Chapter 1

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"Miss. Sakamaki, we have arrived to your destination." Yuki's butler Ryan said.

The now 17 year old stared at her childhood home. Its really been 11 years huh? She thought. Ever since she left the Sakamaki household, she hasn't got in contact with any of her brothers.

"Its been so long." she muttered to herself.

"I know I haven't known you long my lady," Ryan stepped out of the vehicle and walked around it to open the back door for the vampire. "But you never talked about your brothers, I didn't even know you had a family."

The cold breeze hit Yuki's legs as she set foot out of the vehicle. It was a windy day, very cloudy you couldn't see the bright sun anymore, and slight smell of dew filled the air.

"Its going to rain soon, lets hurry up. My brothers aren't expecting me." Yuki walked passed the tall brunette and onto the property of the long living Sakamakis.

"Why after all this time, you decide to come back? After that phone call you received, we got on the first flight here." Ryan held the young girl's luggage, walking slowly next to her.

Karl Heinz, or that person, Yuki would call him, had somehow gotten in contact with his only daughter. He had requested that she come home and see her brothers. After much protest, Yuki left her current life style, to come back to her hell.

"Its none of your business Ryan, you are simply here to make sure I arrive safely, then to return. Barbra wouldn't be happy if you were late." The vampire walked up the tiny step to come face to face with a large door.

"Yes my lady." the butler simply nodded before going silent.

Yuki had known Ryan for about 8 years. He started being her butler at the age of 18,when she was only 9. Though she may act uptight with him, Yuki loves Ryan like a dad. Only he knew how she truly acts, how she truly functions.

Before she could knock on the door, a lump found in Yuki's throat. She was nervous. What if...

"Is there something wrong my lady? Are you getting cold feet?" Ryan looked from behind Yuki's shoulder.

Yuki rolled her ocean blue eyes and smiles. "I'm not getting married you fool. I'll just miss you that's all." she mumbled the last part.

In the blink of an eye, Yuki was pulled in for a tight hug from friend/servant. Her pale face was against his suit covered chest as his head rested on top of hers. "I'll miss you too." he whispered .

A tint of pink rested on the vampire's white cheeks as she hugged him back. "This isnt proper behavior for a butler." she says not letting him go.

Ryan chuckles made Yuki shake. "Shut up, just promise you'll write. Anytime you need me, or anyone at the base, just call."

"I promise," she said before letting go of his suit. "Now fix yourself and get going, I'll be fine."

The butler looked at her before smoothing out his suit. "Okay, I wish you a farewell my lady." he turned and walked back to the black sedan.

Yuki watched as the car pulled away from the gates before she smirked. I'm finally going to be able to kill him.

The sound of the door opening behind her caught the young girls attention.

"May I help you?" A tall man with almost shoulder length, purple-black hair asked. He was wearing a suit attire with glasses, his eyes were light red and his face showed no emotion.

Could this be Reiji? Yuki thought. He has gotten so tall and...handsome.

"Hi big brother, long time no see." Reiji's sister smiled.

Reiji's eyes widened and his body stiffened. "Yuki? But how?"

Ignoring her brother's question, Yuki walked passed him, and into the dark mansion. "I see nothing has changed, but you certainly have Reiji, you look different." she looked around the entrance hall and up at the large crystal chandelier.

"Reiji? Who's at the door?" A short boy with purple white hair walked into the large hall. Telling by the teddy bear he was clutching, Yuki could tell it was her younger brother Kanato.

"You didn't change one bit little brother." She laughed.

Though the two were only a month apart, Kanato acted as if he was five. The boy always had that 'teddy' around wherever he went.

Kanato has light purple hair with white tips , which he inherited from his mother, Lady Cordelia, with also light purple eyes that had dark bags under them.

"Sister? You're alive." He squeezed the brown bear closer to his chest.

It was surprising to believe Kanato has two younger brothers, his child-like demeanor and appearance made him look the youngest of the Sakamaki children.

"Of course I'm alive silly, I couldn't die even if I wanted to." Yuki laughed prancing around the large hall, making her white floral dress flow up a couple times.

Reiji still couldn't process what was going on, his mother had told him and his brothers, Yuki had gone missing the night of her birthday. Seeing her again made him rethink. She's probably dead. He can still her his mother's voice.

"What's with all the noise?" A tall red head walked down the rather large stair case.

"Ayato!" Yuki ran to her younger brother and wrapped her arms around his torso tightly.

"Who the hell?" he pushed his older sister away from him.
"Ayato what's wrong?" Yuki looked at the youngest triplet.

Said vampire looked as if his sister had slapped him, he was terrified. "How? H-How are you still alive? You cant be real"

Yuki just smiled and looked at her scared brother. "100% sure I'm real. I'm back and for quite awhile too."

Reiji pushed up his glasses and looked at his only sister. "Why wasn't I aware of your arrival?"

Yuki looked back at her brother and smirked. "It was a surprise. So, surprise."

"Oh so I see big sister is back, and she's alive." A very sly voice sounded from the top of the stairwell.

The 3rd Sakamaki looked up to see Laito, the fourth oldest and the oldest of the triplets. Laito and Ayato look more alike yet Kanato separates them. With their red hair and green eyes they look like twins. The triplets were unique.

"Laito, always a pleasure to see you." Yuki walked to sit on a nearby love-seat and made herself comfortable.

A swift of wind made Yuki's white locks fly up, Laito was sitting next to her with a wicked smirk. The red head tilted his black hat as he stared at his half sister. "Shu will be glad to see you. Its been rather long hasn't it?"

"Almost 11 years, I'll be staying here now until further notice, father's request." Yuki fixed her hair, putting all the misplaced strands back in their original spot.

Her brother's stiffen. "For whatever reason you're here, you need to get the hell out." A voice sounded behind the girl.

Yuki just smiled already knowing who it was. "Hello little brother." she said.

"Don't you little brother me, where the hell were you?" Subaru yelled at his big and only sister.

Subaru was a mix of their father and Christa, his messy shoulder length hair, and his pinkish red eyes. He and Yuki look like full blooded siblings.

"Its none of your business Subaru-" she started only to be cut off by Ayato. "It's our business when we think you're dead! You had us worried sick!"

That ticked a nerve in Yuki. None of you looked for me though.

"In all due time, our dear sister will talk to us when she is ready. For now let her get some rest, we have dinner later, so please be on time." Reiji says before disappearing.

The remaining brothers looked at their sister one last time before leaving.

Yuki sighed, a thought running through her head.

Where's big brother Shu?

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