Chapter 17

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sorry guys if you thought it was the end, i just needed a break, but heres the next chapter to make you happy.



i watch as bella walked with aro to her throne,i mential screamed at my self, she was ok with esme and alice but not with the rest of us,i knew why.... she still didn't trust us, i watched as she got to her throne, she looked around, she repeated what aro said then a beautiful crown was placed on her head, very one cheered and stood up we joined in, she smiled.



The bed room door swung open, i smiled it was there person i missed and wanted the most, Jackson, he was my mate, i met him when i had to sort out some bad newborn problem, he was like my little angel. i ran into his arms. he smiled,

"Miss me queeny?" i nodded, he was funny, he wan't like edward, he had promisted not to abandon or leave me untill i order him away but thats not going to happen, i kissed his cheek,

"Well i have something to ask you" he put me gently on the bed and nelt down on one knee,

"Will you bellatrix swan, like to marry me and become my wife" he pulled out a red box, it opened to revile a beautiful red dimond on . i was about to answer when a voice came from behind the door,

"Come on bellatrix we'r bursting out here" came Alecs excited voice, i laughted and so did jackson,

"Yes" he smiled and sliped the ring on my finger, the door burst open, Aro, Marcus, Caius, Alec, Jane, Felix and Demitri came in with grins on their faces,

"Well lets see then" Jane said grabbing my left hand,

"i want one" she pouted at my new ring,

"Well you have to wait till some one askes you to marry them but in the mean time you will have to do without one, ok" i said patting her head which caused the to pout even more, everyone laughted,

"Shall we send the wedding invitations then, we had them stacked and ready" i glared at Aro.

"You knew" i asked susbliously, he noddid.

Jane draged me out the room

"Bellatrix could i please do you wedding, please"Jane begged i laughed and nodded, she squeled and gave me a bone breaking hug, and ran to get the talor, i sighed and went to my room, evey one had left ecseped jacksion i smiled and ran to him smiling.

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