Chapter 8

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i did't stop running till it was dark. i whent all through all that i rember of my human memorys, i rembered the conversation abut the volturi...... thats i i will go to the voturi and become a guard so i can lean to fight. but then i rembered the sun.....i'll have to steal some gloves and some long sleved jumperand some other suff as well...i thought.and with that i left.

i entered italy at night to be safer. i looked around, i kne i was being watch, so i called out "i know you can see me come out i need to talk to you". i wailed for a few minuets then came a blond girl, she was as small as alice and had crimson eyes.

"yes, you wanted to talk to us"she said grumpily

"i was wondering of i could join the volturi becaus im pritty lonley at the moment and i have nothing better to do eseped wanderaround and get board" i said

" lets discus it with lord Aro then"she said turning a way and started to head towards a drain, she stopped before and said "Im jane by the way, and you are?" she asked me then jumping down the drain.

" Bella" i said grabbing the drain cover and sliding it over my head once i jumped down.

"Ok, this way Bella" she said moving along a narrow pathway. finally we entered the castel. it was a beatifull castle.we were met by a sleepy human who said "good evening jane"

jane nodded " Gianna" she continued towars a set of double doors at the back of the room.i followed then in to a lift, a few seconds later we reached the room we were soppesed to be in. we when down the corrodor with some double doors. jane and me whent in and was joined by a cheeful cry of who i think was aro.

the room was a hand full of peop,one of which was aro: he had long jet back hair and was wereing a long black robe.

"Jane you'v reurned and you brough a friend with you how lovely" he said cheefully taking her hand.

"So you wish to join the voltui miss..."he said looking at me

"Bella, you can call me bella" i mumbled

"are you gifted young bella and how old are you?"he said walking so that he was in front of me.

"i think i am gifted because Edward cullen cannot read my mind and im 3 days old" i said but shock spead across his face at the last part i said.

"3 days"he questioned even jane looked a little shocked at this.

"Yes im 3 days old" i said most people in the room looked a little shocked.

Then suddenly Aro smilied "you are very contolled for a new born, usailly  they go crazy then they wake up,but obviusly not you" he said

"as for your gift you  blocked edward cullen's mind reading,  was wondering if you are immune to my gift becase its simular to edwards, may i"he said raising his hand.

"why not" i said raising my hand. he took it eagily.After a few minuets his face turned to shock  then he composed his face to his a smile. he let go of hand.

"very intresting" he said " i wonder if you are immune to our other talents.....jane, dear?"

"Yes master" she said then she smilled sweetly at me.A few minuets later  her face changed to frustation.

"ha ha ha this is wonderful, it seemes you are immune to most of our talents."he said smiling ar me. "would you you like to join the volturi"

"yes but i would like to talk a bout my diet as well please"i said frowning slightly, he said nothing     " i was wondering if i could stick to drinking animal blood because i can't come to terms to drink human blood and i don't want to be offensive, i would with your permission to stick with he diet  i'v choosen." i was looking at him the whole time, his face turned to anger the shock, but i only lasted a seconds before disserpering.

"HA" he shouted after a long scilence, making every one jump including jane and me.

"Bella you may chooses your own life style if you wish. and i'll be happy if you stay with us in the meamtime, and you will be put in the same rank of jane and you traning will start  tomorrow" he said cheefully as ha walked back to his throne. then he added " there are foreses outside the city,full of willed life you can use, good night young bella." he said

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