Chapter 20

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The sound of the droplets hitting the glass calmed her nerves. She couldn't help but grow fond of the gloomy sky now. The days of clear blue skies were rare, and when they were out, she couldn't get to enjoy the days like she used to.

She was trapped in the manor living out her days with 6 sadistic vampire brothers and their vampire sister who she adored.

As much as she adored Yuki Sakamaki, Yui didn't know if she could live like this forever. She missed her friends and her father so much. Though he was the reason she was in this mess in the first place, he was her father and she loved him no matter what.

Yui shook her head and sighed. She didn't want this life, she wanted to live, get married and have kids. How can she do that with a vampire? She placed her hand against her chest to feel her heartbeat. It wasn't even her heart.

Tears couldn't stop from falling down her rosy cheeks. Yui wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. Her chest started to burn as if it was swelling.

She let out a soft sob. Her emotions were all over the place and she couldn't keep them in anymore. She wanted to go home.


"I'll kill him for you." Reiji repeated to his sister. 

Yuki didn't say anything. She figured one of her brothers would defect to her side but she didn't think it would be Reiji. Her second oldest brother was trained to stand by the king and protect him.

"Don't be foolish Reiji, you'll get yourself killed. That man will die by my hand and his blood will soak my sword." She said staring into his pink eyes. She hated how she shared eyes with their father. The dead stare drove her mad, but Reiji's eyes held emotion to them. He was sad, longing for his sister's attention. He didn't want her to love Shu, he wanted her look at him the same way she looked at their older brother.

"I would die if it means you'll love me." He professed

Yuki's eyes softened, she placed her cold white palm on her brother's cheek. "Reiji you don't mean that. I do love you." she said.

"Not like you love Shu."

She looked down. "No not like I love Shu." she shook her head. "But you are my brother and I do love you." 

Reiji then pulled away from her grasp. His eyes then showed anger and disappointment. "Where is the sword Yuki? Where did you get it from? I demand that you tell me."

Yuki stood back and got defensive. "Thats none of your business brother where it is or where I got it from. I'm going through with this and you or anybody is not going to stop me." She gritted her teeth. "He dies tonight."

Reiji looked at his sister one last time before turning his back to her and walking out of her room angerly. 

While the two had argued, little did they know that there was a third party listening in on their conversation. Yui had heard the bickering between the siblings from across the hall. Worried about Yuki's safety, the blonde hair girl went to go see what the commotion was all about. She was not expecting to hear Reiji professing his literal dying love to his sister. 

Yui had known the relationship between the Sakamaki siblings were complicated but she didn't know it would be incestual. She couldn't believe what she had heard. Yuki was planning on killing her father. 'Why would she do such a thing?' Yui thought. She then thought about her own father. She loves her father, yes, she was disappointed with him for lying to her but she still loved him. She had to tell Shu. He was the only one that could get through to Yuki and stop the bloodshed that was going to spill in the manor.


After Reiji had left her room, the white haired vampire was now ready to get dressed. As she pulled the dress on, she could feel the soft satin rubbing against her skin. It felt nice. Yuki then looked at herself in the  vanity mirror. She looked like an angel, but why did she think she was disguising as the devil?

She pulled her hair into a high bun leaving out a few hairs in the front of her face. Her blue eyes shined in the mirror

"You look beautiful." 

She knew that voice. That voice made her smile as she turned around to look at the person that sneaked into her room.

"You always do know how to make me smile brother." She walked closer to Shu placing her hand on his face.

The oldest Sakamaki brother looked at the small girl infront of him beofre placing a small kiss onto her lips. Feeling her soft lips brought out the worst in him and he didn't want to ruin this exact moment.

Pulling away from her, Shu looked Yuki in her eyes, blue meeting blue. "I know what youre planning and I think its stupid."

Yuki looked at her brother in shock. "How could you? This would mean everything for us Shu! You would become King and we..." She paused. "We can finally be together."

Shu looked down to the ground. He loved that idea but he couldnt, he couldnt let himself fall prey to her ideas. He knew there was deeper meaning to this plan and he had to find out. "Yuki we are brother and sister. We can and never will be together. Its wrong."

She shook her head. "You dont mean that. That man has done nothing for us but make our lives miserable. He took me away from you. How could you not want him dead after what he did to you? What he did to us?"

"There is no us Yuki." He said his voice strained. "You need to tell me you're not going to do this. He will kill you, he doesn't care that we are his children." 

Yuki was feeling her heart break and that was impossible. She was hurting. "You're just saying that Shu. You love me and I love you. I'm doing this for us."

He stood up and pushed his sister away. "I love you but I love you as my sister and nothing more. If you don't stop, I'm going to have to stop you myself."

Yuki could feel tears forming in her eyes. She felt like the world had stopped and not in a good way. Her blood had boiled  and she was getting pissed.

"Stop me?" she laughed. "Do you even know where I've been these years? I could've killed you a hundred times over if I wanted to. You're not going to stop me Shu, no one is."

Shu was shocked to be hearing this. He wanted to know where she had been but to be hearing this, it made him even more curious now. 

"Now get out of my room. I have to finish getting ready for father's homecoming." 

Shu didn't know what else to say. He quickly left the room without a single word and that hurt Yuki even more. She wanted him to take back what he had said. She knew he didn't  mean it but it still hurt her to hear him say all of those things.

Putting on her choker and headdress, Yuki walked over to her closet and opened the door. She reached over to the black suitcase and opened it. As she was doing that, she could hear the front doorbell ring.

It was finally time.


Finally! After who knows who long I finally finished this chapter. There's definitely typos and I don't even care. As long as you guys love it I love it! 

The next chapter should be the last but it could be the second to last, not sure yet. 

Thank you again for reading, you guys are amazing and wonderful people!

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