Chapter 3

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It never stopped; the constant fire the was burning me. my hearing got clear and clear. icould here all of the heart beats besid me and their talking but could hardly listen to them

What felt like eterniy later i could finally focouse on the voices.i could reconises two voices; Charlie and angela. but the suddenly my heart started to go crazy then it finaly stopped leaving coolness in my body. next to me i could hear a continues beeeeeeep, then some sobbing.

thn i relised that they must hink im dead, of cource they thought i was dead i dont have a heartbeat. but i knew what i was, i forsed my self to play dead. if i moved now i would have caused chaos.

"would you like to say good bye to her before she goes to the morge"i heard the nurse (i presume it was) say, i think he said yes because i hear her walk away.

"Good bye bella" angela  between sobs. i wanted to call out to say that im fine and alive but i stayed still, then i hear my father

"Good bye bells" and with that he walked a way.

what seemed like 5 minuets the doctors and nurses came in.i felt my self being put in to some sort of bagand ziped up.i finally opened my eyes.every think was so clear and defined,then i felt the tolly i was on turn then stop. i closed my eyes as soon as the zip is being undone.

"I didn't know a corps could be so cold and siff so quickly" said a voice next to me.

"i know how odd, the doctors didn't know whats wrong with her she just died in he hosital with out a clue of what happened."said a male voice openind a metal door

i felt my self go in to a frezzer, i didn't feel the coad so i whated till the voices the voices dissappered.till i busted open the frezzer door quickly

i ran to my house and climed in to my throte was burning but i ignord it and packed my bag quickly and quietly. i looked around my room, my eyes flickerd down to the floor.there was a floor bord that was a few millimeters above the i opened it and there was my jumper that Edward sayed he loved me in, plane tickes tha Carlisle and Esme got me for my birthday, and my CD that Edward made me.

i shoved all of this i my bag and looked at my self in he mirror: i had blood red eyes, and dark brown hair that was almost jet black and my figure was like a supermodle and i had paleler skin.

i changed my cloths so that i wasent in the hospital dress. afer that i left and whent to the forest to burn the Hospital dress so that it can't be found so there on i ran on.

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