Bella's New life

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I do not own any of these chareters. some of this is in new moon.



Its been 6 months since He left and 1 month then Jacob stopped talking to me. I was alone. Vvery alone. I decided to go to our medow. It was the only place the keped me from losing Him. I looked a cross the medow,  wasn't alone as i thought, it took a moment to realise who it was.

">aurent!" L cried in surprised pleasure.

"Bella?" he asked, he look more astonished than I felt. 

"I thought you goneto alaska?" He stopped 10 paces away, cocking his head to the side. His face was the most beautiful thing Ii'd seen in almost 7 months.

"Your right" he agreed "i did go to Alaska, still, I didn't expect......when I found the cullen place abandoned and empty, thought they moved on".

"Oh" Ii bit my lip as the name set the raw edges of of my wounds throbbing. Laurent waited with curious eyes. 

"They did move on" I finally managed to say.

"Hmm" he muttered."I'm suprises they left you behind. Wern't you some sort of pet of theres?"

"Somethingk like that."i said taking a step back, his eyes flickered down to the movment.

"Do they vist often?" he asked casualy, but taking a step by step towards me.

"Now and again" I lied my voice shaking slightly.

"Humm" he said again "the house smellt like no one lived in in a couple of months........."

I wanted to run and hide but some how I stayed tranfixed in the spot I was standing in.

"Did Victoria ever find you?"I asked, I didn't like the where the topic the coversation was going.

That question seemed to halt hm in his tracks. It took him a moment to answer.

"Yes" he said hesitating on the step he was taking." I came here as a favor for her. But she won't be happy about this" he said frowning.

"About  what?"i said but I had an idea about it and not a plesant one.

"About me killing you" he said.

"ME" I almost yelled, I felt my face go paler. I was sure he saw that so he steped forward and grabbed my shirt and pulled me to him so that his lips were almost to my neck.

"It's better than what she has planned for you"he said and with that his teeth piested my neck. I let out a scream of pain. Then a few moment later I was dropped faced down to the floor. The blackness was threatening to over come me but I held on, wanting to know why I was dropped on the floor.

Bbut that answer came soon enough. Growls ecoed from behind me but I couldn't turn because the fire was working its way through my body. I let out some small screams but no one took notice. Then the blackness took over.

Bella's New lifeWhere stories live. Discover now