Chapter 11

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Shu sat in his room staring at the wall. He didn't know why, but in the first time in forever, he couldn't sleep.

He couldn't get his sister's smile out of his mind. 11 years since he saw that bright smile. What brother forgets his own sister's birthday? He bet Reiji remembered, he remembers everything.

A knock at his door stopped his chain of thought.

"What" He said a little rudely.

"If you're busy, I'll come back another time." The soft voice of his sister was heard.

Shu straightened up and quickly opened his door. "Yuki."

The young girl smiled and she looked up at her tall brother. Shu's heart almost stopped. Yuki's smile did that to him. Ever since he last saw her on her 6th birthday, he never seemed to het her smile out of his head. His little sister really meant a lot to him, her absence made his life hell. A couple weeks later Edgar's village burned down. Now that Yuki was back, he wasn't going to let her go.

"Why are you dressed like that? You look weird." He let her in. He noticed how short his sister was. What was she 4'11''? She didn't grow much did she?

"Yui and I were having a sleepover, she fell asleep. I felt like paying you a visit." Yuki plopped her bum down on Shu's bed.

"Your hair looks different." Shu stayed standing, leaning against the wall. After what happened at the lake, Reiji cornered him.

"If you cause her to leave again, I will kill you. Stay away from her." His voice still rang in his mind. Shu knew he couldn't do that, so he decided that his incestuous relationship had to stop.

Yuki stuck a stick of pocky in her mouth. "I still have a lot of questions Shu," She ignored his statement. "Mother is gone and so is Christa and Cordelia. If I don't get answers soon Shu, I will leave again, and this time I wont return."
The 19 year old eyes widened slightly. He never heard his sister talk to him in such a deep serious way.

All the brothers agreed not to talk about what happened around the house. "If Yuki were to ever come back, she must never know of this." Reiji had said to the brothers, after the death of Beatrix.

The memories after Yuki left were not to be remembered, and some just made them.. sadistic.

"You're hiding something from me and I don't like it Shu. I don't feel apart of the family anymore." Yuki looked down at the box of pocky.

Shu pushed himself off the wall and sat down next to his sister, he wanted to hold her, kiss her, give her everything. "Yuki.. We'll tell you everything as soon as we know we have our sister back. You're a main part."

Yuki looked up into his matching blue eyes. All her time being home and this is the most her and Shu has ever talked. It surprised her, she didn't want the moment to end. Just like the moment at the lake.

"You have pocky." He took the box from her grasp. "Let's do something. Its a game." Shu slid one of the sticks out of the box and placed in between his and Yuki's lips. The young girl's face flustered at the action. Their lips were so close, only to be separated but sugary treat.

Slowly, Shu bit the pocky, bringing his lips closer to his sister's. Fuck Reiji's rule. He thought. She's mine.

Soon all that was left of the stick, was about an inch. Oh how Yuki wanted to end the torturing. She kissed her brother before, so why was she so shy now?

Shu bit the final piece and crashed his lips onto Yuki's. It tasted of chocolate and strawberries. Tonight he wanted his sister more the ever and he didn't know why.

Before they could go any further, Yuki placed her hand on his chest and pulled away. "Goodnight Shu."

He watched Yuki leave his room without looking back at him.

All the Sakamaki brothers wanted their sister in more ways than one.

"We need to tell her." Shu confronted his brothers in the living room.
It was morning and Shu had wakened all of the to tell them of Yuki's late night activities. Leaving out their incestuous actions of course.

Reiji looked at his older brother. "You do know what will happen if we do that right? She go crazy, she'll leave."
Ayato looked at them both. "She'll leave even if we don't tell her. It's a lose lose situation. What if she doesn't leave? What if she tells us where she was? 11 years. 11. We need answers too."

All the brothers went silent. Their lives been nothing but hell since their sister left. Now that she was back, they can't help but be a little curious.

"I won't have her knowing about my mother. I want to bear her the heart ache." Subaru leaned against the wall and had his arms crossed.

"She said it herself. If she doesn't get answers, she's leaving." Shu said closing his eyes and imagined his sister's face.
Her soft skin, she snow like hair. Her eyes that were identical to his. She was almost like an angel.
No. She is an angel.

"She doesn't have choice. That person wants to see her, she needs to stay."
Reiji pushed up his glasses.

Kanato hugged Teddy tighter. "When will he arrive?"
"In a week. Let's not screw anything up and make sure she's monitored." Reiji walked out of the room without saying another word.

"I'll monitor big sister. I miss her kisses. Shu has been hogging all of them, you can smell her sweet scent on him now." Laito smirked, looking at the oldest brother.

"Save her for the rest of us Shu. She is our sister too you know?" Kanato whined.

Shu looked at both of them. "I don't know what you're talking about." Before disappearing in thin air.

Ayato and Subaru scoffed. "I haven't even spent anytime with her at all. She will belong to yours truly and never leave." Ayato sneered before leaving.

"I'm going back to sleep." Subaru left. I won't let them touch her again.

Laito laughed. "We're all fighting for our sister's heart." He grabbed his hat and smirked.
"We'll let the game begin."

I'm finally done with the chapter. Finally!
Chapter 12 will be up soon. I love all your comments and support. You guys are the best.

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