DVD's.

"Uh... How about Coraline?" I suggested as I sat in the other side of the couch opposite from him. I used to sit in the arm chair further away from him.

"Sure, it looks spooky though." He said before putting it into the DVD player.

"If you do get scared then I get to call you a wimp." I teased as he pressed play.

1 year

"Hey, Maddie, can you teach me how to use eyeliner?" I asked as I held up the liquid eyeliner Maddie bought me a while ago.

"Sure, hun. Let's go to the bathroom for a better mirror." She suggested as she put down the book she was reading.

I smiled as she gently spoke and guided me with careful steps on how to use the eyeliner and properly angle it.

"You did awesome!" Maddie cheered as I showed her my final product.

I smiled and hugged her. "Thanks.".

1 year and 1 month

"Y/N, we want to talk to you." Tom said as he sat at the dinner table with Maddie next to her. I nervously nodded as I sat across from them.

"We've been saving up and we've talked it over.. and we both decided that, with your permission, that we want to adopt you." Tom explained.

My eyes widened and the wind was knocked out of me as a few tears rolled down my face.

"Really?" I asked shakily when I regained the ability to breath.

"Yes, do you accept?" Maddie asked with a warm smile.

"...yes! I wanna stay with you guys forever! I was so scared you were gonna leave me!" I cheered as I let more tears run down my face. They both quickly stood up and held me in a warm embrace.

"We never want to leave you.." they both said while holding me gently.

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