Chapter 14

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i watched Bella leave the room,we were relised from the invisable strings that were holding us, we must have broken beyond repair because she would never have used jane's gift on him. he had just got up when she frozen him in ice, that was cruel. i whent strate to edward and started chipping away at the ice. i could still rember what bella had shown us i couden belive edward would say that even if it was a lie, we could felts bellas pain at that memorie. numnes emptiness and pain of loss.

"Well she has a short temper with you cullens  now" Aro said standing up, "Samanther could you show which room  the cullens are staying in"

Carlisle and emmet and jasper  helped push edward a longe the corridors and up the stairs.Finally we entered a large room. we pu edward by the window, where he shall melt. i looked out of the window we were over looking a corteyard it had four water fountins in it.

Behind me i heard smash, Edward had managed to get out of he ice.

"you ok "i said walking ovet and giving him a hug he was wet. the rest of us left the room and went down stairs.



Its been 2 hours since i left he cullens in the trone room, i changed into some fighting cloths when i went to a hall were jane, alec, felix and demitri.

"Battle you " i said smiling at them, they bent in to a crouch with smiles on there faces. i sent jane through and window followed by Alec,felixi and demitri.  jumpted out the window we were in the cortyard with 4 water fountins i smiled, Aro, Marcus and Caius,the Cullens and the Na'vi coven were waching us, i ignored them and started to move the water.

"Crap" Muttered Demitri as he look at the water. he backed a way from the water. suddenly i made the water wrap around him him frozen. so that left jane, alec and felix. i  turned invisable, jane and alec intantly stratened up and looked around. i went behind felix and yanked on his trousers, they fell down easily, then he whent to pull them up i kicke him so he fell over. i turned visable and cluched my sides from laughing, i could hear muffled laughing from jane and alec, but it soon stopped when i turned to them.

Jane chared at me, i cliped my fingers and she froze in midair,i easily draged her near demitri and put her in some ice next to him, this took 10 seconds then i turned to alec and felix who had finally pulled his trousers on.

"come on you can do better than that"i teased them. they both chared at me. i grabed and forced alec  in the ground up to his waist (my gift got is that i can go throught stuff and put thing through stuff as well and leave them as they solid so there stuck).

Felix  was the only one left. i used my air bending skills and blew him 12 feet in the air.he made a big dent in the ground when he fell. he chared at me again,i cliped my finger and he froze, i walked up to him and wavedmy hand in front of his face, theni put of nhis fingers up his nose. then cliped my fingers. he stopped and to his was  suprised when he found his finger up his nose.i coulden't help but laugh.

"O come on Bellatrix you'v got to let us win some time " alec said tring to move.

i punched felix who was sent back 20 meters.

"GOAL" i shouted "I WIN"

i melted the ice so that jane and demitri ould get out, i went to alec and graged him out the ground, felix still couldn't get his finger so i helpd him.

"That was fun wasn't it" i said smiling, they just looked at me, i couln't help smiling a  bit more. i walked to wards my room

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