Chapter 2

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After the family butler showed Yuki to her room, the young girl hung off the bed, letting her flowing hair swing back and forth.

Dinner was at 8 and school started at 12. The rain pounding at the window didn't help Yuki get any sleep.

"Ugh! Its do boring around here, it was never this dead before." she rolled off the comfy bed and looked around her room. Same as when she was 6. The walls were pink, the bed sheets were purple and her room set was white. A round clock on the wall showed the time of 7:30.

I'll take a bath before dinner. She thought before walking into her attached bathroom.


Bubbles covered Yuki's bare body as she laid in the large bath tub, shielding it from sight.

Her long white lock flowed softly in the body of the water around her like milky whirls. Her lips matched the shade of the blood-red petals that covered her. Several candles were lit, casting a dim yet comforting light that lit the serene scene. Whenever Yuki took bubble baths, she liked her surroundings dark with the use of a few candles. The dark seemed to be her home of comfort and relief. A place that she could always run to when in need.

She closed her eyes, feeling her body being slowly revived. Yuki twirled her fingers around the tub, creating a floating sphere of water. The young girl could create something beautiful with the simplest move of her body. The constant sound of running water eased her of her problems.

A knock came from the door, Yuki stopped her movement.

"Who is it?" she sighed, not bothering to open her eyes. "Can't you see the bathroom is in use?"

There was no reply.

Thinking that whoever it was went away, she sunk deeper into the water of her peace. At last she had time to herself.

"How selfish." A voice was suddenly beside her, making her eyes fly open. "Hogging the bathroom all to yourself."

"Shu?" She gazed at the man, her face blank. Yuki wasn't used to him popping out of no where, but she was with her partners back at base. "That's not nice you know?"

Shu rested by the bottom of the tub, staring up at her with those half-lidded eyes. "My mistake." He replied lazily. "There was no other place that wasn't so bothersome."

Yuki leaned over the edge, making a face. "Tsk," she frowned. "You sure have changed, you have gotten lazy. Do you see everything bothersome? Even me?"

A chuckle escaped through his lips making Yuki pout.

"Amused by something brother?"

Shu's lips curled up into a smirk. "Not at all sister. Your concern is just adorable. But if you must know.." He suddenly flashed beside her in the tub, his face dangerously close to hers.

"I wouldn't be here if you were." His breath tickled her ear.

Her brother drew closer and closer, until his lips met with her slightly parted ones. Yuki closed her eyes, embracing the unexpected actions of her older brother. The contact of their lips lingered for a few seconds.

Then, Yuki pulled away with a stern look on her face. "Yeah, yeah," she scowled at Shu. "You're taking up my space."

With a snap of her fingers, Shu was gone. The tub was only fitted for one person, and that was her. She smiled to herself and shifted into a more comfortable position. With Shu now out of the way, she had all the space to herself. The vampire closed her eyes, going back to her place of serenity.

"Now let me bathe in peace."


Yuki had gotten out of the shower and slipped on a white and black polka dot dress. It was now time for dinner and she didn't want to be late.

As she stepped out of her room, a girl with blonde hair walked out of the room across from her.

"Who are you?" The vampire glared at the mortal.

The blonde jumped at Yuki's voice, she was scared of the unknown person in the house. "I'm Yui Komori. Who are you?"

There was a bit of excitement in Yui's mind. Another girl in the house, I won't be alone.

Yuki relaxed a little, she doesn't seem to be of any harm. "Yuki Sakamaki. Let's go before we're late."

Yui's eyes widen at Yuki's last name. A Sakamaki? I didn't know they had a sister. She's so beautiful.

As both females made their way downstairs and to the dining hall, all the Sakamaki brothers were gathered and waiting for the girls.

"You're late." Reiji pushed up his glasses and looked at sister.

"Give sister a break, it's her first day back." Laito smirked before looking at Yui. "She even met Little Bitch."

Yuki and Yui sat down at the table, Yuki next to Shu and Yui between Kanato and Ayato. The second oldest glared at Shu when he smiled at Yuki making her look away and roll her eyes with a smirk on her face. Shu was always the closest to her and that made Reiji and the rest of the brothers a little jealous.

"Yui here is a bride, a sacrifice really. Her church and father sent her to stay here. Now she's our food." Ayato explained.

Food? Now that he says that, Yuki realized she hasn't fed in awhile. Last time she fed was off of Ryan 2 weeks ago. Being the only vampire at base, made her quite peckish.

A bell chime signaling the start of dinner, the family butler (Yuki didn't have time to learn his name) brought out a silver cart filled with plates. "Today's dinner is a well done Beef Wellington, a side of mash potatoes and corn." he said before placing a plate in front of each Sakamaki and Yui.

"Whats Beef Wellington?" Yui asked before closing her eyes as if in fear.

"Beef Wellington is a preparation of filet steak, it is coated in pate, mixture of ground meat, and duxelles, a mixture of finely chopped mushrooms. It is covered in a puff pastry and baked." Yuki explains before cutting in her food.

Reiji looked at his sister and pushed his glasses up. "Very well Yuki. Did you eat it while you were away?"

"I did, its one of my favorites." she didn't even look up from her plate.

For the rest of dinner, the family ate in silence, Yuki was surprised by this, it looked as if none of her brothers talked to each other at all.

Shu suddenly stood up. "This is a waste of time." he said before disappearing.

No one reacted as if this was normal for the family. Reiji looked upset. "Good for nothing." he sighed. "You're all dismissed."

Everyone stood up, everyone but Yuki.

"Are you okay Yuki?" Yui walked up to the female as all the brothers left the dining hall.

Yuki nodded looking at the ground. The butler cleared the table, walking around the white haired girl. The blonde had a sad face as she stood in front of the Sakamaki sister.

Everything has changed since she left, the mansion isn't as lively as it used to be. Where's her mother? Lady Cordelia? What about Christa?

Its my fault. She thought. But I have to kill him, its my goal, my reason to live.

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