Chapter 3

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⚠️Warning⚠️: small mention of s3xu@1 a$$au1t

Your POV

"WAKE UP, BEE-ATCH!!" My 'brother' yelled as he jumped on my bed and hit me in the head with a pillow.

"10 seconds.." I mumbled, a very obvious hint of irritation in my tone. I could tell the hedgehog was terrified because this tone was very familiar to him. This was the tone he called 'hide before I beat your ass'.

I counted down mentally as Sonic ran out of my room to hide. I could hear his rapid foot steps dash towards the kitchen area. I groggily sat up, rubbed my eyes and sighed before standing. I stretched my limbs, being careful with the injured knee, and grabbed the foam battering ram from under my bed. It had dents and small patches from getting poked by a certain dumbass' quills.

Time to kill a bitch.

When I got into the kitchen, tails noticed me as I was very quietly side stepping on my toes around the kitchen. He noticed my weapon of choice and pointed at the cabinet below the sink, giving me the look of 'please bless me with your mercy'. I gave him a small smile before he slowly walked towards the living room.

I bent down (sorta) in front of the cabinet, held my battering ram firmly in my dominant hand, and then swung open the cabinet door. I quickly grabbed Sonic before he could run away and hit him over the head with my lovely weapon.

"OUCH!" He yelled as he fell to the floor.

"Karma!!" I yelled and hit him with the ram in the back. I felt satisfied with my work as I walked/limped off to my room. I heard a small huff as I left the kitchen.

"Why did you just hit the hedgehog with a foam ram?" I heard a familiar deep voice ask from behind me.

"He woke me up. What's worse was that he jumped on my bed. And the absolutely most terrible thing he did was hit me in the head with a pillow. This was a minor punishment for his actions." I explained, a small tint of vengeance in my voice. Sleep is precious and I didn't fight for hours to finally sleep and then be woken up so rudely.

"Ah... I'll remember not to wake you up when I move into your room.." Knuckles said quietly, but loud enough for me to hear him. I let out a small laugh at his statement and made it back to my room.

I picked out my clothes (it can be whatever you want it to be. I like making my y/n wear Gothic style clothing because I don't have the money to irl) and set my outfit on my bed before grabbing my body and hair towel, heading for the bathroom. I unwrapped the brace and bandage on my knee before starting the water.

I did my best to quickly shower, but due to the fact that I was still tired and the warm water was very comfortable, I spent 10 minutes washing my hair and body and 20 minutes just standing in the water.

When I finally finished, I checked that the hall was empty before booking it to my room, tightly holding my towel so that it wouldn't drop from my body. I changed as quickly as possible after drying off.

(Is it just me or does getting your clothes soaked from a shower or anything before wearing make you REALLY uncomfortable and want to claw your skin off?)

I limped to the dining table as Maddie and Tom were setting down plates of breakfast. When I took my seat, I was given chocolate chip pancakes with bacon. (Make it something else if your vegan/vegetarian or don't like bacon)

I started eating after everyone was served. You're still not any better than you were at the orphanage, are you?
I shrugged off the intrusive thought as I ate. No one else here waited to eat while food was being served but I still did.

When I finished my breakfast I immediately washed my dish and utensil before sitting back down.

"Okay, we're going to be out for most of the day. We're looking for decorations, beds, and large curtains." Tom informed everyone. I cringed at the thought of being out til sundown.

"Why curtains?" Sonic asked with a mouth full of pancake.

"To split the rooms in half for you guys' privacy." Tom answered. I sighed internally, relieved to not have to ask myself and sound like a jerk.

"So, while we're out, you guys need to stick next to us at all times and bit stray off. We need you to be safe." Maddie added. We all nodded but the boys had a more determined look in their face.

Probably because they dealt with enough of being taken and held hostage.

"Oh- y/n I need to talk to you privately." Maddie said.

"Alright." I stood up and followed her into a further hall.

"What's up?" I asked, a bit concerned.

"There's been more.. cases of assault recently, mainly targeting young girls. I told the boys about it and they seem way more on edge. I just need you to know so you aren't oblivious to this." Maddie explained quickly. My eyes widened a bit and a small hint of anxiety stung my heart.

"Oh... I'll try to stay close to you guys." I said, trying not to seem upset or scared but it was easy to tell I was anxious.

"Want a hug?" Maddie offered, opening her arms. I nodded and gave into her warm embrace. My heart rate calmed down and I let out a heavy breath before letting go.

"Alright, let's head to the truck now, they're probably waiting for us." Maddie said with a smile. I followed her to the truck where they were indeed waiting for us.

As I limped to get into the trunk area of the truck, Tails and Sonic held out their hands for me so I could get up easier. I gave both a gentle smile after climbing up and taking a seat next to Knuckles.

The door of the trunk closed and locked in place. Maddie got into the passenger side of the car as we were finally on the road.

We better not be going to an Ikea because I will definitely get lost if we do..

Y'all, Imma need you to request for another chapter or something because that's the main reason I even decided to start writing today 😂

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