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CHAPTER TW: Mood enhancing drug


"Do you think Teddy's going to be there?" Scorpius asked hopefully, running his fingers over the fibers of his clothing while rummaging through his bedroom closet, looking for a jumper to wear for Charlie's birthday dinner at the Weasley's.

"How should I know?" Draco said quizzically as he sat on the edge of Scorpius's bed.

"Well, I hope he is." Scorpius replied. He had admired Teddy Lupin since first year, at his first Weasley family Christmas. He remembered shaking his hand and being unspeakably excited when Teddy's trademark turquoise hair instantly turned a pale blonde, just like his. And Teddy was cool. 

     He had two black ear piercings and tattoos that moved on his arms, he promised Scorpius he'd take him to get his own sometime. On one bicep, he had a tattoo of the moon that changed along with the phases, for Remus. On the other he had a tattoo of a jack rabbit, frolicking in a patch of violet flowers alongside a gentle looking wolf. These were for Nymphadora, representing her two patronuses (and her favorite hair color). The other's were obscure magical symbols and there was a significant V on his palm for Victoire, his girlfriend and one of Bill and Fleur's daughters.

     He was 23 now, training to be a famous quidditch player. But in the meantime, he was working at Weasley's Wizard Wheezes with George, who was grateful for the company. Teddy and Victoire had gotten engaged just a few months ago, Scorpius and Albus couldn't attend the party but they heard there was quite a lot of fire whiskey involved.

     Everything with Teddy was fun, he was also an excellent listener and secret keeper, Scorpius bet he knew something scandalous about everybody in the family. Of course, he would never tell. Scorpius supposed what he liked most about Teddy was the fact that although his childhood was sad, he always seemed to be the happiest person in any room, also making it his mission to make everybody feel the same way.

"You're his biggest fan." Draco teased, rolling his eyes as Scorpius turned around to scowl.

"Well he is my cousin-."

"-second cousin." Draco corrected, snappily. It was Scorpius's turn to roll his eyes now. Draco sighed, he still wasn't used to admitting that he had ever been related to Nymphadora Tonks, Teddy Lupin's mother. He had been coached his entire childhood to forget of her existence. 'Blood traitor' echoed in his head. Old habits died hard, or rather, his father's voice in his head.

"So who are you trying to impress? You've bypassed at least 16 perfectly good jumpers," Draco eyed Scorpius who was still thumbing through his closet, indecisively, "Rose?" her name made Scorpius jump. He had forgotten all about her. When he didn't answer his father continued.

"You never mentioned her again after that first letter you wrote, did you ever ask her out?" he wondered curiously. Scorpius was thankful his back was turned, successfully hiding his blush. Feeling slightly embarrassed, he hurriedly picked out a brown knit sweater and tore his shirt off.

"No, I never did." he said shortly, after pulling the jumper over his head and tossing his t-shirt into a hamper by the door. He rounded to the body length mirror situated next to his wardrobe and fussed with the sleeves of his sweater, hoping his lack of expansion would lead his father to drop it. Draco eyed Scorpius's back before sliding off his bed and coming up behind him. He set his hands calmly on his son's shoulders and Scorpius looked up at his touch.

"Well whoever it is, you don't have to worry. Malfoy's have amazing genes." Draco said, smirking as he fluffed Scorpius's hair, playfully. Scorpius felt his heart pang and he had to bite his tongue, he wanted to come clean so badly...but he had to ask Albus first, in person. He would know the truth of what he really thought then, Albus's eyes usually gave him away. His green, sparkling eyes...Scorpius shook his head slightly and busied himself with smoothing out his black jeans.

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