It must be hard.

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"I feel it in my gut. Did I tell you if we got into a fight or anything?"

"No you didn't tell me anything. The day it happened we were having a barbecue and you went to get coffee for us."

"Well anyway, how are things with you?" Jimin asked, smiling trying to change the subject.

"Good, I have a runway show coming up and an Editorial in a magazine."

"That's awesome, I'm excited to see it."

"I'll invite you to the show." He smiled. They talked for a while. A few minutes later the doctor came in. Jimin shook Jungkook to wake him.

"Jimin, how are you feeling?" He said looking at his chart.

"I feel okay, just tired." He replied.

"Well I think we can discharge you and get you home." He smiled at him sitting his chart down.

"That would be nice." They talked for a little while more about his memories returning and to just keep trying.

"We have set up an appointment with your therapist. He will be coming to see you shortly." The doctor said putting down the chart.


"Thank you." Taemin, his therapist, had Bering seeing him pretty frequently since the accident. Trying to help Jimin get his memories back as well as dealing with his depression.

Jimin convinced Jungkook to go home and get some rest since he was unfortunately staying the night.

"Bring some comfy clothes for me and some sweets please." Jimin smiled as Jungkook hugged him. Taehyung had left a while ago to meet Hobi and said they would bring them some dinner which Jimin was excited about since he had no love for hospital food. Shortly after Taemin knocked on the door.

"Jimin." He smiled as he saw the small boy sitting in this bed.

"Hello, Doctor." Jimin smiled. Taemin's white coat flapping behind him. He had on a pair of glasses and a brown turtleneck. His dark hair pushed back showing his forehead.

"Please call me Taemin. How are you feeling?" Taemin sat down on a chair next to his bed ready to write.

"In all honesty, confused, stressed and frustrated." Jimin sighed.

"Why are you feeling those things?" Taemin started to write.

"I remembered Taehyung, I'm not sure if it's everything which is the confusing part, how do I know if I fully remember anything?" The blond boy looked into the distance.

"Unfortunately you won't know. It will never be a one hundred percent thing. Memories are hard to pin down."

"And why did I only remember Taehyung? Not that I'm not happy about it, but I can barely remember anything about my husband and shouldn't he be the one to be in my memory more? I remembered an intimate memory of us but nothing much else. I want to be around him all the time and when he touches me it sends a shock in my body but I still don't know who he is, all I know is that I love him." The blond haired boy took a drink of water then continued. "It's so hard looking into my friends eyes and watching them want the old Jimin so badly and I feel like I took him away from them. I'm scared, what if they don't like who I am or I never turn back into the Jimin they love." Jimin sniffed.

Soon they were back home and Jimin was sitting on the couch. Jungkook grabbed some drinks and put on Jimin's favorite movie "The notebook." As the movie went on it became too real for Jimin, he got up suddenly and walked into their room. Sitting on the bed he cried.

"Babe?" Jungkook sat next to him putting his hand on Jimin's leg.

"That's how you feel isn't it?" He cried "he wants her to remember him so badly. That even if it's for a brief moment that's something. You feel like that don't you?" Jimin put his hands on either side of Jungkooks face, making him look into his eyes. Jungkook not realizing what this movie's plot is since he never really watches it when it's on, only putting it on because Jimin loves it.

"I know this sounds fucked up but I miss you, I miss the way you used to look at me. I miss the way you would touch me. Our sex life just everything. I'm being patient, Jimin. I still love you but I miss our life. I just want you to remember me." Tears fell down his cheeks. "God, I sound so selfish. I love you so much I'm not going anywhere so please... don't hate me for this." He rubbed his nose trying not to look Jimin in the eyes.

Tears fell down Jimin's face. "I'm so sorry." He whispered, bowing his head. Jimin felt so frustrated with himself. All he wanted was to remember but he tried so hard, it was like trying to see the bottom of the ocean, everything was dark and clouded. Jungkook lifted his face rubbing his thumb over his tears so wipe them away. "All I want is to remember Kook-ah. I want to be the person everyone's loves, I'm trying, you know? It's so hard and overwhelming to look at all of you and see the sadness in your eyes every time you guys look at me. I hate myself, why did this have to happen to me? If I had paid more attention..."

"Don't... don't say that. None of this is your fault Minnie, none of it you hear me. If I hadn't come late, if I didn't have to be somewhere before maybe this wouldn't have happened."

"Stop. Don't blame yourself for this. It's me, I'm the one with the problem." Jimin cried and Jungkook held him tight as they cried. They cried because it was hard, they cried because one wanted to remember and the other wanted to be remembered. Jungkook pulled Jimin into his chest and laid back on the bed holding him. Jimin's head resting on Jungkook's chest listening to his heart beat. Jimin's ears started ringing; he squeezed his eyes shut as the tingling got louder. He was remembering something.

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