Chapter 11

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Your POV

When the movie ended I decided to draw. Knuckles was still holding onto my hand as he slept which made my heart skip a beat.

I gently took my hand away and grabbed my sketch book. Thankfully, he was still sleeping peacefully.

I mean... He's being very still right now.

I decided to use Knuckles as a reference as I drew him sleeping. I made sure to draw everything proportionally correct and shade his features correctly.

After about 45 minutes (I'm going by how long it takes me to draw someone's face and upper body) I had finished the drawing. It looked just like him and it brought a smile to my face. After a few finishing touches, the area that was sunken down next to moved. I felt my wrist being grabbed gently as I looked over. Knuckles had woken up and was already being comfortably clingy to me.

Even though we just started dating, I could already tell that because he had been alone for so long that he had a few abandonment issues.

"Had a nice sleep?" I asked calmly. He nodded his head as he sat up and leaned on my arm as he focused on waking up. I chuckled a bit as I closed my sketchbook.

"Y/N?" He asked, his voice still groggy and lower than usual.


"What's your favorite color?" He asked.

"Uh... I think (f/c). Why do you ask?" I replied.

"I'd just like to know more about you." He answered as he unclinged from my arm.

"Let's go check out what Sonic and Tails are doing." I suggested as I got off of my bed. He nodded in response and began following me to the attic.

When we got to the door we didn't bother knocking as we walked in. Both boys were on Sonic's side of the room, yelling about something.

"What's going on?" I asked as I approached the two.

"We're having trouble beating the Pacman mini arcade.." Tails admitted. I let out a small laugh.

"Lemme give it a try." I said as I gestured my right hand forward. Sonic out the small console in my hand and I started up the game.

It was really easy and I was surprised that they weren't able to beat it. All three bows watched from my shoulders or over my head. I beat level after level, only dying once, as I avoided ghosts.

After beating the last level, I was immediately bombarded by my brother and Tails while Knuckles just sat there, looking at me with admiration.

"We were barely able to beat level four! How was it so easy for you!?" Sonic yelled.

"Sounds like a skill issue to me." I said as I pulled out sunglasses from no where and flicked them on.

"You're so stupid.." Sonic mumbled as he sat on his bed.

"If I'm stupid, you're braindead." I replied before leaving the room, my boyfriend following. I heard incoherent yells and laughter erupt from the room as I walked away.

"Let's get some ice cream to celebrate my victory." I said, walking towards the kitchen.

"How come you were able to beat their difficult game so easily?" Knuckles asked.

"At the orphanage I would sneak into the boys play area. They had a pacman arcade machine and I'd play on it every day. The boys would even place bets with candy on what level I'd die on." I explained as I got a tub of chocolate ice cream from the freezer.

"You were in an orphanage?" He asked as I grabbed two bowls.

"Yup. Lot of foster homes. I'm really glad Maddie and Tom adopted me. Also.. did you really think I was their biological kid? I don't exactly look much like either of them." I answered. By the time I had finished my explanation, I had already filled both bowls with ice cream and sprinkles.

"Your past is very interesting... I'd like to learn more some day." Knuckles said before eating the ice cream as we walked to the living room.

"It's not too interesting. But if you want, I'll tell you all about it ok our date. And you can tell me yours." I said before putting my hand on top of his head as we sat down as a sign of affection. I learned that I do some random things to show affection. Resting my hand on top of his head was one of the random things.

"What do you think about watching SpongeBob?" I asked as I grabbed the TV remote.

"It'd be much appreciated if you do put it on the TV." He answered as he ate his ice cream.

I nodded as I chose the hash slinging slasher episode. (I hope that's what the name for the ghost story was).

Maddie's POV

I will admit... I took pictures of Y/N and knuckles watching a movie in her room.. and in the kitchen.. and in the Living room.

I've been waiting for them to get together for a while now and they're just so cute for each other!

But that also means I can't tease Y/N with their feelings anymore.

I'm such a proud mom!

Knuckles x F!reader (DISCONTINUED/REWRITING-ISH)Where stories live. Discover now