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Your POV

I woke up surprisingly early. Why you may ask? Because it's Christmas and I want my boyfriend to open the gift I got him ASAP.

I walk over to his side if the room and climb the ladder up to his bed. I prod at his shoulder.

"Waaaaaake uuuuuup!" I whisper yell. I can hear him slightly groan before just turning.

How rude...

Extreme problems call for extreme solutions! I stand up slightly and let myself safely free fall onto of him. He let's out a cough of surprise as he quickly wakes up.

"Love, why are you awake so early?" He asks, morning voice making me swoo  for him.

"It's Christmas and I got you a gift!" I say happily. I still haven't moved off of him.

"That's nice... and as much as I love when we cuddle, I'd appreciate it if you got off of me."

I huff as I sit up crossing my arms. He sits up and brings me close to him so that he can hold me while he collects himself as he wakes up.

"You up yet?"
"Yes... and now that I am, I need to wake up the others or else it isn't fair." He says and carries me down.

We proceed to wake very one else up by yelling and banging pots.

"OK OK, Christmas..." Maddie says as she rubs her eye from lack of sleep.

"Ok. Let's go height order. Shortest first, tallest last." Tom instructs as we sit by the tree, happily looking at all the presents.

Tails opens his presents from everyone, including Santa. He ended up getting a bunch a cool gadget thingies and a small Lego set from me.

Sonic opens his presents in the flash of an eye, literally! He ended up with some new music vynels, shoes, and PEZ candy.

Now it's Knickles turn. I can barely contain myself as he carefully opens his presents. He opens the present from Santa first, it being new gloves made just for him. Tom and Maddie's gift was a geode kit. Sonic got him a funny card. Tails got him grape candy.

He was extremely careful with my gift, knowing how excited I was for him to receive it. As he opens it, I can see the pure joy filling his eyes.

"Did you really make this?" He asks as he holds up the handmade crochet doll of him. I nod happily.

"Do you like it?" I ask, anxiety beginning to pour in.

Without verbally answering, he just hugs me tightly, answering my questions.

"Please try not to break it, I learned crochet just to make it for you and I don't wanna do it again for a while..."

He only nods as he holds me.


When opening the present he gave me, I can only feel happiness as I see that he's made me a painting of a (favorite flower).

I'm sorry that I haven't been updating thus book very much! I'm working on a chapter but I get distracted really quickly and easily and writers block.

Please be patient with me

Knuckles x F!reader (DISCONTINUED/REWRITING-ISH)Where stories live. Discover now