Pretty Piece of Flesh

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Warning: NSFW

Songs Mentioned: Moonlight Sonata (1st movement) by Beethoven

It had been days since Amara last saw Aro. He hadn't made an attempt to corner her as of yet. She was mildly surprised by that. She figured he would have made an attempt to at least talk to her, but he was giving her the much needed space she needed. For now she enjoyed the quiet life without him bothering her.

She sat in Caius' office drawing him as he worked without his knowledge. She wanted to capture his focused features because she found him attractive when he was so absorbed in what he was doing. She kept looking up at him and studying him before going back to her work to add a few details. This time when she looked up he was no longer behind his desk. Her brows furrowed, 'Where did he go?'

"Do you paint portraits," came his voice from behind her which caused her to jump in her seat.

"Caius," she drew the sketch to her chest and turned, "Don't sneak up on me like that and no I don't. They always end up looking bad. It's why I won't tattoo portraits unless they are on the gray scale."

His hand came down from behind her and drew the sketch away from her. As he studied it as he spoke, "You're really good, Amara. With the proper training I can see you being an amazing painter."

Amara just shook her head, "And who's going to teach me, you?"

"No, but there is someone here that could," he answered cryptically.

"Who," she asked, her interest peaked.

Caius shrugged, "You'll have to ask around. Now, bellissima, I've got more work to do. Try not to stare at me so much it's distracting."

Amara sighed and closed her sketch book and gathered her belongings. "Where are you going," he looked up from his work at her packing.

"I'm leaving so I won't distract you besides I need to stretch my legs," she stood from the couch she was on.

He looked from the papers on his desk to her, "I didn't mean for you to go."

"Oh, no, no, no, I wouldn't want to distract you with my presence any longer," she said with a coy smile.

He rushed from his desk to her and asked to touch her to which she nodded her consent. He grabbed her from behind and held her to him. He bent down and kissed her neck where it wasn't bit. She tensed only slightly under his touch. She didn't mind it to be honest, but she felt weird accepting his advances especially after she has been with Marcus.

"What do you plan to do? Might I escort you to wherever you're going," Caius asked with his arms wrapped around her midsection.

"I might go the library, or to the gardens, I haven't decided yet," she turned to look up at him, "I have Felix and Jane today so I should be fine."

He bent further to capture her lips in a short kiss. When he pulled away he noticed her eyelids had slid shut. "Don't hesitate to come back if you get bored," he nuzzled the side of her neck.

She patted his hands with hers and opened her eyes before pulling away from him. "I think I'll be fine, Caius," she headed to the door, turning around to say, "Thanks though. I'll see you later."

She left him standing there in the middle of his office staring after her. As she walked into the hallway she was met with a smile from Felix and, as always, a straight face from Jane. She headed off in the direction of the library first to pick out a book and then she thought about reading it outside.

As she drew near she began to hear beautifully haunting music playing softly from around the library. That caused her to pause in her steps. Instead of asking her two guards where it was coming from, she decided to listen with her ears to find the source of the lovely playing. She knew the piece being played but could not, for the life of her, recall the name.

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