Chapter 1

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As I've said before: I am not gonna write the whole damn movie and just go right into afterwards.
You did assist Sonic during the Movie so it might be mentioned throughout the story.
You have an injury in your right knee because of the avalanche.

Your POV
I limped towards the truck as Knuckles barely got into the back. We are getting ice cream because he hit the ball we were using so hard it put a whole in the sign outside of the field.

"What do you think you're doing?" Sonic interrogated me as he walked to my side.

"Barely walking to the truck..?" I said with a little hint of sass in my tone. He rolled his eyes before responding.

"You're not supposed to be walking so much!" He said before picking me up, holding me over his head, and RUNNING INTO THE BACK OF THE TRUCK.

"Dude, I was fine!" I yelled as he set me down.

"You'd be taking YEARS to get here!" He exaggerated.

"You're so stupid..." I mumbled.

"You were walking a bit slow though." Tails said quietly from where he sat.

"You expected me to be able to speed walk with a messed up knee?"

"She has a point. She is injured so how could she be able to walk normally?" Knuckles backed me up.
Sonic quickly grabbed the cooler with the   master emerald because his dumb ass nearly forgot it.

"Alright you guys, no throwing anyone off the truck while we're driving." Maddie warned us before closing the passenger door. Tom started the car and we began the drive to ice cream.

The sun was burning me through my shirt but thanks to the breeze I wasn't burning alive.

"What flavor are you getting?" Sonic asked me.

"Probably (Favorite flavor ice cream)." I replied while not making eye contact.

"You're so boring!" He said while rolling his eyes.

"Tryna start a fight, spiky?" I threatened playfully.

"Like you'd ever win!" He spat back.

We both stared at each other intensely.

"Is she going to explode the hedgehog's brain?" Knuckles asked Tails. Tails shrugged in response as he watched as well.

I quickly flicked Sonic's nose and then pushed his face away before leaning back in my seat.

"No fair!" He yelled while he held his nose. I stuck my tongue out at him and quietly chuckled at him.


"Alright, get out you guys. We're here." Tom said as he hopped out of the truck, slamming his door.

The boys were able to get out easily but my knee still hurt and I was struggling to just stand right. Before Knuckles jumped out, he remembered my struggle and grabbed my hand to help me walk over. When I was next to him, he jumped out after letting go of my hand. He held his arms up so I could grab them and gently get down.

"Yay chivalry isn't dead!" Maddie cheered from the entrance of the ice cream store. I blushed a bit as I limped over to her. Or... At least tried to. Knuckles held my hand to give me support so I could walk faster.


Maddie had grabbed her phone and not very sneakily took a picture before giving me a mischievous smile.

I huffed as I was still being assisted into the shop.

The cashier looked at us and sighed. He was kinda too tired and mentally drained to really care about the three short furries.

"Y/N, what flavor did you want?" Tom asked me kindly, already knowing I want to avoid socializing at all costs.

"(Favorite flavor ice cream) please." I answered.

"What about you, Knuckles?" Tom asked as he looked down at him.

"What's the closest thing to grape?"

"Uhm... Probably cherry?" Tom replied after 2 seconds of thinking.

"I'll have cherry then." Knuckles said before looking around the shop.

"Alright, you two go find a table while we order the ice creams." Tom said before turning away to join the group who was already ordering their ice creams. We both nodded in response.

"That table over there looks big enough." I said as I pointed to a large booth. The echidna nodded is response as he helped me to the table. He let me get into the booth first before sitting next to me.

I honestly thought he'd want to sit on the other side but I guess he might like being around me or didn't mind being around me. It's sad that that comforts me.

"Alright, who ordered the lame ice cream and who ordered the cherry?" Sonic asked as he held three ice cream cones.

"Excuse me for having taste." I said as he headed me my ice cream that was topped with peanuts/sprinkles.

"Yeah, if you're someone who loves under a rock."

"Patrick Starfish lives under a rock but even he knows the Chumbucket is a terrible restaurant compared to the Kristy Krab." I replied before eating some of my ice cream.

"Are you saying my ice cream is the Chumbucket and YOURS is the Krusty Krab?" He asked.
(I don't own SpongeBob)

"So you DO have a brain!" I reply sarcastically.

"Rude! My mint chocolate chip ice cream is the best and you know it!" He said, not actually angry but he acted like it.

"It's a good flavor, just not the best."

"You need a third party if you really want to settle it." Tails suggested.

"You're absolutely right. Knuckles wanna try some of my ice cream?" I asked the echidna who was just watching this for down with Tom and Maddie.

"Why does it have to be me?" He asked.

"Because you're very honest and Tail might have a bias towards Sonic." I answered.

He sighed before responding. "Fine.."

"Here." I said, titling my ice cream toward him but not too close to him.

He licked it and had a slightly impressed look on his face.

"Now mine." Sonic said before repeating what I did but using a spoon from the cartridge on the table. Knuckles ate it and looked pleased by the flavor but not that intrigued by it.

"Y/N's is better." He said and then went to eating his own ice cream.

"Ha!" I laughed, pointing a finger at Sonic. He slightly jumped towards my finger, pretending to try to bit it before I pulled it back.

I locked my ice cream cone and was slightly surprised to get a small hint of cherry with it.

Wait... Knuckles licked my ice cream...


My face heated up a bit but I quickly hid it as I continued to eat my ice cream.

Everyone was pretty peaceful and talking until I saw something horrendous.

Tails. bit. his. ice cream.

And then flinched and held his mouth immediately after.

"Dude... You just committed a sin." I told him. He looked at me with wide eyes as he was still struggling with the tooth pain he was feeling.

"I was just kidding! But never bite your ice cream around me again." I said and began to eat my cone since I finished my ice cream. The small fox lightly giggled at me before continuing to finish his ice cream.

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