Chapter 15

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Part of this chapter was written by my new co-writer chelsea-lisle14. She was such a big help! I'm so sorry for the late chapter, I wrote this chapter like 4 times but I keep losing what  wrote and then I get writer's block. There was literally a point I was just going to just abandon the story but I couldn't do that to you guys. Sooo here's Chapter 15!

~11 years ago~

Yuki was walking around the outside mansion, the sun was setting and left the sky a beautiful orange-magenta color, dark clouds were slowly coming in. It was truly beautiful even for a 6 year old. The day was almost over, that meant her birthday was drawing to a close. The thought made her pout. Where is everyone?

Walking into the house, the 6 year old looked around the opening area before walking into the sitting room. There she found Kanato holding a big brown teddy bear.

"Kanato what are you doing?" Yuki looked at the bear sitting on the ground next to her brother. One of the bear's eyes were gone, torn strings were protruding from where it should be.

The lilac haired 5 year old looked at his sister before giving her a big smile. "Yuki! Look what mother gave to me. Isn't it amazing?"

Yuki nodded petting the bear as if it were real. "It is Kanato. What happened to his eye?" She played with the strings. Kanato was a cry baby, Subaru seemed as if he was older even though he was only 3. Kanato was way too short for his age and always gets mistaken for a girl.

"Mother ripped it out before throwing him out of her room. Let's call him Teddy."  He stared at the bear in marvel. "Can we dress him up Yuki?"  Yuki nodded before getting off the floor and ran to her bedroom. The young vampire dug into her toy box finding what she needed and smiled. Kanato entered her bedroom confused.

"Yuki, you just ran away." Tears were brimming in his eyes as he stared at his sister.

Yuki looked at Kanato pulling him into a big hug. "Dont cry Kanato." she said rubbing his back. "Look what I found. I think it'll fit Teddy perfectly." The two looked at what was in Yuki's hand. A peach vest and a eye patch with a golden strung design across it.

Kanato smiled and jumped up and down. "It's perfect! Thank you Yuki!"

Yuki looked at her brother as he dressed the teddy bear in his new clothes. It made her happy knowing she made her brothers happy. She loved to see them smile.


Slamming her bedroom door shut with more than need effort, Yuki jumped of her bed staring at the ceiling with narrowed eyes. How dear he?

Anger was seathing out of her. She wanted to kill something. After a minute she closed her eyes and took a deep breath to calm her anger towards her youngest brother. Fluttering her eyes open she soon caught sound of fast approaching footsteps. Holding her breath, she waited for the steps to pass her door but they never did, finally coming to a stop outside her door.

A soft knock followed, "Yuki, I know you are mad at us but we don't want to lose you again just please think about it" Subaru whispered through the door before slowly turning on his heel and walking down the hall once again.

Sighing softly, she opened the drawer that stood by her bed. Taking only a slip of paper, she sat up against the head-board for support. Staring down at the paper with loving eyes, she slowly ran her finger tips down the paper, "I miss you Ryan, Barbra" She whispered to the paper, Ryans word replayed in her head after her first kill when she was 10, 'Its okay my lady, let it out. Its okay to cry.' While remembering that traumatizing elimination, a few stray tears escaped her eyes as they slid down her cheek and splashed on the picture.

"Its okay to cry" Yuki said to herself as she silently cried, her shoulders shook with every sob as a pair of red eyes watched her from the window with sad eyes before disappearing into the night.

Downstairs, Subaru sat his head buried in his hands. I screwed up. She's going to leave and its going to be all my fault.  His foot was rapidly tapping against the floor. He didn't know what to do. Shit, shit shit!

Subaru was to distracted to hear Yuki walking into the living room. Yuki looked at her brother then down at the ground. She took a deep breath before looking up. "I was taken on my 6th birthday," Subaru looked up at his sister. "I was brought to a place where I was raised by humans. They taught me everything I needed to know. They're my family."

The white haired male stood up from his seat. "Who took you? Tell me Yuki!"

Yuki clenched her fist. "It doesn't matter now. They made my life better than it could've ever been in this hell hole."

Before Subaru could say anything else, the front door opened and in came the rest of the Sakamaki brothers and Yui.

"Hello Yuki. Nice to see you outside of your room." Reiji said pushing up his glasses.

Shu and Yuki made eye contact. Their blue eyes made everything intense. Shu broke contact, walking away. Reiji watched the interaction then glared at Shu. We need to prepare for that person's arrival.

Kanato walked up to Yuki and grabbed hand. "Big sister I want to show you something." Yuki didn't say anything before Kanato transported them somewhere Yuki wasn't familiar with.

She looked around the darkly dim room. A closed door was in front of her and Kanato. "What is this place Kanato?"

Kanato smiled at his sister holding Teddy close to his chest like always. "Do you remember the day I got Teddy?"Yuki nodded remembering the day Cordelia threw the teddy bear at Kanato. She gave Teddy her old doll clothes and eye patch.

"That was the day you were taken away from me, I never got to give you something in return." Kanato looked excited. "I've been working on these for so long just for the day you would return to me Yuki."

Yuki was confused. She didn't know what Kanato was talking about. He gripped the door knob to the closed door and started to turn it slowly.

What was behind that door?


Published and it feels so good! Again Im sorry with the delay but I've been working on different projects.

Speaking of new peojects...

I've decided to publish my new story to Wattpad. I dont have a name for it yet so I'll leave it up you guys.

The story is about Tate Langdon and his twin sister (I dont have a name for her either. Can you help with that too?) But the story is basically the original story line of Murder House but with my own twist.

If you guys like this idea please let me know and even tell me a few of your ideas.

Thanks again to my new co writer chelsea-lisle14! She did a great job helping me write this chapter and I cant wait to see more of her work.

I love you guys!

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