Please open your eyes

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"Jk." Yoongi placed his hand on Jungkook's back, still curled up in on himself. He grabbed Yoongi and hugged him while he sobbed into his neck. Jungkook couldn't say anything, it felt too real and not real at the same time. His words stuck in his throat, unable to speak. Jungkook shook uncontrollably, every fiber of his body trying to unravel itself.

"Let's clean you up okay?" Namjoon grabbed his shoulder. Jungkook hadn't paid much attention to himself, he hadn't noticed he was covered in Jimin's blood. Namjoon walked him to the bathroom while Jin went to get him some clothes. Jungkook went to the sink, seeing himself in the mirror only made the realization that Jimin could be dying. Blood covered almost all of his shirt, coated his skin and know he could smell that iron smell.

Namjoon got a paper towel and wet it, rubbing it on Jungkook's skin to get it off. However the blood had dried and wasn't easily removed.

"I can't get it off," Jungkook broke down . "NamJoon, it won't come off." He cried falling to his knees. When Jin got there Jungkook was on the floor as Namjoon tried to rub his skin lightly with a cloth. He found a nurse and they got him into a shower. As the water ran warm it drained red. Jungkook scrubbed and scrubbed until he was clean, however he made his skin raw trying to get it off.

Hours felt like years and the six boys waited for news that their loved one was alive, and when the lights over the door turned off and the doctor spoke to them It was almost too hard for Jungkook to hear him over the beating of his own heart in his ears.

"He's not out of the woods yet but he is stable. He will be in intensive care, we are sure that the worst has passed." Namjoon thanked the doctor as he left. They all cried in relief holding on to each other.

It had been days, Jimin had not woken up, it was almost hard to tell he was still alive by looking at him, he was so still. The repeated beeping of the machines was the only indicator that his heart was beating. Everyday they hoped that today would be the day Jimin would wake up and everyday turned into more worry.

Everyone came to visit so he wasn't left alone ever, they wouldn't do that to him. Jungkook stayed the nights while the others spent the days with him. Tae bathed him and washed his hair. Jin would come and eat with him, talking about his day and what his plans were. Hoseok would tell him jokes and read stories to him. Namjoon would also read to him, watching movies with him. Yoongi would write and play music, he would tell Jimin what his parts were and would rap for him. Jungkook stayed every night with him, he would talk to him and sing for him, Jungkook was too afraid to leave him alone, the others had to force Jungkook to leave most days so he could shower and eat.


He opened his eyes but his vision was blurred, lifted his hands to his eyes. He felt something slimy had covered them. He tried again and again to wipe them. Panic like a red hot poker seared in his chest. He reached for his chest he couldn't breath, gagging and coughing he reached his hand to his mouth and found something sticking out from it. He pulled and pulled, releasing whatever held his breath and gasped. Noise. Noise so loud his ears rang. He tried to get up but his leg wouldn't move, feeling something pull on his arm he pulled it out. Still trying to clear his eyes from the slime. Someone was crying, screaming? He was afraid.

"He's awake!" Someone yelled "he's awake!" They yelled again and ran to him grabbing at his arms.

"You need to stop moving, you will hurt yourself." He couldn't see who was pulling on him but he was afraid. The noise again flooding his ears he couldn't think he just pulled and pulled.

"You're hurting him stop!" Someone yelled.

Jimin was trying to fight out of their grasp when he felt a pain in his arm. He gasped, he felt sick, his stomach turning, the edges of his vision blurring, the voices slowed, the noise was so far away now. His arms felt heavy, his heart loud and slow in his ears. Then, silence.

**** Jungkook

closing the door behind him he walked to the coffee machine down the hall. He hadn't slept well in what seemed like a month, he rubbed the back of his neck as he waited. Jungkook had been working on lyrics for the group. Jimin had a beautiful voice and he couldn't wait to hear it again. He never realized how much you could miss someone's voice when it was no longer there. Picking up his cup and taking a drink of the warm liquid soothing his throat he sighed.

Voices, loud coming his way, he looked as a group of doctors and nurses ran into Jimin's room. His heart sank, dropping his coffee he ran back to Jimin's room, Jimin was crying and hyperventilating pulling his arms out of their grasps. He had blood all over him and he looked so scared.

"You're hurting him stop!" He yelled trying to get closer to him but a nurse held him back. They stuck him with a needle and he was out. "What happened to him?"

"He had woken up and started pulling all the tubes out. When he pulled the iv out he started to bleed, this sometimes happens when people come out of comas they don't know what's going on and they try to get away. We gave him a sedative and he will wake up soon. We will get him changed and cleaned up."

"No, I'll do it." Jungkook walked over to Jimin who just looked so much smaller and fragile. When all the doctors and nurses left Jungkook took off his clothes and washed him with a towel. Jimin had lost so much weight, his body looking smaller and smaller. He just looked so breakable. As he washed the smaller boy's body,he called the others to let them know what had happened.

"He woke up?" Yoongi asked, sounding groggy.

"Yes he started pulling all the tubes out so they had to sedate him, he was so scared." Jungkook didn't realize he had started crying. The look in the blond boy's eyes haunted him.

"I'll be there with the others in a few minutes. Let me know if anything changes." Said Yoongi

"I will." He hung up the phone and just watched. Waiting for any sign that his love was waking up. It had been a couple of hours with Jimin still fast asleep. Everyone was there, waiting anxiously. Tae paced back and forth before Hobi pulled him to sit down.

Jungkook felt Jimin's hand shift in his. "Jimin?" He leaned forward to look at his face. "He's waking up." He said excitedly. Jin pressed the button for the nurse and let them know. Jimin's eyes opened slowly as he looked around. He looked down at his hand and pulled it out of Jungkook's, Jimin looked him up and down confused.

"Hello." Jimin said softly.

"Hi baby, it's so good to see you open your eyes." Jungkook reached for his hand again but Jimin pulled it back slightly.

"Who are you?" He said. You could almost hear a pin drop. The silence was deafening.

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