Mom? Dad?

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The sound of water running woke the smaller boy, reaching around he couldn't feel Jungkook's warmth anywhere.

"Kookie?" He says looking around, the taller boy peeked his head out from the bathroom, his hair dripping wet.

"Hey, sorry I woke you up. Getting ready to go to the studio something happened to the song files so I'm going to head down there to see what's wrong." He stuck his toothbrush in his mouth as he went back in the bathroom.

Jimin didn't want to be alone but he new Jungkook needed to do this, and he wasn't comfortable going back to the company after what happened last night.

"I asked Yoongi to come hang out with you so you aren't alone, I'll come back as soon as I figure out what's going on. I'm also going to talk to the company's chief of security to see what happened to that guy from yesterday." Jungkook walked into the room and to the dresser. Dropping his towel and grabbing a pair of underwear.

Jimin's cheeks flushed as he looked at his statuesque husband's body. His eyes going farther and farther down before he heard Jungkook snicker.

"You can have me anytime you want Minnie." He winked, giggling as he got dressed. "I'll try to be as fast as possible, okay." He kissed Jimin's lips and left.

Jimin opened the fridge door, grabbing the juice and pouring it into a glass. He stepped around the kitchen island looking over some mail. Yoongi was supposed to come by. It had been a couple of days since he stayed at his house, he needed to talk to him about what happened and the kiss they shared. A letter caught his eye, on the front it said "The Park Foundation" Jimin looked at it confused, he couldn't remember any foundation he set up but he still didn't remember a lot of things so that didn't surprise him. He opened the letter which said.

Dear Mr. Park

We wanted to thank you again for keeping his foundation alive. We have helped many children get into dance and music schools all over the world and that's thanks to you and the late Mr. and Mrs. Park. We will be holding our annual charity ball and would love it if you would speak for us again. We would also like to honor you and your late parents for your achievements as well. Please let us know if you will be able to attend.

Thank you
Yoon Min Jae

Jimin had to read it a couple of times before he realized what it had said. His late parents... as in they were not alive. He heard glass break right before he was hit with the memory of that day.

"Jimin move your hips more like this." Hoesok demonstrated. Jimin followed his movements. They were doing one last practice before their show making sure all the moves were right.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook asked, holding on to Jimin's shoulder.

"Yeah, just something feels off, I don't know what. I'll be okay though." Jimin smiled at them but something in his heart was nervous.

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