Chapter 6

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Your POV

As I let go of Knuckles and sniffled a bit, his gaze was soft and reassuring. He very gently and carefully held my hands for comfort. It was almost like he was scared of hurting me.

Knuckles' POV

Your POV

"Thank you... I haven't actually received much praise at all. It just.. means more when you say it I guess." I explained while struggling to keep eye contact.

"I understand. I'll make it my next mission to give you the praise you need every day." He promised. I laughed a bit at his statement.

I don't think he'll be able to do that every day.

"Do you want help decorating your side of the room?" I offered. He nodded and helped me stand up. I walked to his side and I was actually pretty impressed. He still had a few bags left though. So far he had a few shelves for the things he collected (a lot being rocks), two small couch chairs in a corner with a bean bag, a rug shaped like grapes in the middle of the floor, and a punching bag already set up next to his bed.

"Are you sure that thing won't be destroyed after one hit?" I asked, pointing at the punching bag.

"I'll only be using it to practice how I'm throwing punches, not actual combat." He explained.


We finished decorating and his room was really cozy looking. It wasn't over the top but it also wasn't bland.

"Alright... Well, I'm tired. Gonna take a nap." I said as I walked to my side of the room. The echidna tensed a bit and I remembered his self reminder not to wake me up and chuckled under my breath. I laid down in my Canopy bed, mesmerized by the color of the silk curtains it had. I let my brain run freely before I eventually passed out.


Knuckles' POV

"Hey, do you mind making up Y/N? It's dinner time and I don't need to deal with a hungry Y/N." Maddie asked me. I nodded and tried to keep my composure but I feared what Y/N would do when I woke them. Would they hurt me? She got revenge on Sonic because he's like her brother, but would they hit me?

I slowly walked to her bed. I softly moved some of the hair (or blanket if you have super short hair) out of her face.

She looks so peaceful

"Y/N, you're needed by Maddie." I told her as I gently shook her shoulder. No reaction, just snoring.

"Wake up, you're needed!" I raised my voice a bit. Still nothing.


"Wake up, Y/N!" I shook her shoulder.

"Y/N, wake up!.. I don't like this!!" I began to panic. ( If you get the reference, ily)

I heard her groan as she stirred. He face turned to a frown as she opened her eyes. If looks could kill, I'd be six feet under.

"What..?" She asked, anger laced in her voice.

"..Uh- Maddie said it's time for dinner." I stammered. But when she heard my voice and seemed to see clearer, her expression softened.

"Oh.. ok. I'll be down in a sec. Just a bit disoriented from my nap.' they explained as they stretched their arms over their head. I nodded in understanding and quickly made my way out of the room and towards the kitchen.

When the hedgehog saw me unscathed, he had a face of shock. His mouth was wide open and his eyes were wide.

"Close your mouth before you start catching flies." I told him. He sent me a glare as I sat down. 

I heard familiar footsteps and turned my head to see Y/N. She was still sleepy but for some reason, she still looked beautiful. Maybe even prettier, if that was possible. I tried to keep my thoughts under control but when someone you think is pretty sits next to you, it's hard not to admire their beauty. Like they're an exotic flower that you've never seen before and you're the bee entranced by its vibrant colors.

Your POV

I noticed Knuckles glancing at me every once in a while. It was adorable to see him get flustered and quickly look away or try to make it seem like he was doing something else when I caught him.

He's so precious, almost too precious for his own good. I didn't attack him like I'd do with Sonic when he wakes me up because I know he only means well. He's just easier to trust for some reason. Maybe it's because he's super honest or maybe that he never tried to hurt me on purpose.

Even with the whole emerald goose chase, he never wanted to hurt me. He even made sure there was a safe distance from us when he'd attack Sonic.

He has some sort of charm that I absolutely adore...

Knuckles x F!reader (DISCONTINUED/REWRITING-ISH)Where stories live. Discover now