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Na: Art was commissioned by Roachcult for me and I love it and wanted to use it in a chapter. PS: NSFW, time jumps

Luke had stayed for three days after he gave her a tattoo that laid on her shoulder, much like his did. Her tattoo was made up of two skeletons kissing inside a card with the word lovers on the bottom. The card itself was halfway inside a coffin surrounded by different kinds of flowers. The coffin was colored in black, the skeletons were shaded and the flowers were a mix of yellow, orange and pale blue. She loved her newest edition to her collection of art. Luke was amazing at creating exactly what she wanted as if they were on the same wavelength.

They had spent as much time doing things they enjoyed doing while together. Although they weren't allowed out of the castle again they still managed to have loads of fun. They had so much fun that it hurt when he had to go back to the States. It nearly broke Amara's heart at the thought of being without her friend again. With many reassurances of writing or calling and Amara saying she would definitely be returning to visit whether her mates liked it or not, Luke left with only a few tears shared between the two.

In the months following her friend's departure Amara has had dinner with Aro nearly every other night. The two of them slowly built a bond of trust. Aro didn't manipulate her like he once had. With the damned necklace always around her neck and no one being able to convince her to take it off, he had been, in a way, been made to be a reasonable vampire. He asks about her day, how she feels every time they see each other because he genuinely wants to hear. Before he would just simply touch her to get the information so as to not bother her, but that had the opposite effect. Aro took his time in asking questions about things he didn't know from reading her previously. He enjoyed her perspective on everything. He might not agree with her all the time, but her outlook on things was refreshing. He enjoyed treating her like an equal, unlike before where he treated her like a subordinate. Aro particularly liked it when she allowed him to hold her hand without gloves. At first he was hesitant to do so because it was rare to come across anyone that could stop his power. He wasn't used to silence, but grew to appreciate the peace it gave. It just made him thirst for her presence.

Amara had enjoyed her time spent with Aro. So much so that she allowed him to touch her. Had she forgiven him? In her own way, yes, but she would never forget. She at least owed herself that much. She would get him back eventually for making her feel the way she did because she was petty deep down. For now though she would continue to grow in this budding relationship.

Speaking of relationships, Caius and Amara had become closer than ever. When Marcus was unable to sleep with her due to some unknown reason, Caius would be there. Some nights she ended up not being able to sleep so instead she was kept busy by her mate. That didn't bother them though. Those days were spent being lazy within her bed. Caius took to rotating her meal times with Marcus and sometimes shared with Aro. Amara might have been able to forgive Aro, but Caius hasn't. He still felt as if Aro got off too easily, but he has kept that to himself so far. Caius felt protective of his mate which is why he has been studying everything he can find on amulets. He trusted his mate, but he didn't trust some random stranger. The necklace looked like an antique and looked well on their mate. The only thing that worried him was that he had never encountered something that a vampire couldn't touch. Other than his research Caius and Amara have been painting together. They've been challenging each other to paint the same thing, but in their own way. The works of art always turned out beautiful in their own way. While Caius was more pin straight and realistic, Amara was flowing and less refined. They complimented each other. Caius wished his art looked a little more like hers while she wished the opposite.

While this had been happening, Caius and his wife slowly began the process of divorcing each other. It was surprisingly like in human culture except with vampyric lawyers. They had built a lot together and were splitting it as equally as possible. She would get half of the vacation homes, money, and cars. Caius didn't really care because that still left him with a lot of assets at his disposal. As long as Athenadora was comfortable with what she got and left amicably, Caius would live. He hadn't heard of Aro and Sulpicia's divorce yet, and wondered when he would start hearing about it. He was honestly surprised he was the first one to initiate the proceedings. He had figured Aro would have made the move first.

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