For the Good Times

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Songs Mentioned: Crush by Garbage, Pretty Piece of Flesh by One Inch Punch, Whatever (I Had a Dream) by Butthole Suffers, Talk Show Host by Radiohead

"You're late."

"I know," Amara's cheeks flushed, "I'm sorry, I had a prior engagement that ran on longer than it should have."

"Hmm," Doctor Penterghast hummed. Her brow was raised at Amara giving her a look of disbelief. "And what exactly kept you?"

Amara's cheeks turned crimson further followed by her neck. "I- ahh," she fumbled with her answer, "Well a lot has happened since the last time we've met."

Abigail led her further into the makeshift office. Looking the human over, she remarked, "You mean since yesterday?"

"Uh, yeah," Amara ducked slightly, "a lot's happened."

"Well I am ready to listen to you whenever you're ready," Abigail took her seat with a notepad in hand.

She looked at the doctor skeptically, before beginning to pace, "To start I slept with Aro last night, even after what he did to me, and this morning I went after Caius. I don't know what's wrong with me. Am I still mad at Aro? Does this mean I forgive him? And don't get me started on Caius... It's like my life is being pulled in many different directions and I don't have the slightest clue as to what I am doing."

At the end she took in a deep breath and stood still for a few seconds before fidgeting under the doctor's piercing gaze. She didn't feel self-conscious, but she did feel the judgment rolling in waves from Abigail. "What," Amara bit out upon noticing the vampire's lack of scribbling.

"You slept with both of them in less than twenty-four hours?"

Amara flopped down ungracefully on the sofa in front of the doctor, "I know how this must look. I know it makes me a slu-"

She was cut off by Abigail clearing her throat and lifting her hand to stop her. Doctor Penterghast shook her head, "That's not what I was going to say. Not even close."

She set down her clip board and studied Amara before stepping out of her seat and making her way toward the human. "What I am worried about and am here for is your mental health. What happens between your mates and you is your business unless it is detrimental to your health. Now how did this come about? Did you feel manic making these decisions?"

Amara blinked a few times. Did she feel that way? She hadn't been irrational in a while, but last night's and this morning's decisions were hasty. She wanted everything to happen though and nothing bad came of it yet. She was almost lost in thought if it weren't for the touch to her shoulder.

"-rantha? Amarantha?"

Startled from her mind she answered, "I- yeah, I guess I've been a little manic, but not much. I made my choice to sleep with Caius all on my own."

"And Aro?"

"I had a little bit of wine to help with that one," she brought her hand to the back of her neck and rubbed it.

"You know you're not supposed to mix alcohol with your medications," Doctor Penterghast shook her head slowly.

Amara got a little bit of hope that maybe Abigail was going to say that the alcohol made the decision for her, but that was instantly shot down when the doctor said, "It's bad for your liver, Amarantha. It didn't make you even more intoxicated than however you were so your choice was still your own."

This caused Amara to huff. She folded her arms across her chest, "Well are you going to help me or continue to do the opposite?"

Abigail took a step back and pondered how to approach the human woman with tact, "You're the one that's mated to the three most powerful beings in the world. You have all three of them at your beck and call, Amarantha. Women would kill to be you. Men would kill to be them. In my unprofessional opinion, you could have done worse for yourself. You could have got yourself stuck with an abusive partner for the rest of your life."

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