Gravity of Love

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Songs mentioned: Sacrifice by London After Midnight, Love Song Cover by 311, The Funeral of Hearts by HIM, Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd

It was mid-day when Amarantha stared out the car window, watching as the trees past. Right now she was being driven to God only knew where in this foreign land she found herself in. With her earbuds in and music blasting the last day's events replayed over in her head.

She had just finished packing up what she could with what she was given. It was late in the night or early in the morning depending on how you looked at it and Amara didn't feel the least bit tired. She was thankful for the help Marcus provided while packing. He would lift the heavy boxes for her when she was through with them and even helped pack a few things like her sketch pads, art supplies and books.

They had of course given her some space to pack her unmentionables which she was glad for. She knew they might eventually see what she was trying to hide, but that didn't mean she wanted them to see them now. Releasing a sigh, she wiped her forehead with the back of her hand removing the built up sweat.

"Thats the last of it that I can get. Thank you," she said to Marcus who picked up the last of the boxes to move them to the living room.

"You're welcome, Amarantha," he replied with a warm smile on his youthful face. He walked out of the from with her following right behind him.

Aro was on the phone as they entered the room. As soon as he noticed them he got off of it quickly. "Finally finished, cara mia?"

Though she was still unhappy with him she acted civilly, "Yes, I believe I got most of the important stuff."

Aro nodded, "Good. Now would be the time to get ready to leave."

Her face scrunched up in displeasure. She wasn't looking forward to the long trip. The fact that she hates flying doesn't help either. She walked over to her cigarettes, grabbing one out, "When is the flight?"

"The plane should be ready by nine," Aro stood straight as he uselessly picked at his perfect, clean fingernails.

Amara did not understand, "Then why do I need to get ready now? Its only three in the morning and it only takes about three and a half hours to get to Seattle."

"We have an errand to do before we leave," Marcus put it lightly. He didn't know whether or not he should tell her exactly what they had to do. They had to enforce the laws they made.

"An errand? What sorta errand could vampires possibly have or do I even want to know," she was too curious to not ask.

"It is a simple one, cara mia," Aro clasped his hands in front of him, "Now please, Sweetling, will you go get dressed for travel. We mustn't be late."

She narrowed her eyes at Aro. She didn't like being told what to do, especially by him. Amara was going to say something when Marcus step forward. "Amarantha, cuore mia, he doesn't mean to be so pushy. He just has a thing about being on time."

She mumbled before leaving to her semi-empty room, "He still could have asked."

She had left out an outfit from her duffle bag/suitcases just for the trip. While changing into her bra, ripped up leggings, and a different t-shirt, Amara's eyes wandered her room. She had boxes everywhere on her bed most marked as clothing. She wasn't going to leave a piece of her wardrobe behind. They told her everything would be following right behind them and she had to trust that.

Dressed with a pair of black flip-flops on, she looked the epitome of comfort. Nothing about her was glamorous right now with her hair in a mess of ringlets atop her head and the comfortable travel outfit. Amara could care less how she looked. If the travel time was as long as Aro said it was she wasn't going to dress up. After putting her hair up with some struggle she felt ready. Placing her dirty clothing in an open box marked as dirty clothes and finished taping it up, Amara went to turn off her music before leaving.

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