Chapter 16

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tonight is the night i become the official queen an i have greeted almost every one, i walked around the castle , evey one to saw me bowed slight, then some one shouted,i turned to see jane.

"Bellatrix, you need to get ready for tonight" jane said

"What , we need 4 hours to get ready?"i asked looking at my watch.

"Yes, you new your dress made, make up on, hair done." Jane said imapaitinly tugging on my cloths

"OK ok im coming"i said running to my room with jane. Esme and Alice were there, i was a litle kinder to them beause they didn't whant to leave when they left, but i was a little more hostile with emmet, jasper, rosalie,carlisle and especily with Edward.

"Ok whats first?" i said putting my hands on my hips

"Well  we thoght we should start with the dess, then hair then make up" Alice said pulling me on to a small cerciler stage,

XXX2 hours laterXXXX

"Done" Alice and esme stepped away from me to get a good view on my new dress.I was long, it had a black and leather corset which ties at the back and the bottem flows down toy the floor.

"Wow its lovely, thank you" i said looking in the mirror

"Ok now for make up"Alice sad dragging me ino a seat and started

XXXXX10 minuetsXXXXX

"Ok now for you hair" Alice said moving from my face to my head.

"What are you going to do to me now?"i asked in a fearful mockng voice.

"Well you ugoing to have it down but were going to straten it so it frames you face, so theres nothing to fear"

"Oh good"i said waiting for this to end to come.

XXXX10 minuetsXXXX

 "Are you done now, im board"i complaned . as alice steped way and amirring her work

"Yes" i stood up, alice and esme left to take their seats, i sighed and left at human pace, Aro was waiting out side the door, he smiled when  i came in to view,

"Well bellatrix, you look beautiful, come on eveyone is waiting" he took my hand and lead me through the door, soon we enter the throne room, there was my throne next to aro's, evey one stood up. i walked down the center, i saw the cullens in the front row, i sat down, i repeated what i was supost to say, a crown was gently put on to my head, evey one cheered, i looked forwad to my new life, i smiled.

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