Chapter 5

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Your POV

I was peacefully watching Tom curse under his breath as he hit his finger with a hammer accidentally when setting up the beds. It was kinda funny because parts were labeled with colored stickers but for Knuckles' bed, the stickers where in different shades of red. And he could barely tell the difference, asking Maddie and I to help pair the colors to the instructions.

After a while, I decided to set up the separation curtains. We just needed to install a long pole across the room and then carefully clip on the curtains, like a bathroom shower curtain.

It was super easy because the only hard part was assembling the pole and then drilling it in the correct and safe place so that we wouldn't mess anything up in the walls.

I put up the chosen curtain for my room: a black curtain with stars at the bottom that would fade up and a Moon in the middle. I was thinking of showing on fairy lights but decided against it because it might be a fire hazard.

"Well at least you got the easy part.." Tom mumbled as he finally finished the bed. It was a loft bed with a Hammock and shelves underneath to store books and knick knacks.

"Well at least you can walk without limping." I replied sarcastically. He let out a light chuckle before cutting open the box for the mattress. When he cut the plastic casing on the actual mattress, it started to inflate quickly. It was weird and mesmerizing to watch. I also stole the bubble wrap from the box and hid it under my own bed so I could play with it when I'm stressed.

Tom carefully put in the mattress and placed the package containing the sheets, pillow case, and blankets on top.

"Alright.. Now to work on the other one.." Tom groaned as he headed towards the attic. I limped behind since I knew Sonic wouldn't know how to set up the curtain.

When I reached the attic, Tails was amazing Tom with his gadgets and having them assemble his bed quickly.

I set up their curtain and finished by the time the bed was finished. It was a simple slightly raised twin sized bed but the headboard had carvings of animals and plants on it. It fit with their curtain that looked like a rainforest.

I laughed a bit when Tails decided that the first thing he'd do was jump on his new bed. It was adorable and reminded me that no matter how smart he was, he was infact a child.

When I slowly got back to my room I stumbled upon Knuckles decorating his side of the room. He put faux leaves on his bed posts  and the top of his shelves which I found very cute. He put books on his shelves too as well as a pillow in his hammock. His bed was also made neatly.

He still had more decorating to do since he still had bags on the floor so I didn't bother him.
I smiled at my own side of the room, happy that I was able to reorganize it.

(This is just an example

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(This is just an example. These items are relevant to the story but you can imagine them in a different design, color and in whatever organization you want and also have other items in the room.)

I sat at my desk, placing my sketchbook in front of me as I began to draw random things like animals in plants.

I picked a flower from my mini greenhouse and began drawing it carefully. Every detail mattered no matter how little.

I then heard light shuffling next to me and turned my head to see Knuckles staring at my drawing. My face burned a bit with blush.

"Why did you stop? The drawing is starting to come together beautifully." Knuckles asked with a hint of concern in his voice. I blinked the embarrassment away and cooled down my blush before answering.

"Oh.. I just realized you were standing there and got a little embarrassed.." I explained.

"There's no need to be embarrassed. You have great skill in your craft, I should be embarrassed if you were to catch me trying to master the same one." Knuckles said. It was like he was kinda hyping me up to make me more confident and it surprisingly worked. I don't know why his words specifically mattered so much to me but all I know right now is that he's the only one who's been able to actually make me feel confident.

"Thank you.. and I'm sure your art it beautiful too." I said before continuing my drawing and trying not to let any tears fall from my eyes. I don't understand, why do his words matter so much? Why do I feel better about my self but also feel in pain? I should be happy, not sad.

Maybe it's because of the neglect..

A single tear fell from my eye as I drew but that was enough for the echidna to panic internally. He gently held my face and turned it towards him, stopping me from drawing, and wiped the wet trail the tear left behind.

"There's no need to hide your emotions or your past around me." He said in a kind a gentle tone. Immediately, tears went cascading down my face as I hugged the echidna.

I've wanted for someone to be proud of me and make my skill feel truly valuable for so long that now that I received what I've wanted, it broke the walls I set up to shield from the disappointment of small praises.

I feel like a shimmering gem when he's around.

Knuckles x F!reader (DISCONTINUED/REWRITING-ISH)Where stories live. Discover now