An Honest Mistake

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Amara stirred in her bed. She wasn't overly hot like she normally was. She was actually pleasantly cool. She snuggled further into the source of comfort enjoying the feeling of cool skin against hot. She smelt the person before seeing them. In her mind she just thought last night was a really good dream. One that she wouldn't make a reality any time soon, but then she opened her eyes. Looking at a pearlescent chest Amara roamed her eyes up and saw Aro staring down at her. Gasping, she kicked herself away from him only for Aro's arms to tighten around her.

"Now don't run from me after last night, cara mia," his red eyes bore into her hazel blue ones, "Now that you're awake, we have much to discuss."

She felt her heart in her throat. 'Having sex with Aro clearly wasn't a dream,' she thought as she felt his skin against hers. Her heart picked up its pace. "Aro," she breathed his name, "Let me go."

"I don't think you really want that, now do you, cara mia," Aro's eyes never leaving hers. He leaned in, "Last night you wanted me to hold you. Asked me to stay even. What has changed?"

Her brows drew together and a flash of anger spread throughout her body. She didn't know if it was because of him or because of herself, but she knew one thing. She was going to take it out on him. "I did not forget what you almost did to me," she spat out, "And if you think fucking me would make me forgive you, then you're dumber than I thought. Now let me go."

He huffed a sigh before releasing her as she commanded. "You know, Amarantha, you give very mixed signals."

"I'm blaming the alcohol," she stated as she grabbed the bed sheet and wrapped it around her body.

"You know most people do that, but it isn't the alcohol's fault. They just did what they really wanted to do," he said the truth, "It is called liquid courage for a reason."

"Shut up, Aro," she called out over her shoulder as she reached the bathroom. She quickly spun around to see him right behind her in all his glory. She couldn't help her eyes drifting downward and widen. He looked bigger than she imagined. 'That really fit inside me,' she questioned herself before scolding herself for thinking about that.

"Like what you see," he arched a brow before she slammed the door in his face and locked it, "What? Can't handle the truth, Amarantha?"

'No,' she shouted inside her head, but she wouldn't give him the satisfaction. Of course deep down she wanted him. She had wanted him before he did what he did, but then it happened causing her feelings to be even more confusing. Now she was just mad.

She let the sheet drop and saw the hand prints along her body and the love bites that littered it. She looked like a common prostitute. She needed to let the bruises heal for once before continuing any sexual activities with these vampires. Her eyes strayed to the necklace around her neck. She still couldn't believe it worked especially now that she was a hundred percent sober. She took it off and placed it on the counter. Sighing, Amara turned on the walk in shower and allowed the water to get hot before jumping in and pampering herself. She thought the longer she took in there the better. She wanted Aro to be gone when she got out so she thought she'd give him as much time as possible.

Once she was thoroughly scrubbed clean to the point where her skin was raw, she finally stepped out of the shower. She took her time drying off, applying lotion to her skin, and moisturizer to her face. Before anything else she put the necklace back on. When she was sure she had spent enough time inside the bathroom, she finally opened the door with a towel wrapped around her body and her head to keep her wet hair off of her. She sighed when she didn't see Aro, but in his place was Caius sitting in one of the chairs there.

She bit her lip before acknowledging him, "Hey."

"Hello," he sounded angry like her.

'What was his problem,' she wondered.

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