Chapter 23

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i paced my room for a couple of hours. maby esme as well since their a married pair as well..... a knock at my door inturpted my thoughts. "come in" my voice was now quite lifless. the door opened, marcus and caius came in.  instanly i sealded the door with my sheid so no one can get in or hear my conversation. " marcus i would like to talk about whos going to join me and caius ruleing. we can't hve two because we could easily be over throne by any rebellious vampires since im not in the right state to fight things off at the moment and becaue two woud not be stable? would you like to hear my ideas on who i think?" i said turning to face them.

"fair point bellatrix. the vampire world won't be stable with only two ruleing. who might you surgest" caius said sitting at my desk. "well for starters Carlisle because he is well trusted in the volturi. he knows whats right and wrong and knows what the justice should be for perticuler crimes. and i thought his wife esme. she can surport him if he needs it. and she can help with other stuff as well. she also knows how to treat guests with a welcoming manner."i started to pace again but slower this time. After a couple of minuets thy finaly spoke" Carlisle i agree but in not sure about esme, she'll want every rule braker free. shes too soft." caius said. "i agree with caius, esme is too soft. we can consider some one else later. so carlisles a definate if he agrees with it" marcus said bordly like always.

"Okay, i made sure tha alice can't see whats ging to happen. i'll ask him later. for now i want time to think" "oh so what you were doing the past 2 days if you were't thinking at all" caise said sarcasticly. i narrowed my eyes. Caius sencing danger left. i wasn't in a jokeing manner at the moment, no matter who it was.  i felt marus leave as i started to pace again. now how am i going to ask him.

After a couple more hours left and walked to carlisle and esmes room (since they were staying a bit the had their rooms). i knocked on the door, they probily heared me come. "come in" that was esmes voice.

 Esmes POV

some foot step came closer the the door, they stopped at our door. me and carlisle glanced at each other for a moment. a kock at the door me us look back. "come in"  it was bella. "hello esme i waswonding if i could talk to carlisle for a moment. its important" "ok" i said standing up. Carlisle snapped his book shut after memorsizing the page number. i walked out the door and closed the door. i waited out side the door. i exspected the hear the conversation but it was scilent, must be one of bellas powers. after 5 minuets the scilence go very comfatable. now i started to pace. how long is the conversation. the door openened suddenly making me jump back. i didn't get to see bellas face before she zoomed off. i darted to Carlisle side. he was frozen well not litery but he seemed deep in throught. i waved my hand in front of his face. nothing.

Slolwy he came back to the presant. he seemed to be lost for words. "what happened" i siad putting my hands on his shoulder. "she asked me if i could rule next to her and caius" i froze, soon the whole family was next to me. "what y'ah going to say" emmett asked wide eyed. "i don't know...i guess i need time to think" one by one every one left. slowly Carlisle sat down with his head in his hands. "i'll give you time to think" i planted a kiss on his cheek and left.


sorry thi chapters so short, i would have done it longer but i have lot of other storys to do. i may put this on hold for a whle, plz don't be mad but i have other things on my mind.





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