Chapter 22

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i gave Aro a 20 second head start, no one could out run me. not even Edward cullen. they were all very scared, Jasper espesily. there was scilence in the room no one breathed, moved or even blink. 20 seconds were up. in a flash i was out the cily  and in to th forest following Aro sent. i pounsed. and landed on Aros back, i crushed him to the ground. i won't kill him yet but i will make him pay. i set janes power on him. for 20 minuets i watched him writher and screaming in pain. all i did was circirle him with a fixed face. i releasted him. Aro couldn't be bothered to get up. The rest of the volturi flashed in to the little clearing. i put up my shields, they bounced off them and crumpled to the floor. i had added a shocking gift to one of them so when they went in to it they got a painful surprise.

"bellatrix please i didn't know there were that meny" Aro pleaded. "but you know he couldn't handle more than 2 new borns one his own without his gift, he was not that good of fighter. i was just starting teaching him the more advanced stuff before you basicly killed him" Aro bent his head in shame. that was new, he never did that. "im sorry" aros voice was bearly a wisper. "You sorry can't return him from ash, can it? " my voice was becoming like marcuses, dead but angry with hate. "you luck i won't kill you, not meny would have survived the first 10 minuets in my anger" i said in an  danerouly carm tone. Aro knew perfectly well that the people im pissed with don't uasily live to see next day. but mosly i was uasliy carm with them.

well were done with the talking.i picked Aro up my the shoulder like he weighed nothing and threw him futher in to the forest. you could hear all the trees that fell fom the impact from Aro's back. it was some how satisifing to hear him crash through them then on to the ground. i jumped high and landed next to him. with one of my gifts i planted images in his head:  his mate in the burning fire, turning to ash in front of him while he was there helpless. he watched as she was torn appart by a faceless vampire ( i did't want to blame a vampire if he existed). he watched as she walked freely in to flames with a smile. i placed meny more.

while i was plaing this in his head he was sobbing as he watch his wife die in meny ways. Edward had pain on his face as he saw what was in his mind. i put a shield over him so he didn't witness this. only aro should, after all it is if wife. Edward relaxed but still had the painted exspression on his face.  " no only did you basicly my mate you killed some one elses" for the first time fear filled his face. i had keeped his secret for a long time now. i had used his gift in him with out him knowing.

"no please don't" he begged. i turned to marcus. "how else did didyme die" sclience filled the woods. "im sorry marcus, he killed her beacuse she got in the way. distacing you from you duties. he scrifed his sister to keep you here because of you gift. He even forced chelsea to bind you to the volutri to stop you commiing suicide. Aro even covered it up and placed up a false searches which came to nothing." Aro tryed to move but failed since i had frozen him. Marcus had his face in his hands. i walked up to him a put a hand on his shoulder. he removed his hands. like mine his eye were black with anger and hate but with also with betrayal. i let him in my shield as soon as he steppedforwards towards aro. i was not the only one wanting him dead.

"See what you caused aro. evenurly you get found out. no secret is safe in voltuerra. in the end there just no point." i said as i let Aro stand up and back away from us. Marcus was in the lead.   my grife was small to marcuse's fully grown one he had for centuries. Aros back hit the end. there was no plce on earth for him to live on. Marcus can to the honurs if he likes, i had alreadly did mine.

"And this is how it ends, your lucky Aro. i will spear little chelsea, since she had no choice in the matter with all your blackmail." i stopped two meters away. Marucs was going to fight Aro. i would sit and wtch like every body else. they will watch, to witness what had happened between the kings and queen. i froz them behind me. "You will witness the curption with in the volturi, to know what happend between us. You shall not forget, and we shall not forgive what had happened" i called to every one. only their eyes moved and blinked but no more than that. i turned to fight that began.

i took away Aro gift. it wasn't fair but i didn't really care. After a couple of hours i finaly intersepted. it was just getting long and i wanted things done quickly. i easlily fosed aro on to his knees. "Marcus would you do the honours. i know you would after centuries of grife and anger" i held his shounder  while marcus graped his head and began to pull. after a couple more secons his head gave ways and his body crumpled to the ground. "would you like me to..." i railed off and created a ball of fire in my hand. he nodded. i thrust the fire on to Aro. he caought fire easily, soon he was nothing but ash. i releasted everyone and walked away with Marcus following behind me. he need time to hnk before acting. he wanted to die.

"i know what your thinking marcus, it your choice. we can settle things down before you act, we need to sort out problems before you do" Marcus was thinking of killing him self again. he hadn't throught like his since didyme died. i would honistly want to die, but that would distory the vampire world, they loved me, beause i was not like aro. i give second chances to thoes who need them, they like me for that. i would even attend partys and be friendly with covens of big and small. i didn't matter to me. "Im free bellatrix, after she died i was never.Thank you" Marcus pulled me into a hug befor dissapering off into the castle. even i had things to settle before Macus dies. 

He wanted to die, i would help him in any way possible, but i would leave me and caius to rule the vampire world. we needed in least one more standing next to us.some one with more exsprierance them me, older. Carlisle.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter,  Sorry, i know its short but this is the best place i could stop.

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. Please can you say wether or not that Carlsile should be king next to bella and caius, i would like if you you said.

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