
759 22 1

Aro arrived back later than he wanted to. He grabbed the cooler that Jane held and entered the abode. He didn't see anyone around, but he could hear a steady heartbeat in the backroom. Setting the styrofoam cooler on the table, he opened it and pulled blood packs out from inside. He went to his mates refrigerator and found a spot for them inside. Grabbing one he went to the room where Caius and his mate were.

Upon entering the room he was almost taken aback by the sight of Amara in the middle of Marcus and Caius. Her head was resting on Caius' chest with his arm, sharing space with Marcus, around her waist. She was obviously sleeping soundly by the sound of the soft snore coming from her. "Well I didn't expect to find this when coming back," he very quietly, "How did this happen?"

Marcus looked from their mate to Aro and then back to Amara, "She wanted me to stay. I don't know about Caius. He grabbed her before she could really protest."

Caius only shifted his eyes to Marcus for a moment before going back to Amara. He was just happy to have her sleeping on him and accept the comfort he offered her. He didn't mind sharing at the moment, but he knew it wouldn't last long. He would need time alone with her. He was a very possessive man and she would be better off learning that sooner rather than later.

Aro raised one of his perfect brows, "So you can move once again? Are you able to speak?"

Caius rasped, "Very little."

"Then you can drink," Aro stated.

Caius didn't want to move his hands from where they laid. Reluctantly he removed one arm from his mate and took the chilled blood pack. He ripped the tubing down on the back and began to suck its contents down quickly. His face was one of disgust as he drank. In seconds the contents were gone.

"I have more if you need them," Aro took the emptied bag away.

"One more, but will you heat it this time," Caius managed to get out. Speaking hurt still so he didn't want to do more than necessary.

"No, you must suffer with what I give you," Aro zipped put of the room and was back with another bag in no time.

"Ass," Caius said a little loud causing Amara to move a little.

"Mmhmm," she made a noise as she snuggle further into Caius, but somehow made sure to stay pressed against Marcus.

"Shh, we don't want to wake her," Marcus got onto the vampires. He knew Amara needed as much rest as possible and would not let his brothers mess this up.

Aro studied Marcus. He spoke softly, "You're not injured. Why are you laying down?"

"I was asked to stay," Marcus grumbled into her wild hair, "And I will till she wakes."

"How are the bonds?" Aro curious about their strength.

Marcus sighed before using his power. He didn't want to look, afraid of what he might find after today. What surprised him though was the fact that the bonds between them grew slightly. "They're growing," was all he said.

Aro went to the side Marcus was on and lifted his hand for him to take. Of course he would want to see what Marcus saw. Aro had to know everything.

Marcus unwillingly pulled away slowly from Amara, carefully as to not disturb her. He raised his arm and allowed Aro to grasp his hand. Aro saw everything that transpired while away and the bonds themselves. The lines appeared barely any thicker, and not brighter. There were some differences from before when it was weaker.

Aro discarded Marcus' hand and growled, "Growing? There has barely been any change."

Marcus wrapped his arm back around Amara's midsection, "But there has been change."

Caius just sat there with another empty bag of the grotesque blood watching Aro have a small temper tantrum. What did he expect? Caius, after hearing everything that transpired the previous day, began to see what his mate would need. She needed time and what did Caius have? All the time in the world. The only problem would be that his other side did not always have the bigger picture in mind. He'd have to try and control it as much as possible. Part of him still didn't want to.

"I would have hoped they would have grown more," Aro, not being used to the human way of things, didn't quite grasp why there hadn't been significant growth.

"Don't forget, Aro, she isn't well. This process will have to be slow. It's the least we can do after the damage we've already caused," Marcus thought of how broken she had looked in that moment. It broke something inside him when he saw her like that. No longer will he allow himself or Amara to be walked over. If he had to stand up against his brothers for her, he would.

"Time," Caius rasped out as quietly as he could, "She needs time."

Marcus looked at Caius over their mate's head surprised. He didn't think Caius would understand. Marcus agreed, "Caius is right, Aro. We need to give her time and space."

"Yeah, really looks like you're both giving her space," Aro sarcastically rolled his eyes.

"Stop being so immature. Was it not you with their tongue down her throat earlier?" Marcus not taking Aro's envy well. This would not work out in the long run if everyone was at each other's throats over Amara.

Aro's green monster showed as he watched his brothers. Aro had rarely ever been out voted by them and having it done on a topic of their mate made him irritable as well. He didn't like to admit when he was in the wrong either. He knew deep down somewhere he should feel guilty for rushing his mate, but all he could feel was a warmth he had not felt in a very long time. He enjoyed it too much to feel guilty.

"I just don't like being left out," Aro dead panned.

"You left for quite a while, Aro. It's not like Caius or I have even tried to keep you from her since you've come back," Marcus reasoned.

"You can always join us," Caius murmured while he looked at Amara instead of Aro.

"And where would I be on this small bed, hmm? On top of her," Aro having a point, "That will go over so well."

It was as if Amara heard them because her body reacted in a way that had each vampire stiffen. They could smell her arousal spread across the room. Amara released a soft moan under her shallow breath. Caius tightened his grip while Marcus and Aro growled. It was obvious that she was dreaming with the way her eyes fluttered.

"I wonder what she's seeing," Caius managed to ask what they all wondered.

Aro smirked knowing how easy it would be to find out. To see exactly what she did, but he kept his hand from wandering over her skin. "Are you asking me to violate our mates privacy," Aro asked mockingly to Caius.

Caius briefly glanced at Aro and just narrowed his eyes. He wouldn't dare ask such a thing, would he? Yes, he would, but for this situation, he would rather hear it come from her perfectly soft lips. He could barely shake his head no, but it was still a no.

"That's what I thought," Aro's know-it-all attitude making it near impossible for either of his brothers to like him much at this moment.

"When's the last time you ate, Aro," Marcus finally asks, deciding that must be why the vampire is acting this way.

"Before we left. Why do you ask?"

"Because you're acting like a child right now," Marcus being honest with him which caused Caius to grumble a chuckle out.

Aro huffed at that. He didn't feel like he was acting poorly. At the very least if he was cranky it was not from the lack of feeding. It was from having smelt Amara's blood and resisting changing her right then. It was taking a lot of control on his part to not give into his baser needs. He needed his mate to be protected even from herself and what better way to do that than turning her. Now he just had to get her healthy enough to do it.

"It is not from that kind of hunger, I assure you," Aro stated.

"Then why," Caius grew bored with the games Aro was playing and simply wanted a straight answer.

"I have this need for her like the rest of you do. It is just taking a toll on my mood is all," Aro sat down in the chair.

They all grew silent at that, each one knowing full well what it was like. They just stared at the sleeping woman after that. None of them had anything to say till a few hours passed.

Marcus breaking the silence after much thought and needing clarification, "Why did you keep me from telling her, her future as our mate, Aro?"

"Did you not see what I saw? She is far from ready to learn that information. If we told her she will be ruling along with us it might have set her off further. You know, if she really wanted to she would have ended her life yesterday, then where would we be? I thought you'd understand why we should wait," Aro giving his side.

It was Caius who growled when Aro finished. The thought of his mate being so careless did not sit well with him. Did she not see that everything would be better if she didn't fight the bond and just gave in?

Caius' growl did something to her. She began to stir in their arms, turning on her back. Caius moved to his side so he could still hold her. Caius found Marcus' eyes which glared at him.

Amara's head rolled from side to side for a second before her eyes slowly opened. First thing she noticed was her glasses missing, the second was the cool arms around her, and third she felt beyond comfortable. Looking around her, she blushed at the two handsome men wrapped around her.

"Uhh hi," she said sleepily.

"Good morning, cuore mia," Marcus greeted her with a smile.

"Buongiorno, cara mia," Aro greeting from his chair.

Caius just pulled her further toward him, causing her to practically be on top. She turned her attention to him, "What are you doing?"

"Holding you," he finally spoke to her after a long pause.

"Well let go, I have to pee real bad," she said trying to get off of the white haired vampire.

He didn't want to let her go. He wanted to feel her weight on him. He wanted to do many things besides that. Caius didn't loosen his grip on her until Marcus growled beside them. When he finally released her she rolled over him kind of clumsily trying to get off of Caius as quickly as possible.

Fumbling around on her feet she made it to her bathroom, locking the door. When she finally reached the toilet she released a sigh of relief when she finally sat down. She rubbed the back of her neck to loosen up a knot that had formed from sleeping the way she did. 'What did I get myself into now? Letting myself sleep next to them. Now they're going to expect that every night,' her mind already starting on the beratement.

'Hell we might expect that every night. You felt safe while sleeping for once.'

'Not the point. I don't want this to move faster than it already has.'

'Ha! That isn't how you were acting yesterday.'

'I don't even want to think about yesterday.'

Amara finished relieving herself and proceeded to strip down. She needed the water from the shower to clear her thoughts. With her cast wrapped she stepped under the spray and began to wash away everything negative she was feeling.

'Don't want to think about how you broke years of work in one split second decision or how you were throwing yourself at them?'

'Not now.'

'Then when? When you're having your throat probed by a certain someone's tongue?'

'Now you're just being cruel.'

'Remember I am you, so that makes us both cruel.'

Amara went through the motions of scrubbing herself down from head to toe. She even brushed her teeth while she was at it. Standing a moment or two longer than she should under the water she thought of her actions yesterday and how she deeply regretted them. All she wanted to do now is run away from her problems. Could she even attempt it? With how fast they moved it was doubtful she'd even make it to her front door.

Stepping out of the shower, Amara dried herself and wrapped her hair. Looking around through her blurred vision she noticed she forgot to bring clothing with her in her rush to the bathroom. 'That's just great. What a way to start the day,' she thought.

Sighing, she wrapped one of her big towels tightly around her body. Making sure her privates were completely covered, Amara opened the door releasing a puff of steam out behind her. Her room was cramped with all three men inside it. With all eyes on her, a warmth spread across her body,

"Sorry, I, uhh, forgot clothes," she said sheepishly. Looking anywhere, but at their faces. She scurried throughout her room, only grabbing underwear, shorts and a tee shirt. As she did this she didn't realize how far her towel was riding up.

"Not a problem, cara mia," Aro smirked as he and his brothers got an eye full of their mate's rear end. Marcus, standing by her closet, looked away from her knowing full well looking at her supple skin would lead to nothing good. Caius, on the other hand, leered at her displayed body from the bed. All three had one thing on their mind.

Amara, feeling the breeze, finally stood straight, fixing her towel as she did. 'Oh no,' she thought as a blush crept up her cheeks. The questions of how much they saw and for how long popped up in her mind. Normally she would be so embarrassed. She viewed bodies as bodies, seen one naked you've seen them all, but in this case it was different. She didn't want them seeing her. Amara had never felt so self-conscious in her life until she met them. They were literally perfect in every way. Well except for their personalities, but she wouldn't allow her mind to drive too deep into that right now. Looking like a deer caught in headlights, she stuttered an apology before darting from the room.

Safely inside the bathroom she was able to release her breath she didn't know she was holding. Dropping the towel she lotioned herself as well as she could manage and put on deodorant before fully dressing in her comfortable clothing. She unwrapped her hair and only applied a few products before leaving it alone to air dry. She obviously wasn't planning on going anywhere today.

She stepped out of the bathroom after hanging up her towels and made her way back to her room to get her glasses. Upon entering though she ran right into Marcus who thankfully caught her before she fell back. His arms wrapped around her thick frame.

"Cuore mia, you should be more careful," he unraveled himself from her, making sure she was stable before completely letting go.

"I wasn't expecting to run into you. I was just trying to get my glasses. It's kinda hard to see without them," she said with squinted eyes. If she tried hard enough she could make out his sharp features through her blurred vision. Even now with terrible eyesight she could tell he was extremely attractive.

"I'm sorry, Amarantha," he began as he produced the pair of glasses from his pocket, "I took them off of you last night after you fell asleep. I meant to give them to you earlier, but you were in a rush."

Sliding them on into place she released a sigh once she was able to see clearly. Giving the one vampire she could really tolerate a smile, she turned around toward the kitchen/living room area. "Thank you," she called over her shoulder as she entered where she'd break her fast. She saw Aro and, surprisingly, Caius lounging in her living room waiting on them.

Grabbing the yellow box of cereal and a bowl, Amara poured herself some inside it. She opened her fridge after and nearly dropped her food. "Uh, why are there bags of blood in my fridge? You know what, never mind. I don't want to know."

Amara placed the bowl on her counter and gagged a little at the sight. She reached around them for her milk and filled the bowl the rest of the way with the liquid. Closing the door to the refrigerator after she replaced it, she placed her bowl with a spoon on the counter by the box of cereal.

"It's for me, la mia metá," Caius' voice was gruff to Amara's ears, but a pleasant sound.

The crunch of her first bite was loud as she stood there staring at the vampire. What did he just call her. It wasn't like the other nicknames she had been called. Maybe doing some research on Italian was in order. She swallowed her first bite before replying with a simple, "Okay."

There was a brief silence before Caius asked, "When you're done do you mind heating me one up?"

Another distinct crunch was heard from her second bite as she chewed slowly. Did he seriously just ask her to heat up blood for him? What was she to do? Put it in the microwave for thirty seconds? Just the thought of that alone almost made her lose her appetite. Instead of outright refusing like she should have, Amara instead swallowed the bite and asked, "And how, exactly, do you want me to do that?"

He smirked, "Preferably on your stove. I take it at body temperature."

The thought of using her stove and one of her pots to heat up blood for the vampire made her gag. She would never be able to use the dish again because the thought of human blood being in it made her sick. Don't get her wrong, she wasn't against blood play, but this was the exact opposite of two consenting adults playing. This blood wasn't going to be transfused into someone's blood stream either. It was going to be eaten.

Staring at the ship captain on her cereal box, Amara attempted to distract her brain with the colorful imagery. 'Find all seven captains and send in for a mystery prize,' she read inside her head. Continuing to eat her eyes roamed over the box picking out the figures, ignoring the vampires in the room and the thoughts of reheating blood.

"You don't have to, cara mia. He can drink it cold," Aro amused at her lack of enthusiasm.

The thought of drinking cold blood also didn't sound appealing to her either. When she neared the end of the bowl her thoughts wandered back to what pot she had that she wouldn't miss anymore. She had only a few that she rarely ever used and could use for this specific reason. Drinking most of the milk, she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand before going to the sink and rinsing out her bowl.

Leaving the bowl in the sink, Amara went to her cabinet and pulled out her least favorite pot. Turning to the vampire who requested this she pointed at him with the pot, "If I do this you're going to owe me big time."

In an instant said vampire was behind her, moving her damp hair to the side. He leaned down, ghosting his lips against the shell of her ear, "I'll give you anything."

His whispered declaration along with his icy lips pressing down on the bruise he left those nights ago sent a shiver down her spine. Her breath hitched at the feeling of him violating her space with this magnetic pull to him. She bit her bottom lip to keep the moan that built up from escaping which made her whimper instead.

"Caius," Marcus said his name as a warning. He didn't want to have to remove Caius from the situation again and in such a flimsy structure. They could easily destroy this place in a blind rage.

He pulled away from her as quickly as he appeared and was on the other side of the room in a blink of an eye. She felt a sigh of relief when he left her. She didn't know why, but being too close to Caius when he was fully functional put her on edge. She didn't know rather to give into the side of her that wanted to be in his embrace once more or to run in the opposite direction.

She set the pot on her stove once she caught her bearings. Going back to her fridge she pulled out a blood bag when Caius asked if she'd do two. With two in hand she closed the door and went over to her cooking station and opened each bag, pouring its contents into the pot. Amara nearly choked on the smell of chilled blood. She never wanted to do this again.

Marcus came up to stand beside her, watching as she turned the stove on. "Cuore mia, there is an easier way to do this," Marcus wanting to help, "you could have put the bags into some water."

"To late for that now, don't ya think," Amara said in frustration, already committed to what she was doing. She grabbed a cooking spoon she didn't care about and began to stir the thick liquid.

Aro chortled from across the room clearly amused by her affliction with the cold blood. Though he had to admit it wasn't really appealing to him either, at least not til it was heated up. Aro looked to Caius who hadn't fully regained himself from his earlier teasing of their mate. Aro gave him a questioning look as if to ask if he could control himself.

Caius swallowed the venom that pooled in his mouth. His lips on her skin reminded him of the day he took her against the wall in the throne room, staking his claim on her. If only he had fully claimed her then. She wouldn't be so fragile now and would have the instincts of a vampire. She would understand what it meant to be mated. Sighing in his head, Ciaus knew nothing could be changed now. He would only have to rectify it in the future. Stiffly, Caius moved to the seat he previously occupied and sat down once more. Giving Aro the look of he'll be fine and on his best behavior. He watched as his mate, along with Marcus, heated up the blood and poured it into a rudimentary mug.

Amara walked over to him, handing the mug with the brightly colored cartoon characters on it to the very regal vampire. If it weren't for the circumstances, she would have laughed at seeing this man drinking from her oversized Rugrats mug and even could have pretended that she had just given her guest a cup of tea, but alas that wasn't her life anymore. Her life wasn't just filled with normal assholes anymore. Now she had to contend with the supernatural all because she was mated to some of them.

Caius hummed in appreciation upon taking the first sip, "At last, a warm drink." He shifted his eyes to Amara, "Thank you, la mia compagna."

She squirmed slightly under his gaze as she watched him down the contents inside the glass. She didn't know whether to be impressed or not by the fact that not a drop of blood was spilled. What scared her was that she was actually turned on by his now red stained lips after he finished. He took out his handkerchief and dab his mouth dry of any remaining liquid before doing something that horrified Amara. The bad thing is, is that he closed his eyes, taking in a deep inhale through his nose and immediately his eyes shot open, pupils beginning to dilate. It obviously wasn't because he was hungry, he had just eaten.

'Can he smell me,' her eyes widened at the realization. She took a step back as if distance would help her in this case.

Marcus, who had cleaned up the dishes for her, stepped around the counter near her seeing Caius' shift in mood. He wanted to be sure to protect Amara at any cost. He could smell her arousal, but tried not to let it affect him like it was doing Caius.

Aro sat, waiting for anything to happen. Watching the spectacle of the two male personalities battle silently over their mate. Marcus clearly telling Caius to not start something he would regret and Caius just gripping his clenched fists tightly, trying not to surrender to his inner beast who screamed to be let loose. Aro wouldn't step in unless he felt like any actual harm would be fall Amarantha.

Caius took an unnecessary long time to blink and regain control of himself. His thoughts swarmed to how good her warm, plush body felt against his, the taste of her sweet blood on his lips, the way she sounded when she peaked on his cock, and finally how delectable she smelt after it was all said and done. Swallowing another pool of venom he stopped his breathing and simply tore his eyes away from the vision in front of him. His eyes landed on a painting of the forest on the wall. Anything to distract himself right now helped.

Amara didn't understand why her body reacted to these men in such a way. The unintentional spike of lust every time they spoke or even looked her way. Her body might be on board with them being her mate, but her mind was what needed to be on board. In reality, it wasn't to being a hundred percent on board. She only just yesterday accepted the fact that they were mates. She also was out of control yesterday, today she could be the same though she didn't feel it. She, for some reason, felt like today was going to be a good day. Maybe it was because of the sleep she received last night with the dream she couldn't really remember. Maybe it was because she already had an emotional outburst yesterday and was still drained from it. Who knows? Not her and she wished she did.

"Well, this might be an awkward time to bring this up, but how long do we have 'til we leave? I know you mentioned it yesterday, but, uh, I kinda forgot," she changed the air inside the room.

"Tomorrow, cara mia," Aro answered nonchalantly, his gloved hand moving as he spoke.

"Tomorrow!? That's too soon... my stuff," she didn't know where to start.

"Will be taken care of, cara mia, I assure you," Aro stood and grasped her hands within seconds. He knew how she felt about the items in her home. She had this attachment to her belongings which was understandable after moving up here with nothing except for a duffle bag filled with clothes. "You're not going to lose any of your things."

Marcus and Caius looked slightly confused by her reaction, not seeing why she was apprehensive about her things being left behind. Neither having experienced any lack of luxury in quite a very long time.

Amara looked around the room and felt as if she needed to explain herself. "Everything I've ever gotten has came with a memory. Most of them are good memories and I don't want to lose that as well."

The two vampires could understand her reasoning. They had objects from before they were turned that held significant value to them. "Cuore mia, we will make sure everything is packed with care and sent to Volterra. You don't have to worry about a thing," Marcus interjected with a soft smile.

"There are a few personal things no one should ever touch," Amara admitted with a blush on her cheeks.

Aro knew of what she spoke about immediately. With a devilish grin, "Then I suggest, cara mia, that you pack those now."

She bit her lip nervously before releasing it with a sigh. Rubbing her brow in frustration, "Then I guess I should go whore myself out for some boxes then."

There was a pregnant pause before all hell broke loose. Caius hissed in disapproval and stood up abruptly. Marcus looked concerned, turning all of his attention to her. While Aro with widened eyes exclaimed, "Amarantha, there is no need to go to such lengths!"

It took Amara a few blinks of her eyes before her confused look melted into a comical one. She couldn't suppress the broad smile on her face or the laughter spilling from her lips. She laughed so hard that she had to wipe the tears from her eyes. She took a few breaths trying to regain composure.

"Oh good Lord, y'all think I'm serious," now she couldn't take them seriously anymore. The laughter started to calm down, "I'm not going to literally go out and whore myself for the boxes. I was just going to go around town and ask."

"Then why did you say it that way," Marcus held Caius back from going over to their mate. He was unsure what Caius was thinking, but by the look on his face the vampire was unhappy.

Amara sobering up slowly, shook her head with a shit eating grin on her face. Shrugging her shoulders she looked between the two vampires. Her accent came out thick, "It was just a figure o' speech. If y'all are wantin' to be with me, y'all're gonna have to get use to it."

"Forgive us if not all of us are accustomed to hearing such uncouth language from our mate," Aro had grown stern from the laughter. Though the sound of her joy was pleasing to him, he didn't like feeling mocked. "And for not liking what you implied."

"What can't stand the thought of me with someone else?" Amara asked before thinking it through.

"No," roared Caius not liking that thought one bit. He slipped out of Marcus' grip leaving his jacket behind in the vampire's grasp. In an instant Amara was pressed against the wall of her trailer with him between her legs. His arms like bars framing her in.

Marcus tried following Caius to keep him from Amara, but Aro was there holding him back. Aro spoke mainly to Marcus, "She awoke the beast now she needs to learn how to help calm it down."

"It's too soon for this. She needs time," an exasperated Marcus tried shoving past Aro. She had only just awoken from her slumber and was getting ambushed by Caius. He knew they should have waited to reattach his head.

"We can't remove his head every time he slips Marcus," Aro reasoned, "Besides if you tried anything this whole place will likely collapse in on us and we simply can't have that. Let them work it out."

Caius hissed in the juncture of her neck, "Are we not enough, Mate?" His lips dangerously close to her pulse point. He licked her skin causing her to shudder beneath him. Caius could tell the effect he had over her just by how her body reacted to him.

Amara's breaths came out in pants as he pressed his hard body against her core. She could feel his length hardening against her. "If you're looking to be fucked then you only had to ask, la mia metá. You don't have to search elsewhere."

She gasped at the lude comment and from the pleasure she felt just having him so close. His arms dropped down and hoisted her up in one swift motion. The position was very much like the first time they met. The only difference was she had clothing on and there were witnesses now. She moved her hips in a way to free herself only to find she was grinding against Caius causing the man to purr.

His lips pressed against her neck giving it a loving kiss before migrating toward her rosy petals. He sealed their lips together in a passionate kiss. An icy tongue slid across her lower lip begging for entrance which her clouded mind allowed. The contact of each other's tongues caused them both to moan into the other's mouth.

Caius used the strength of his legs and the wall behind them to brace Amara up to allow his hands to roam around her body. First squeezing her ample bottom before moving up her soft belly to her breasts. He pinched each nipple between his thumb and forefinger lightly so as to not cause her too much pain. She whimpered into the kiss that was leaving her breathless. Her arms wrapped around his neck while her fingers entwined into his silky soft white locks. She pulled lightly at his hair begging for air.

He growled releasing her lips only to continue to kiss his way down to the other side of her neck which laid unmarked. Caius continued to administer kisses to Amara as she sucked in much needed oxygen. Caius tore open her t-shirt making it a rag that slid back. With her breasts exposed to the three men she felt shy and was withdrawing her arms from around Caius' neck to cover up. Her mind slowly began to comprehend the situation she was in. The vampire growled once more seeing her move and didn't give her the chance to complete her task.

'This needs to stop.'

"Let us see, let us see how perfect our mate is," Caius' gruff voice struck a nerve that went straight to the place between her thighs. He nuzzled her left breast with his face slowly licking around her areola before sucking her nipple into his mouth.

Amara's eyes watched the whole interaction and still gasped at the cool feeling of his mouth. His tongue caressed around her pierced nipple causing her to squirm even more on his hard member.

'Finally, you're giving in,' the nagging voice intruded her bliss filled mind.

'That's n-not true,' she managed to answer before Caius switched to her other breast.

"Fuck," fell from her lips as her eye lids closed from the sensations. Her nipples were all ready so sensitive from the piercings and now the icy tongue made it worse. She was getting close to losing herself. The right amount of pressure had been hitting her clit for a while now from the grinding and now she could feel the building ecstasy.

Releasing her nipple with a pop Caius chuckled darkly. Making sure their eyes met, "That's what I plan to do, la mia metá. I plan to fuck you every where I can, so there will be no need of other men in your life."

Caius' hand went to her shorts and dipped inside them with ease. His long fingers tease her outer labia causing her to shudder.

'Not telling him to stop, now are you?'

'I-I will,' she thought as his fingers found her clitoris and circled it. Another gasp escaped her as she jolted her hips against his hand.

'Yeah it seems like it. Can't seem to make up your mind if you ask me,' her annoying voice was right. She couldn't make up her mind. This felt overwhelmingly good, but she wasn't ready to be in this position with them. Aro had said she needed to calm his beast, but how?

Thinking of anything to say. Pulling on his hair to get him to back away from her chest, Amara panted out, "Caius, there is no one else. It was just a sarcastic statement that was nonsense. You don't have to do this."

Caius moved only his eyes to meet hers once more, not allowing himself to be pulled away this time. His hand moved to where his fingers lined up at her sopping entrance while his thumb remained on her clit. Slowly, he teased her by circling around, not entering her. "You're right, I don't have to do a damn thing."

With that two long digits pressed forward, entering her quivering sheath. Amara's mouth fell open as a moan finally made its way through her vocal cords. Caius drank in the sight of his mate losing herself on his fingers alone. He hooked the two digits inside her and rubbed against the rigid spot inside causing her grip on him to tighten.

"And you seem to be enjoying yourself, Amarantha, so answer me this, why would I stop if you've yet to voice your concern?"

How could she explain she wanted him to stop when her own body betrayed her so easily? She could barely think right now. Her mind was clouded in a haze of burning lust for the three vampires right now. How could she possibly tell him to stop when deep down she knew she wanted this to continue? At least till she found her sweet release.

'See told you! You have caved so fast to them. There is no use in fighting it.'

Fighting that's what she needed to focus on. 'Focus on anything, but the feeling of his rubbing of your g-spot,' she repeated in her mind.

"Caius," she managed to get out, but the, 'Please stop,' never fell from her lips as he pushed her over the edge by biting onto her left breast enough for there to be pain, but not enough to break the skin. Amara's body arched off of the wall behind her, further pushing herself into the vampire's mouth.

Caius slowed his fingers inside her and around her bundle of nerves before slipping his hand from her shorts. He brought his fingers to his lips and licked them clean of her slick causing her to shudder once more against him. His eyes were black as night staring deep into her soul. He groaned at the sweet taste of his mate on his tongue and was about to rip her shorts off to delve his head between her thighs.

"Stop, Caius," she finally managed to breathe out when she caught her breath. She nearly begged, "No more please, not like this."

That caught his attention. The beast that had been roaring with the need to prove they were enough had been stated with her release. He no longer felt the waves of anger from her statements, but from the look of regret on Amara's face, he began to feel a twinge of guilt. He lost control and possibly just further ruined his chances with his mate.

A look of horror washed over his face as he placed her down and covered her up as best as he could with her torn shirt that was still around her arms. "Amarantha, I'm.."

Amara brought her hand from his hair and placed it on his lips. Something inside her mind clicked. She got it for some reason just by seeing his reaction alone. They had two sides to them. "You couldn't control yourself. I understand that, but please in the future can we take this slow. I'm not a vampire with vampire instincts. I'm just a simple human who needs a human pace in any relationship. At least for one that's going to work out in the end."

Caius wasn't used to feeling anything besides anger most days. The emotions from this woman had him in a daze. He wanted to kiss her again for what she had just said, but instead released her so she could finally walk past him. "I swear to you I will control myself in the future, la mia metá," he said with such conviction that Amara had no choice but to take him for his word.

She held her shirt together as she peaked around Caius at the other two vampires. Each of their eyes were black like Caius' from the display they had just witnessed. Marcus still looked ready to bite off Caius' head while Aro looked overjoyed.

"See dear brother, I told you they'd work it out in the end," Aro had a sickly grin on his face as if he knew this was bound to happen.

Marcus ripped himself away from Aro's grasp and slowly stalked to the pair. He threw Caius' suit jacket at him and glanced over their mate. He checked her over for any harm though he wouldn't find anything beside a few new bruises. "I suggest you leave, Caius," Marcus growled at the vampire.

Caius sneered at Marcus, but didn't put up a fight. He knew he was in the wrong for slipping up. He could have hurt Amara unintentionally in that state. Thankfully he didn't. He needed to go clear his mind. Maybe he'd hunt the wild life for sport. Turning he went to leave only to be stopped by Aro who presented an ungloved hand to him. He quickly touched it before leaving out the back door.

Aro looked pleased with himself as he replaced the glove. This could have turned out so much better if she had just given in and allowed them all a chance to pleasure her. He was sure now that in the future it wouldn't be hard to get her to comply.

"Are you alright, cuore mia," his voice softened with her.

It took her a second to nod her head. She felt light headed after just receiving one of the best orgasms of her life. The fact that Marcus and Aro watched though caused her to feel embarrassed. Before she could act on it he took her free hand and led her back to her bedroom. Amara followed behind the towering man, her injured hand trying to keep her shirt closed.

'They had seen enough,' she thought as they entered her room. He sat her on the bed before scouring her room for another shirt to wear. He brought her one similar to what she had been wearing. "I feel as if I should apologize for Caius' actions and even my own," he started speaking as he turned away from her to allow her privacy to change. "I didn't do enough to stop him and even when I could have I just leered along with Aro. It was not right of me."

Amara had quickly changed out of her shirt and had it replaced during his apology. She stood from her bed and wrapped her arms around Marcus from behind. "I don't blame you for what just happened. I don't even think I blame Caius really.. Aro said something about the beast, was he saying there are two sides to y'all?"

He turned in her arms and placed his around her. "Yes and no. It is still us, just a more primitive side. He felt threatened at the thought of you with other men which triggered the response."

Sighing, Marcus kissed her forehead, "He could have hurt you."

She shook her head, "But he didn't. He didn't even threaten to change me this time. Just to.. fuck me.. but that's not going to happen now. He promised to keep control of himself."

Amara sounded more like she was trying to convince herself than him. Did she really just experience what she did? She still felt a little dazed from the encounter. Not once did she ever say no, not even in her mind till the end. If her sickness hadn't peaked inside her head, would she have stopped? Probably not, if she were to be honest. She was so far gone she was ready to be taken against the wall while Marcus and Aro watched. In a way she had to thank her sick mind for saving her on this one, for Amara surely would have regretted it.

Marcus eyed his mate once more with a brow raised. He didn't believe her whole heartedly knowing Caius wasn't as strong as he let on. Today obviously was another tale to that. He knew it was only a matter of time Caius would get riled up again and lash out. He withdrew his arms allowing her to step back. His mind drifted momentarily as he watched her leave.

He couldn't resist absorbing her image earlier. Her heavy breast on display, the delicious sounds she made and the distracting rhythm of her heart had, had Marcus nearly break. He wasn't as in control as he would like to be. He definitely wasn't a Saint. He was a vampire after all and seeing his mate in such a position had stirred something within him. He liked what he saw, but not under these circumstances. Not after yesterday.

They had just talked about her needing time this morning which he had thought everyone was on board with. Clearly not after what had just happened. He watched his mate disappear into the bathroom which allowed him to get by and to get to Aro. He found him sitting in his spot he had before picking nonexistent fuzz away from his jacket.

"From now on you will not hold me back or it will be your head I go for," Marcus bared his teeth at Aro.

"Is that a threat, dear brother? You know how I am with threats," Aro raised his gaze to Marcus'.

"No threat, brother. Just a promise," he declared.

Before anything else could be said Amara exited the bathroom. She had cleaned herself up as best as she could. "Cara mia," Aro greeted with a toothy grin, "it's so nice to see you unharmed."

Amara stopped at her counter where her medication was only to glare at Aro. He could have let Marcus step in and stop Caius, but instead he, how did he phrase it, 'Let them work it out on their own,' or something along those lines. She took her medication she had forgotten, washing it down with the water bottle she had there. To say she was upset with Aro would be an understatement.

'He also said the house would crumble if Big Daddy Marcus stepped in.'

'Please don't ever call him that again,' she thought to herself. She also hadn't thought of that. These creatures were apparently very strong, heck they had to be if they carried her around like she weighed nothing. Maybe she should be more cautious than she had been if she wanted to remain safe. So far though they have not hurt her, rough sex set aside, and she would like to keep it that way.

"Amarantha, don't tell me you're upset with me," Aro had only to see her facial expression to know she wasn't happy with him. He walked a human pace to the counter, as he approached her his eyes continued to scan her. His eyes focus on a strand of hair out of place and delicately he put it back in its spot.

She brushed his gloved hand away, "Just don't."

Amara sighed angrily, "Don't stand there and pretend you didn't just watch me get violated. And, and did nothing to stop it."

He raised a brow, "Now if I'm not mistaken, not once did you protest for him to get off of you and when you did he stopped. Tell me, Amarantha, are you upset that we watched or more upset that we didn't join?"

Her lips tightened while a flush of heated embarrassment peaked on her cheeks. The audacity of this man made her clench her fist. None of her thoughts were about that, but now they were. If she wasn't upset before she definitely was now. Never had she been a prude before, but having two ultra sexy men watch her as she got off by another ultra sexy man caused her to feel mortified. The fact that they watched made her feel this way then how would she feel when she had all three of them.

'And they could have joined in at any moment,' the voice cackled, obviously more amused than she was.

'I need these meds to kick in now,' she thought as she stood looking aghast. She didn't know what to say besides, "If my hand wasn't already hurt, I'd hit you out of spite."

"I'm sure you would, but we can't solve all of our problems with violence, cara mia," Aro uncharacteristically shrugged his shoulders.

A knock at the door disrupted the conversation from going deeper. 'Save by the bell,' she thought as she walked around Aro to her front door. Peeking through the hole she was surprised to see who she saw. 'Why were they here,' she wondered as she opened the door.

"Uh.. Hello," her greeting came out more like a question.

"Miss Davis, its come to my attention you tattooed my daughter," his voice stern like any officer's voice.

Amara stood frozen momentarily, her brain grinding its gears. Was he seriously here about a tattoo? "Did you just find out about it?"

He looked her square in the eyes, "This morning I was surprised to see my daughter with a lion on her arm. A permanent lion on her arm," he stressed. Shifting his weight onto his other leg, "So I thought a social visit was necessary. May I come in?"

She blinked a few times. She had a house surrounded by vampires, two inside, and the chief of police was here at her doorstep wanting to come in. Thinking quickly Amara stepped out on her porch, "No, you may not. What I did was perfectly legal. I don't deserve the harassment just because you're overprotective, Chief Swan."

"My little girl got a tattoo, who's grounded now and you shouldn't have done it. That's not me being overprotective. It's me being pragmatic."

"That's exactly what being overprotective is. She's eighteen and legally an adult. She made a decision and obviously stands by it or you wouldn't be here upset with me," Amara put her hands on her hips. She was used to Chief Swan and her butting heads. He didn't like her style, she didn't like his attitude, simple as that. It also didn't help that he had busted her with pot when she first moved here without a medical card for it.

The brown haired man's shoulders sagged slightly, "I thought we had raised her differently," he spoke mainly to himself. Pointing a finger at her, "Look if she comes to you for any more body modifications I want you to turn her away."

"Listen, I'm not here to turn away customers unless they're underage or drunk. Lucky for you, Chief, I will no longer be here to "corrupt the youth,"" she did air quotes before crossing her arms over her chest, "I'm moving."

"Moving?" Chief Swan shifted his weight again, "Where are you going?"

"Far away from here," she wasn't going to tell him anything. Who would believe that a group of vampires are taking her on a forever vacation to Italy? No one that's who. Amara already knew Bella was in trouble with said group of vampires and did not want to drag her father into this mess as well.

Charlie Swan was an attractive man for being in his forties. Not really Amara's type. He was the man's man type, but she could still see potential past that. He was an honest, trustworthy guy who just didn't get along with her, other than that they were civil. So she chose not to elaborate further.

"Never one to make things easy, Miss Davis," his voice dry, "You'll be missed. Not by me, but I'm sure there are others that will miss you. I know Luke will."

'Luke,' her heart hurt just hearing his name. She rubbed the back of her neck with her right hand, "Yeah, well.. he'll be missed too."

"Don't run away from your problems, if something happened between you two work it out or you'll end up alone forever," Charlie gripped his belt, spouting words of wisdom if they actually pertained to the situation. He also seemed to be self projecting right now.

"I'll keep that in mind, Sir," she shivered, "If you don't mind I'll be heading back in, it's cold out here."

"Well I won't keep you any longer, just stay away from my daughter, please," his final plea fell on deaf ears as she entered her residence and closed her door with no glance back.

With her back pressed against the door she sighed in relief. Was Charlie at the end of his rope with his daughter to the point he really needed to confront her? Amara felt so lost after that. She was only allowed a moment to gather herself before she was surrounded.

"Who was that," Aro asked as if he couldn't hear everything that was just said. Last name Swan, he wondered if there was any relation to Isabella. They did share the last name after all. If he recalled from his mate's memory, Amara did just tattoo the girl. Then it clicked! That was Isabella's father. Though he figured it out he still listened intently to Amara's answer.

Amara feeling the need to protect as many humans she knew from them nonchalantly answered, "Just an overprotective parent who can't handle their kid growing up. Happens all the time."

"Random humans showing up to your house," his perfect brow raised.

She shrugged, "Generally at work, to be honest, this would be the first to make a house call."

Amara actually chuckled a bit at how ridiculous it was. The Chief of police seriously just paid her a visit to tell her to stay away from Bella. It wasn't even Amara who convinced the teen to get the tattoo. She was the one approached and she wasn't going to turn down doing an art piece.

Taking a deep breath, Amara smiling, shifted her gaze to Aro's eyes. Her smile dimmed a little, "I need you to get me boxes tonight if I am not allowed to go get any."

"We will get you whatever you will need to start packing your most valuable possessions," Marcus said from beside Aro.

Her eyes landed on him, her smile broadening, "Thank you, I'm going to need the boxes and some tape soon, but I can start on some of my clothing now."

Aro and Marcus nodded and let her leave to her room to begin. The two heard music start up from inside her room. Neither of them knew the genre, but both could understand the lyrics. As the song went on the lyrics became more suggestive.

'Sade, dis-moi
Qu'est-ce que tu vas chercher?
le Bien par le Mal
la Vertu par le Vice
Sade, dis-moi, Pourquoi l'evangile du Mal?
Quelle est ta religion, Ou sont tes fideles?
Si tu es contre Dieu, tu es contre l'Homme'

"I guess you should get on the task, brother," Marcus suggested with a smirk, "Since you like being in control all the time."

'Sade dit moi pourquoi le sang pour le plaisir ?
Le plaisir sans l'amour.
N'y a t'il plus de sentiment dans le culte de l'homme?'

Aro gave Marcus a pointed look as if to ask, 'Was their mate really listening to this?' Marcus just smiled and headed toward the back to leave Aro to do his part. He, too, wondered if she knew exactly what she listened to. If she did then what a ride were they in store for.

Unfading Joy and Sorrow Pt 1 (Volturi Kings)Where stories live. Discover now