Chapter 15

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Carlisle  POV

Every was out side when jane was throne out the window, soom followed by alec, felix and demitri, bella lept out the window, by now evey one was waching, the fight. bella looked around at the water fountins and smiled but jane, alec , demitri , felix looked at horror at the water fountins, at that moment the water in one of the fountins risen out of the frame

"Crap" said demetri as water wraped around him and frozen. then bella faded and instantly jane and alec stratened up and looked around, suddenly felixs trouser fell down, eveyone laught even harder when felix fell down, then bella came visable again she was cluching her sides in laughter, then she turned to jane and alec who instantly stopped lauging.

Jane ran at bella but stopped in thin air, then bella grabed her and put her in some ice next to the frozen Demitri. she ran at alec and when she put her hand on his shouder he instantly whent half way in to the ground.

Bella turned to felix who ran at her she bew him 12 feet in the air. when he hit the ground he left a dent, and charged at her again, then she cliped her fingers and  felix froze, just like jane, she whent up to him and waved her hand in front of his face, then she got his hand and stuck his finger up his nose and cliped her fingers making felix move again, felix look suprised to find his finger up his nose and tried to pull it out but failed.

"O come on, you can do better than that"Bella teased.

"you'v got to let us win some time alec complaned, still trying to pull him self up.

Bella punched felx who went 20 feet a way from her "GOAL" she shouted as if in a foot ball mach "I WIN" in the corner of my eye i saw that the ice had melted and jane and demitri were free.  she went to alec, she took his and yanked him up. she looked and helped with felix who was struggling with his nose.

"that was fun wasn't it" she said smiling and she left.

Shes a good fighter i though, edward nodded

Aro, how ment gifts does bellatrix have?" i asked looking at aro.

"lots" he said.

i nodded and walked away.

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