I remember you Tae

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He felt a Jolt, opening his eyes he found Jimin trying to get up.

"Jimin-Ah?" He could see Jimin gaging. He rushed, lifting him up and carrying him into the bathroom where Jimin relieved his stomach. "What happened?"

Jimin leaned his chin on his arm, his breathing heavy, eyes watering. "I remembered the accident." He could smell the blood, the coffee and the burn on his skin. He got sick again. "Why did that happen to me?" He cried.

Jungkook rubbed his back until he was sure he wasn't going to be sick anymore.

"My tooth brush please." He stayed sitting on the floor unable to get up due to his leg. Jungkook got it and handed it over. Jimin was ready to wash his mouth. The dark haired man helped him up by keeping his arm around his waist. Making their way back to the room Jimin stopped walking and his expression went blank. He started shaking violently, Jungkook held him tight.

"Jimin-ah!" He fell to the floor trying to keep the blond hair boy in his arms. Holding on to him he grabbed his phone from his pocket and called an ambulance.


He was hit by memories, himself and Taehyung in high school, Jimin getting bullied because of his glasses, Taehyung always being there to protect him and help him. The day Taehyung moved away, how heartbroken he was. When they both became trainees and lived in a dorm together. The daythry got chosen to be in BTS. Their laughter, crying, heart breaks, when Jimin crushed on Jungkook and when Taehyung confessed to Hobi. When they filmed their first music video. It was like watching part of your life flash before your eyes. Time had stopped as he watched his relationship with Tae play out.

"Koo?" Jimin started to fidget, he felt a pain in his arm and hands holding him down.

"Shh, it's me. It's okay." Jungkook cooed at him.

"What happened?" Jimin realized he was at the hospital.

"I'm not sure, it looked like you were having a seizure, I called an ambulance and we are in a room waiting for results." Jungkook looked so tired and stressed.

"I remember. I remember Tae? Where is he? I need him." He started to panic. The monitors started beeping showing his heart exceleration and stress.

"Calm down, I will get him here I promise. Please breathe." Jungkook pulled out his phone. Jimin was trying to calm down but he just felt an overwhelming panic.

"I can't breathe." Jimin was gasping. Jungkook pushed the button for the nurse and they ran in. He felt some pressure on his arm.. He closed his eyes and let sleep take over.


Jungkooks heart sank watching Jimin have a full blown panic attack. He tried to talk to him but it was like Jimin couldn't hear him. Once the nurses came in they Sedated him.

"What happened?" The nurse asked him.

"He started to remember and then he started panicking."

"I see, we will let the doctor know." They left Jungkook alone. He called Taehyung on the phone.

"Kookie, is everything okay?"

"We are at the hospital hyung, Something happened, he... I think he remembers you."

"I'll be there as soon as I can." He hung up the phone and sat back. Rubbing the exhaustion from his face he waited for the doctor to come in and finally when he did he pulled Jungkook into his office.

"It looks like he just had a panic attack." He said while looking at Jimin's charts.

"He's never had panic attacks before." Jungkook was concerned.

"He's been through a lot, sometimes when someone with amnesia regains memories it's very disorienting, and sometimes it's hard for them to believe that it's real. He will just need help and reassurance, this will be really hard on him and on you."

"On me?" Jungkook felt upset, he was trying his best to help, why didn't this doctor think it was good enough.

"Yes, it's hard especially when the spouse is forgotten."

"He remembered something about me." He crossed his arms leaning back into the chair.

"That's wonderful, it's good to see him recovering. I will let you go back to his room now, if you need anything please call. Jungkook nodded and headed back to Jimins room, he was still sound asleep. The dark haired boy sat in the chair next to his bed and held his hand.

"I love you, I promise to help you in any way that I can." He said and kissed the smaller boy's hand. It was a little while later that Taehyung ran in. When he saw that Jimin was still asleep he sat on the chair opposite of Jungkook.

"How are you doing kookie?" He held Jimin's other hand but looked deeply into the dark haired boy's eyes.

"I'm just worried about him. He's suffering so much, and you know he's not saying half of it. It hurts Tae, every time I look at him knowing he is slightly scared of me because he doesn't know who I am. I want him to remember me so badly and then I just feel so bad about it. How selfish can I be? When he said he remembered you I was upset, why you? I'm with him everyday, why not me?" He leaned back in his chair and put his hand on his forehead.


"I was hoping it would be me. Maybe it was selfish because I want him to love me and maybe knowing that we are married means we are connected and he can't leave. He wants me to touch him and hug him so those are good signs right? He's said he knows he loves me but it's like his body loves me and his brain thinks I'm a stranger. This sounds so bad Tae but I want my Minnie back." Jungkook had been holding back for so long that this was it, he word vomited everything out and as he sat in the chair next to Jimin's bed he sod. Tears ran down his face, holding Jimin's hand because he was still afraid of him disappearing. He hadn't realized Tae had come around and was holding onto him tightly. Jungkook grabbed onto the back of Taehyung's shirt and cried to his heart's content because he couldn't stop crying even if he tried.

"It doesn't make you a bad person JK, it makes you human and in love. It's okay to feel selfish and hurt, don't hide it. We are always here for you." He felt Jungkook nod his head into his now damp collar of his shirt. Jungkook had at some point fallen asleep.

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