Chapter 2

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Your POV

When we arrived home, I was still being helped to walk around. I walked to the living room and removed the blankets Tails and Knuckles were using from the couch so I could sit down.

I tried reaching for the TV remote but Tom and Maddie stopped me when they stood in front of the TV across from me, Knuckles, Tails, and Sonic. I was a bit confused until they started talking.

"We've been saving some money and we wanted to tell you that we have enough to buy beds and maybe some decorations for Knuckles and Tails." Maddie announced with a smile. Tails immediately got very excited and his tails swished gently.

"But, we don't have a lot of rooms. So... Y/N, Sonic, we need you to share your rooms." Tom added. I sighed gently. The memories of the orphanage, sharing rooms, returned to me. But maybe it wouldn't be so bad this time? I mean, I'm not sharing my room with a crap ton of girls. Just one person.

"Alright, but will I still have personal space? I kinda like having it compared to how it was before..." I asked, not trying to sound rude at all.

"Of course! We're gonna map out where everything in the rooms with go with tape so you have your part and they'll have theirs." Maddie answered while patting my shoulder. I talked to her the most so she knows my problems with personal space and privacy.

"So, Knuckles, Tails, who do you wanna room with?" Tom asked the two.

"Can I share with Sonic?" Tails asked with a small spark of joy clearly shining is his eyes. Tom looked to Sonic and the hedgehog nodded happily.

"I'll be sharing with Y/N." Knuckles said.
Shit, I didn't think this through-
Maybe I'll install a nice curtain for privacy?

"Alright, now that that's figured out, why don't you two come with us to browse stores online so we know what we're looking for tomorrow." Tom said as he began walking to another room. The echidna and fox hooped off the couch following him.

"Imma get started making dinner." Maddie said. She wiggled her eyebrows at me in a teasing way before going to the kitchen.

"Y/N has a cruuuush~!" Sonic teased. I flicked his nose in annoyance when he dared to skoot close to me just to sing loudly in my ear.

"Shuddup, I don't have a crush on anyone." I said, irritated, as I grabbed the TV remote and put (the good) SpongeBob.

"Ugh! You're such a little kid!" Sonic scoffed as I smiled at the familiar cartoon.

"Says the one who's younger than me." I snapped back.

"Shut up!!" He yelled jokingly.

"Oh, dear baby brother, do you need me to grab the goldfish for you since they're just too high up to reach?" I teased him. He gave me an angry stare that meant nothing because this was a common argument we had.

"... maybe.." he grumbled.

"Stupid." I laughed quietly. We continued to watch the cartoon for a while before Tom came back. Knuckles sat next to me as he turned into the show we were watching. Tails sat next to  Sonic as he watched the TV too.

"What is this?" Knuckles asked.

"It's a type of entertainment. The TV shows recordings and animations on it that were made by other people and are streamed on the internet for us to watch when we're bored and stuff. It's also used to convince you to buy stuff." I explained shortly.

"And what is this recording about?" He asked, slightly understanding but still figuring it out.

"A Sponge that makes a good called the Krabby Patty and his friends doing random stuff." I explained again. He hummed in response as he continued watching. We were watching the episode about the rotten Krabby patty that SpongeBob fell in love with.

"Hey, Y/N! It's you!" Sonic joked as he pointed at the ugly patty.

"That's not Y/N, she's human and much prettier than that thing." Knuckles defended immediately. I laughed lightly at his efforts while Sonic tried to explain the joke before he was turned into mushed hedgehog.

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