Chapter 8

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Your POV

I had to wait an hour before I could finally go back to sleep. I was still anxious and I had a night terror. When morning came, I felt like shit and just wanted to stay in bed all day.

My phone alarm went off, basically making it impossible to ever go through sleep.

"Fuck off..." I groaned as I dismissed it. I slowly sat up and groggily rubbed my eyes.

"Good morning, Y/N.. I'm sorry about your sleeping troubles." Knuckles greeted me as he imbed down from his bed. I smiled a bit, feeling a bit happy to be greeted by him.

"It's alright. I'll probably take a nap later today." I tried to dismiss my problem so he wouldn't worry about it. Sadly, he didn't. He walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder, gently pushing me to lay back down on the bed and then pulled the blanket over me.

"Knuckles, really, I'm fine. I can sleep later." I said but he didn't take it. He grabbed a few stuffed animals from my pile and placed the comfortably around me.

"You need to rest. You'll only get more stressed if you don't." He told me. He was acting like a strict parent, I nearly laughed. For once my eyelids started to feel heavy as he gently ran his hand through my hair to calm my anxiety.

I quickly fell into sleep.


Ever since I figured out my feelings for Y/N, I've decided to devote myself to making sure they're ok. I couldn't really comfort them at night because it would've stressed them out even more and I didn't want them to hate me or have an even worse night.

So I decided to give them a better day to distract from the terrible night.

When they finally fell asleep, I felt accomplished. I watched as their chest would rise and then fall from their snoring. And that sometimes they would twitch or giggle in their sleep. To me, it was absolutely adorable.

For some reason, I'm assuming now that I've come to terms with my feelings, everything they do is 10 times more admirable or noticable to me. Even their voice is hypnotic to me.

Just their existence is all that I need to make me happy.

I should wait here incase they wake up. They might have another night terror.

I sat on the floor in front of the bed and waited. The snoring that filled the room calmed me. If it was loud or quiet, I wouldn't care because, either way it was a strange melody that let me know Y/N was getting the rest they needed.


I heard footsteps approach the door and identified them as Maddie's. She opened the door and noticed the bundle of blanket and plushy Y/N was covered in while I sat by them like a guard dog.

"Is she ok?" Maddie whispered.

"She didn't sleep very well last night... They had night terrors and couldn't sleep after a while. I suggest we allow them to sleep for a while now." I answered. She gave me a smile and turned around, closing the door. I could hear her giggle from outside as she walked towards the kitchen.


Your POV

I woke up after what I assumed could have been 3 hours. I sat up, stretching my arms over my head and yawning. I rubbed my eyes to adjust to the day light. I would've forgotten how I went to sleep if it weren't for a red figure sitting on the floor next to my bed.

"Hey, Knuckles. Thanks for letting me sleep." I said as I bent down a bit on my bed so I could see him better.

"It was no issue. If you ever need any sleeping assistance, please come to me." He replied before standing up. I got off the bed and stood up. Finally, my knee didn't hurt at all. Maybe it fully healed?

"I think I'm gonna take the knee brace off now. I feel like I healed." I said as I bent down to take off the uncomfortable brace. When it was finally off, my leg felt a bit more limber or flexible. I tried to take a step forward but accidentally tripped.

I thought I would fall flat on my face until I felt a strong grip on my waist.

"I think you may need some assistance walking.." Knuckles said as he helped me stand up. I nodded, my face heating up from embarrassment.

He began helping my walk out of my room and towards the kitchen so we could get breakfast.

"Good morning, love bugs!" Maddie greeted us from the living room couch. If I were drinking something, I would be coughing and choking while laying on the floor.

We began to walk faster away while avoiding eye contact with each other.

Crap... I have feelings for Knuckles....

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