Chapter 9

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Its been 26 years sine i became a member of the volturi and i was one of the most feared personin the volturi, mostly because i can absorb other gifts and im a sheild, mentaly and phyicaly(people walk in to a invisable wall or barrier. and i became a fantastic fighter so no one could realy beat me.My apperence hasn't changed much ecseped that i have gold eyes and have a few battle scars from  when i was first traning.and im untouchabul.Even Aro was a little scared of me when im pissed off but usaliy im kind to him and the others. i have also changed my name to Bellatrix, i think that is sounds cooler.

"Bellatrix " came jane's voice. we had become friends when i accidently used her gift agenst her.

"in Here"i said, jane came in frowning slightly

"Come on Aro, marcus and caius what to talk to you" jane said sounding impactint.

"Whats happing?" i asked  standing up and walking to my full lenth mirror.

"im not going to say and you look beatiful, now hurry up"

"ok ok im comming"i said leaving the room.

when we got to the lift. it was too slow so i sped it up ( a Gift that i got from a new born 2 years ago). Finally we entered the throne room. 

 "Bellatrix, me,  Marcus and Caius was wanting to talk you about some think important" Aro said smiling

"What  about?, Aro" i said

"Well, ever sine you arrived here in volturra, we knew you were special, and we could exspect great things from you and we were looking for somone to rule besids us and from you training we desided to ask you if would consider ruleing besids us and to be the first queen in history and powerfull a one" Aro said standing infont of me for my answer.

it took a moment to answer " i to" i said smiling, Aro had an ear to ear grin on his face as well as Marcus and Caius.

"Excellent, you there i would like you to move all bellatrix's belonging and move it to our floor and go and fetch our tailor,Bellatrix will need more tradisonal gowns for meeting and events and go and get a throne for bella she can start early, then to be cowned." Aro said pointing to one of the gurids.

"Dimetri go and find as meny vampires as you can and invite them, you will be crowned in to weeks, because it may take a few days to track them.

"Thank you Aro" i said leaving the room with smile on my face.

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