Punching Walls

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Leaning against the counters of a freshly cleaned kitchen, Amara slowly processed everything Luke was telling her about the supernatural world he was a part of. Most of everything flew over her head except the one thing that stuck out as wrong to her. "Hold up," her hand came up to the height of her waist, palms faced forward giving a halting motion, "Help me git this straight. I still ain't git'en why a pack of Dire wolves, who swore to protect its people, ain't gonna protect me? Is it cause I ain't from 'round here?"

Luke's face contorted giving her the impression that she wasn't going to like what he had to say. "Well do you want the truth or would you like me to let you down nicely?" Amara just gave him the, 'Just tell me already,' kind of look which had him shrug his already defeated shoulders. "Look I want to start off by saying I tried real hard to get them to change their minds, but it was like someone had already convinced them against protecting you. Plus what I told them just added fuel to their 'No' fire," he stared at the floor before looking to his side at Amara who had been staring at him, "They said and I quote, 'We don't want the trouble she brings.' Ami, I don't know what that means, but you can bet I'm not leaving your side. Fuck the pack, fuck my grandfather and fuck my dad! I don't care if I'll be shunned for it."

Amara shook her head softly and reached her hand out to touch his arm, "Luke yer just sayin' that 'cause yer upset. I guess they're sorta right to want to protect the needs of the many and not the needs of one person. I git it, just don't turn yer back on yer family because of me. Ya think now that it'll be easy, but when ya cain't think of them without dying a little from being unable to talk to them you'll regret it," she paused a moment and quirked her head to the side, "Would they really exile you?"

He nodded his head, "It was threatened when I wouldn't drop the fact that they were essentially going against everything I thought we stood for."

She took a shaky deep breath, 'It's going to be okay,' echoed through her brain trying to quiet down the negative thoughts of impending doom. Of course she would find herself in this position, surrounded by supernatural beings and sought out for whoever knows why. Life would never be an easy breeze, white picket fence, normal for Amara and she doesn't know if she'll ever not be bitter about that. Tears lined her light eyes as she looked friend, her voice quivered, "A-Are you going to hand me over t-to them?"

He shook his head, but didn't look her in the eyes, "I'm not, but-"

"But?" Her knuckles became white from gripping onto the counter that she had been leaning on. She clenched her jaw tight in order to keep it from trembling. 'I will not break down,' she said waiting for Luke to at least look at her when he tells her her fate.

"The pack will be here to escort you to the leeches," his earthy eyes met hers, his own beginning to leak, "I was ordered to stay away and I can't obey that order." He turned to Amara, bringing his hands up to cup her face and wipe away the stray tears that were making their way down it with his thumbs. "I won't leave your side through this, Ami. I'll die before letting them touch you again."

She doesn't know if it was his words or his actions that made her heart break, "I cain't have ya dyin' for me Luke. A world without you in it isn't a world worth living in." Her arms circled around his torso while he wrapped around her in a comforting hug. 'If these creatures are as bad as he says they are I can't let him be there. If I'm to die it won't matter, it's not like I have anyone besides him. Luke has his whole family that still need him,' the thought almost made her sob. Her face buried in his chest caused her already weak voice to be muffled, but determined, "You will let them take me and you will stay here, Luke."

His gripped on her tightened briefly before he pulled away just enough to see her tear stained face, "That has got to be the stupidest thing I've ever heard you say."

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