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JANUARY 13TH, 10:00pm

"So, rate your birthday so far from one to ten." Albus said, grinning as he took Scorpius's hand. They were walking down an almost empty corridor towards the dungeons where a surprise party, planned and thrown by Albus, Rose, and the Slytherin Quidditch Team was now in full swing.

"I'm going to have to go with," Scorpius caressed his chin in thought, "One hundred."

"Oh stop, I wish I had made it more special," Albus frowned slightly, "I should've done more!"

"Hush!" Scorpius exclaimed, nudging his fiance in the ribs, "It's been the best day ever." and it truly had been very enjoyable, ever since the moment he woke up. Albus and Rose had taken to making it a yearly tradition to wake Scorpius up in the morning with a birthday firework. It startled him every time and they always had a good laugh about it. Albus had also brought him a plate of chocolate chip pancakes with bacon, eggs, and a mimosa that morning to enjoy in the comfort of his bed.

    Then they all trooped to Hogsmeade village that afternoon, more specifically to The Three Broomsticks. And since Scorpius was now 18, Neville and Hannah made a performance of putting fire whiskey in his many glasses of butterbeer and they even conducted a unique, and very loud rendition of Happy Birthday to Scorpius, all sung by the other patrons in the pub.

     The day had been quite special between the drinks, Albus's gift of a new record player and several vinyls from Scorpius's favorite artists, and Rose's generous present of new, top-of-the-line quidditch gear for his upcoming summer practice and season with Puddlemere United.

"So, wherever could we be going now?" Scorpius said in an amused sort of voice which caused Albus to groan.

"I knew I couldn't keep this a secret," and it was true, although he'd tried so hard to conceal his plans for Scorpius's birthday party, it had been quite suspicious when he asked Scorpius to get dressed to go somewhere after dinner had already ended.

"It's okay, Jonathan sort of told me," Scorpius said, wrapping an arm around Albus's shoulders before leaning over and planting three kisses along his cheek, "But thank you for doing this," they approached the portrait hole and although the castle had amazing sound blocking walls, they could still hear the faint beating of music from inside, "But I must warn you. I'm probably going to get very drunk."

"Oh, are you?" Albus laughed. Scorpius didn't usually drink, and when he did he took immense control of his consumption because he didn't even like being drunk anyways. He didn't like the dizzy feeling, or the panicked anxiety that comes with realizing that you're so drunk you might pass out, and there's nothing you can do but sit down and drink water and wait for the spinning to pass you by. And then there's the hangover....But it was his 18th birthday, and if he was ever going to let loose, today would be it.

"Probably. I know the guys-" his teammates, "-are going to try to get me insanely wasted. But I'll try to be drunk in moderation." he said, kissing Albus's cheek again before speaking the password aloud.

     The portrait hole swung open, unleashing the almost deafeningly loud party music into the corridor. The large crowd inside all let out whoops and cheers at the sight of the birthday boy and many hands reached out to pull him into the heart of the party. Albus felt Scorpius's hand slip out of his own and watched his quidditch teammates drag him to the drinks table immediately. The brunette stuck his hands into his pockets and stepped inside the common room as well, the portrait hole closing behind him.

"Albus!" said a loud voice in his left ear, he jumped and looked around, nearly shocked he could hear anyone's voice above the music.

"Rose, hi! I'm glad you've found me, a bit overwhelming yeah?!" Albus shouted as he caught sight of her familiar ginger hair and freckles. She nodded and leaned in close, Albus didn't smell any alcohol on her breath and was thankful that he wouldn't be the only sober one that night.

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