Chapter 7

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TW: if you have a fear of being nearly ✨snatched✨ don't read until you see the second 💅 emoji. It'll mark the beginning and end of the ✨snatch✨

Your POV

I heard a loud clatter come from the kitchen. I shot up out of my sleep. Usually I wouldn't wake up and just keep on sleeping due to being a heavy sleeper, but I woke up this time.

It's probably just a raccoon that got in through the window.. I'll just carefully lead it out with snacks or something.

I carefully slipped out of my bed. The cold hit my skin, making it feel prickly as I shiver. I walk out of the room, tiptoeing down the stairs, thankful I had socks to mute the noise.

I turned and looked into the kitchen from around the arch. I couldn't see very well because it was incredibly dark. My anxiety was spiking and I felt like I was being watched but who doesn't when they're walking around their house at night?

I stepped into the kitchen and looked around. Their were dirty pots that had fallen on the ground from the kitchen counter. I vent down to pick them up but quickly stiffened. I heard the noise of heavy footsteps from behind me. I quickly stood up to see who was behind and I did not recognize them at all. They were taller than Tom so I could immediately rule out anyone in the house.


I'd probably lose in a fight against the attacker.... So I screamed. The attacker Immediately grabbed me by my arm and covered my mouth with their hand.

Immediately I heard scuffling throughout the bedrooms. Sonic was the first to run in. When he saw me and the attacker he was very obviously pissed of because he was glowing blue.

He hit the person square in the back and they let out a groan of pain as the fell over and bent down to their knees. When they fell over I noticed everyone else had made it over. And one was especially pissed off. Maybe even more than Sonic.

Knuckles proceeded to kick the guy in the stomach, sending them flying up and then punching them in the face, sending them flying across the kitchen and knocking them out.


"The cops are coming, Tails, do you have anything to keep him down?" Tom asked the small fox. Tails nodded and pulled out two cuffs and put them on the attacker's hands and ankles.

"I have a button that'll take him if he wakes up..." Tails said in a tone that could turn you to stone.

"Are you alright Y/N!? Do you need anything? A hug? Snacks!? I'm so sorry!" Maddie immediately hugged me and stroked my hair. I would be lying if I said I didn't like it.

"I... Just need to process what just happened..." I said quietly and gently released myself from her grasp. I walked back into my room and sat one my bed. The sound of police sirens approached the house. I heard heavy footsteps coming towards my room.

My anxiety immediately spiked again and I stood up, and grabbed a metal bat from under my bed. The doorknob wiggled as the door opened.

My body relaxed when I was met with violet eyes.

"Oh... Hey, Knuckles. Sorry about the bat. I guess im just still jumpy." I apologized as I put the bat back under my bed.

"There's no need to apologize. You just went through a traumatic experience, by all means do whatever you need to do to make you feel safe." He comforted as he approached me. My face warmed up a bit and I was extremely thankful it was nighttime and the room was dark.

"Thanks... Did the police take the guy away?" I asked as I sat down on my bed, him joining me.

"After a few questions and taking pictures and samples from the kitchen and hallway area." He answered.

"I'm sorry.." I was suddenly brought into a tight but comforting hug by Knuckles. His voice had a small hint of guilt and sadness.

"It wasn't your fault. Actually, it's thanks to you and Sonic that I'm still here." I rubbed his back as he continued to hold me.

"If you need to go somewhere at night again, please wake me to go with you...?" He asked, slightly muffled by my shirt. I laughed lightly as my face felt even hotter, if possible.

"Of course..." I answered. I don't know if I'm just super tired or felt confident, but I gave him as kiss on the top of his head after he left go of me.

To try to recover from the action I pretended that it didn't matter too much. "Goodnight, Knuckles." I said before crawling back into my blankets and snuggling into the piles of pillows I stored on my bed.

"Uh- Goodnight!" He stuttered a bit as he held a gloved hand on the spot I kissed him.

He soon walked over to his own bed after being lost in thought.


My heartbeat was so fast I thought I could die if it went any faster. My face burned up and the spot she kissed me on felt tingly. When I sat on my bed I put my hands over my face, trying to calm down.

Maybe it's just a common human practice to show appreciation??

No... Tom and Maddie kiss even without needing to show appreciation and give Y/N and Sonic forehead kisses.

I may be in love with Y/N...

Knuckles x F!reader (DISCONTINUED/REWRITING-ISH)Where stories live. Discover now