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Jungkook knocked on Yoongi's door and as he answered it Jungkook punched him in the face.

"Kook-ah!" Yoongi held his mouth, his lip busted.

"That's for kissing my husband." He walked through the door. Yoongi swung back, hitting Jungkook.

"That's for treating him like shit." They swung at each other over and over until they both lie on the floor breathing heavily.

"I didn't mean to kiss him. I never wanted to hurt you." Yoongi breathed.

"I know you still want him. You would never have kissed him if you didn't have feelings for him." Jungkook covered his face with my hands.

"Yes, I still care for him. But I care for you too. I'm not in love with Jimin, that's what that kiss showed me. I love all of you but as brothers as family. I'm sorry I betrayed your trust. I never meant to do anything to hurt you or Jimin."

"I believe you, my life has been a mess. The love of my life hardly remembers me, my friend tried to kill the love of my life and assaulted me. It's been a mess." Jungkook couldn't hold back the tears that fell.

Yoongi reached out his hand and grabbed the dark haired boy. He didn't know what to say, he just held his hand while Jungkook cried.


Jimin practiced, pouring every emotion he had into dancing. He was alone today and was thankful for it since so much was going through his mind he just needed to get it out. As his muscles burned he started to remember. Namjoon, Jin, Hobi and finally Jungkook. Every memory he had rushed at him, making him dizzy he laid on the floor as memories pasted behind his eyelids. He grabbed his phone and dialed Jungkook, it rang and rang until it went to voicemail. He dialed Yoongi and the same thing happened. Jimin knew the two boys were together and that it was important that they talked. Jimin got his stuff packed up. He took a shower and changed, it was 5:30 and Jungkook wasn't picking him up for another 30 minutes .

He stepped out of the building figuring he could just flag down a cab. He looked down the street when his phone rang.

"Hello?" Jimin answered.

"Jimin, it's Detective Park. I'm not sure what happened but Yugyoen was released." He sounded worried.

"What? How could this happen?" Someone bumped into him. Jimin staggered back, confused and in pain. He looked down and there was a knife stuck into him. The person whispered into his ear.

"I told you I would get rid of you." Yugyoen peeked from under the hoodie he was wearing.

"Jimin? Hello?" Detective Park said as Jimin dropped the phone. He fell to his knees holding onto the knifes handle and pulled it out in a panic. Yelling as the metal clattered to the floor.

"Yugyoen?" Jimin sounded dazed even to his own ears. A car pulled up next to them. Two men got out of the car and grabbed the smaller boy, tossing him in and driving away.


"Thanks." He said as both boys sat in the kitchen with frozen bags of vegetables pressed against their faces.

"For what?" He poured them both a shot of soju.

"For watching over him." He took the cup offered to him.

"I watch out for you too, you prick." They clinked the glasses together and drank. Jungkook's phone starts to go off. He pulled it out of his pocket and answered.

"Hello?" Jungkook answered.



"It's Detective Park. Where is Jimin?"

"He's at the company, why? What's going on?"

"Yugyoen got out. I don't know what happened but he's out and I was talking to Jimin on the phone and suddenly it went dead. I'm going to head to the company now to see if he is still there, but we found out today that Yugyoen was the one who hit Jimin in the accident."

"Wait, he's out and Jimin is missing?" The taller boy got up out of his chair and started running towards the door. "If he's the one who hit Jimin how did he get out of jail?" Jungkook practically yelled into the phone. He got into his car and started it. He saw the other door open and Yoongi was sitting next to him.

"We found out after he was released, I sent officers to the company."

"I'm on my way there." Jungkook hung up the phone. Stomping on the peddle he raced as fast as he could to the company. When they arrived there was police tape set up and they were interviewing employees.

"Detective Park? What's going on, where is he?" Jungkook asked when he found Park talking to other detectives.

"We are getting the CCTV footage right now but we don't know what happened. It looked like there was a struggle where we found Jimin's phone and." Mr.Park paused.

"And what?" Yoongi interjected.

"We found blood that we believe is Jimin's at the scene." Jungkook felt like the air had been kicked out of him. He turned around and walked toward the crime scene tape. On the ground there was a big dark stain on the sidewalk but something else caught his eye. He tried to go under the tape when officers stopped him.

"That's my husband's!" He yelled pushing against him and when they wouldn't let him by he pointed.

"Look right there! That's his ring." Detective Park looked where he was pointing and in the grove of the cement there was a ring barely visible. "It says JM on the inside band."

When Mr.Park looked and found the initials he nodded. Jungkook fell to his knees pulling at his hair.

"He's going to kill him, Yoongi." He said as the mint haired boy kneeled in front of him.

"We will find him." Detective Park patted Jungkook's shoulder.

"Sir! We got the CCTV footage!" They ran into the building and into the security station. Playing the take you can see Jimin answering the phone when someone in a hood bumps into him. He drops to his knees, the video is grainy and hard to tell but you see Jimin pull something from his side and when he does a puddle starts to form on the floor. They watched as Jimin was thrown into a van and driven away.

"Did we get a plate?"

"No sir."

"Check any other surrounding cameras, black boxes, everything, we need to find him."

Jungkook left the room feeling sick, he rested his head on the cold wall breathing in deeply. Yoongi walked up next to him.

"I called the others."

"We have to find him." Jungkook hit the wall.

"We will."

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