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"Step back

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"Step back." All these nurses went round his bed. "Can you tell me your name? How old are you?" They flashed lights in his eyes, he was overwhelmed. He started to cover his eyes with his hands. "Everyone back up." The doctor replied. "Can you tell me your name?"

He looked at the doctor, his eyes going back and forth. "I don't remember."

"You don't remember? Do you know what happened to you? Why you are here?" The nurse was checking his vitals.

"I don't remember anything, who are all these people?" He looked past the nurses to the others. Tears falling from their eyes.

"You were in an accident, you were hit by a car when you were walking across the street. Does that ring a bell?" The nurse was writing in Jimin's chart as he spoke.

"I was in an accident." Jimin tried to get up but he was quickly pushed back down.

"I want to sit up." He said slightly upset. He wanted to see what happened. What he looked like, was something broken? Missing? Is he paralyzed?

"You've  broken your leg and arm, I will help." The doctor stood moving closer to him. Hearing that his heart started racing. Will he be able to use them again?

"Please don't touch me." Jimin shifted away. Tears started running down his face. He was overwhelmed. The walls seemed to be getting smaller and smaller, he was getting hot and everyone's voices were starting to blur together so they just sounded like static .

"It will be fine." The doctor placed his hand on his arm and Jimin flinched. He couldn't focus, he was scared.

"He doesn't want you to touch him!" Taehyung walked over and blocked Jimin from the doctor. Jungkook stood frozen.

"Maybe he will let you guys help him. We will be back later for some tests." The doctor left and once he was gone again silence.

"Jiminie, can I help you up?" Taehyung offered. Holding his hand out to him. Jimin took it and he helped him into a more comfortable position. They all seemed familiar to the smaller boy but it was like when you get a song stuck in your head but you don't know the artist. All the information is right there but you just can't reach it.

"Who are all of you?" He looked at each one of them, all of their expressions were so terribly sad. It broke his heart to see that expression on their faces.

"I'm Taehyung, you usually just call me Tae and we are best friends and bandmates." He grabbed Jimin's hand and shook it. "It's nice to meet you again. And this is Hobi. He's also your friend. We have all been friends for a very long time." He got closer to Jimin's ear. "He's also my boyfriend." He backed away winking.

"I'm Namjoon and this is Jin, we have been friends with you for 7 years, we all lived in a dorm together at one point. I'm the leader of our group." Even one sounded nervous, stumbling over each word.

"I'm Yoongi, nice to meet you again Jiminie." The mint haired boy smiled but it was the same smile everyone else gave. Happy that Jimin was alive but sad because they didn't know who this Jimin was. Jungkook stood up and walked over to his bed and reached out his hand, Jimin took it hesitantly.

"I'm Jungkook. We are married and have been together for 7 years." Jimin looked at him confused, it was hard to wrap his head around the fact that the man in front of him was his husband. Jimin studied him, he was very handsome but he seemed so tired. Dark circles under his eyes, his skin pale and he looked so thin. Jimin reached for his face lightly brushing his fingertips on Jungkook's cheek before setting his hand down.

"Nice to meet you all, again." Jimin looked very confused and overwhelmed. The doctor came in and checked his vitals.

"It's about time he rests, we will be giving him something to help him sleep." He injected the medicine into his IV and within minutes he was soundly asleep.

"Who's the husband?" The doctor looked at all of them.

"I am." Jungkook stood up.

"He will get overwhelmed very often, it's good to try to get him to remember things but, if he doesn't he might get angry and lash out. It's very common, we will send him to a therapist to help him regain his memories but don't push him too hard. His cast will come off tomorrow but he will need a brace for a few weeks until his bones heal. Same for his arm. He will have to do physical therapy as well. He should heal with no problems as long as his arm and leg do not get damaged anymore. I will have this with all his discharge paperwork but that won't be for a few days." He sighed and looked back at them all. "He also has to agree to leave with you as well."

"Agree to leaving with us?" Yoongi asked frustrated, confused.

"Yes, we won't put him in a situation where he may hurt himself, or doesn't feel safe."

"What do you think we are going to do to him?" Tae almost yelled.

"Me, nothing I know you care for him, however he doesn't know that." It really dawned on them that he doesn't know them. The doctor left, all the boys feeling confused, hurt and relieved.

"Guys we need to agree on not pushing him too hard." Yoongi insisted "we can't shove our memories at him, we need to help him and take it slow."

"How are we supposed to know what not to tell him? We can't lie." Tae argued

"We won't lie, we will just take it slow." Jungkook stated. "I'll move all my stuff into the guest room for now until he's comfortable."

"Jk, are you going to be okay? This can't be easy on you." Jin asked

"Honestly I'm scared, what if he never remembers me? What if he doesn't want to be with me? But I would rather worry about that then thinking that I'm going to lose him. You guys didn't see, you don't know what... it felt like to... to think I'm holding him while he was dying " Jungkook said in a whisper his eyes closed tight. Jungkook had had nightmares over and over again of watching Jimin die since the accident.

"Jk, he is head over heels for you and always has been. How could you think he won't love you? None of us will ever know what you went through that day but don't hide your feelings either, we are here for you too." Hoseok said, putting his hand on his shoulder.

"He doesn't remember." Jungkook put his head in his hands. "You guys didn't see how scared he was, how they had to hold him down because he had pulled all of his tubes out. He was screaming." He started to cry. The dark haired boy was also overwhelmed. Overwhelmed with relief, but he was also terrified about the fact that Jimin might not love him again. It was a lot of things swimming in his head that he just had to push back and focus on Jimin just getting better.

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