Chapter 4

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⚠️Warning⚠️: mentions of no-no square a$$ salt

Your POV

When we parked, I internally screamed.

fAWking✨ IKEA

I could feel Sonic's worried eyes burn into the back of my skull as I stared at the large logo on the building.


(same ^)

"Alright. Stick together, guys." Tom reminded us as he opened the trunk door.

Usually the boys will strand off in stores and ignore the whole sticking together thing but part of me thinks they might actually stick together. Especially considering what Maddie told me..

Tom found an empty cart in the parking lot and checked it before grabbing it. I HELD ONTO THE CART FOR DEAR LIFE. Walking was much easier now that I was holding into the cart. No clueless or aimless walking as I try to guess where we'll go next, just holding on like I'd die if I let go.

"Alright, beds first, Tails' decorations, and then Knuckles' decorations." Tom said as he headed off to where I guessed the bed frames and mattresses were displayed.

As we were walking, I felt an unfamiliar pair of eyes glance at me. I felt on edge and tensed a bit. I heard a low huff from next to me. I looked behind me to see Knuckles giving a man a death glare.

Holy shit they really are on edge.

I felt slightly flattered that they were this protective. When we finally made it to the bed frames, Tails found his, followed by Knuckles'. Tom grabbed the boxes that contained their mattresses that I assumed were vacuum sealed since they were small.

We began walking towards the room decor area to find many things. Tails found a lot of it interesting and put many items in the cart while Knuckles didn't pay much attention to anything but grabbed a few things. It seemed like his mind was elsewhere.

Knuckles POV

I felt irritated and tense as I kept a look out. When Maddie informed me of the terrible news and what assault was, I felt extremely enraged.

Y/N doesn't deserve to go through that...

I was even more on edge when that sketchy man looked at Y/N with a certain glint in his eye that only meant bad things. The fox had even caught the man staring at her and held up a gadget while making eye contact with the man, pointing it towards him, and imitating an explosion with his hands. Meanwhile Sonic kept his eyes focused mainly on Y/N to make sure she was still ok.

It was satisfying to see the man's face pale in fear before rushing off to another area.

Your POV

When we finally finished, I was relieved to finally be able to get home. I don't like being in crowded places and wish to never come back to IKEA.

We had trouble finding the entrance again but found it eventually. I honestly think we found it very fast for people who came here for the first and probably last time.

I had felt instances where I felt like people looked at me but they would go away quickly. I'd notice the boys, especially Knuckles, would give people death glares if they looked at me the wrong way.

We put the boxes for the frames and beds in the trunk where they fit nicely and still left room, while Maddie and Tom took the other bags to sit in the front of the truck.

I was assisted into the back again, next to Knuckles and I felt safer than before. It's strange but I guess when someone gives a bunch of people a death glare for looking at you wrong, you feel safe around them.

As the truck drove off, I was just watching the trees or road pass until I felt a weight on top of my hand and something rubbing circles on the knuckle of my thumb. I turned my head and looked down to see Knuckles' hand on top of mine.

He's trying to comfort me.

I smiled softly to myself before turning my head back to look at the trees. I felt heat radiate softly on my face as I smiled. Knuckles' grasp on my hand seemed to relax when I didn't put him off.

Luckily, Sonic was busy joking with Tails so he wouldn't mock us or give Knuckles a dirty look like the protective hedgehog he was.


We finally got back home and as I was sliding gently off the trunk, Sonic whispered something to me.

"I forbid you to marry until you're 40." And then he jumped off the truck, quickly taking the bags from the truck and bringing them inside.


✨ ʷᵉᵉⁿᵉʳ ✨

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