Chapter 9

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I was going to ask Sonic for his advice and judgement today. I know he's not the brightest person but he's the only one I can really trust besides Tails.

I knocked on the attic door before quick footsteps opened it.

"Oh, hey! Come in!" Sonic greeted. An open comic book was left on his bed as his room was decorated with mess.

"I've come seeking for advice." I told him as he jumped into his bed.

"You're so formal! Just go ahead and ask!" He groaned loudly as he sunk into his mattress.

"I need love advice..." I said lowly as I avoided eye contact.

"..with my sister?" He added on. My eyes widened a bit but I nodded.

"Listen, I'm pretty sure she's into you. If you want me to look into it, the most I can do is see if there's any clues in her art book... She doesn't really use a journal unless she needs to vent." He explained. "And if you wanna tell her, just go for it. She doesn't like things to be too over exaggerated. Maybe get her some flowers or her favorite snack in bulk!" He suggested.

"Thank you. And... You won't tell her about our conversation?" I asked.

"Knuckles, I won't tell a soul.." Sonic said while raising his right hand. I nodded before leaving the room.

I began walking to Tom's direction to ask for assistance in going to the store.

Sonic's POV

Well thank the lords that I had my fingers crossed behind my back..

I began running to Y/N's room where she's probably reading or drawing or sleeping.

I burst through her door and saw her sitting on her bed talking to her stuffed animals as if it were a council meeting.

"Y/N! Y/N, Y/N, Y/N, Y/N!!!" I yelled as I jumped on her bed.

"What!?" She yelled, irritated that I messed up the formations of her stuffed animals.

"I got a secret to tell you!" I yelled. Thankfully, Knuckles was at the store right now.

"Ooh! Do tell!" She said, raising a brow.

"I know someone who likes you~!" I said in a singy voice.

"Really!? Wait.. I'm likeable?" She replied, giving me a confused look.

"Yup! And I bet you'll never guess who it is!" I said while crossed my arms.

"Can I have a hint?" She asked.

"Red." Her posture immediately tenses and her eyes went wide.

"Uhm.. is.. Is it Knuckles?" She asked with a slightly shaky voice. I nodded in response and her jaw dropped.

"Do you like him too?" I teased.

"Uhm- well, what does liking someone really mean, ya know? It's just soooo weird!" She said, trying to avoid the question.

"You're allowed to lunch the air and run around." She immediately starting punching her pillow and then screamed into it, her face hot as she held a smile.

"Wait, are you pranking me?" She asked as she sat up right.

"Nope! He just told me that he likes- no..  loves you." I answered. If her smile could get any bigger, it would.

"Well, my work is done. Imma read comics now." I said before retreating to my room.

Your POV

My heart was racing so fast and my face felt like it was on fire.

Oh my goodness, someone actually loves me romantically!!

I began freaking out again and grabbed a stuffed animal to scream into.


I picked out a bouquet of (favorite flowers) and grabbed a pack of (favorite snack) for Y/N. After paying with the money I had earned from doing chores, we started to head back home.

I immediately started feeling nervous. My heart was racing and my hands were shaking a bit. It was a bit harder to breath too.

"Hey, I'm sure she shares the same feelings. And nervousness is natural. You'll do great." Tom assured me as he drove.

"How'd you confess your feelings to Maddie?" I asked him.

"Well, I remember that I was a nervous trainwreck. My hands and legs were shaky- I was sweating! I got her a gift though. But before I could even give it to her, she confessed first! It was hilarious. That's just when I knew she was the perfect person for me." Tom explained. His story sounded so kind and refreshing. Love movies really do confuse you into thinking you should be confident but Tom's story helped me.

"Alright... Thank you. I just hope she'll at least accept the gifts."

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