Mini Chapter

807 27 19

(Just kinda like a little one shot!)

Your POV

I woke up to the sun hitting my face. The warm rays tickled my skin as I stretched my hands over my head. I could still hear the snoring of my lover on the other side of the room. I learned that he's a light sleeper due to being alone to fend for himself so I usually try not to wake him up.

I quietly sneak past and make my way out the door. Just as I'm closing the door, the hinges squeak and I didn't beat my record of how long it would take for me to make any noise.

"Where are you going?" I heard Knuckles ask as he slowly sat up.

"I was gonna go and make us some breakfast but this stupid door is loud and now I can't surprise you!" I answer, a bit upset that I can't do something fun for him.

"Well I still want breakfast, it just won't be a surprise." He said, climbing down his bed and making his way to me. He gently held my hand as we walked to the kitchen. I grabbed the pancake mix and other ingredients needed to make us some breakfast.

Knuckles sat at the kitchen island, watching me cook with a look of adoration evident on his face.

As I'm putting a few strips of bacon into a hot pan I noticed his stare and do a double take, slightly flustered and confused.

"Why're you looking at me like that?" I asked, my face heating up slightly.

"Because you're perfect." He answered, not missing a beat. I choked on air as I could feel my face get hotter than the stove.

"Why do you fluster me so easilyyyyy!?" I yelled after catching my breath. He chuckled a bit as he rubbed my back to make sure I was Ok.

"Whatever.... breakfast's ready." I mumbled as I gave him a plate cintaining a stack of pancakes and some bacon strips.

"Thank you, love." He said as he kissed my hand and then walked to the dining table.

I sighed before grabbing my own plate and began walking. I soon heard the face pitter patter of my brother's footsteps.

"What's that smell?" He asked, sniffing at the air.

"Not for you." I answer as I made my way to the dining table to sit down with my boyfriend and eat my breakfast in peace.

Knuckles x F!reader (DISCONTINUED/REWRITING-ISH)Where stories live. Discover now