Comfortably Numb

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Waking up was no easy task for Amara. She tended to take her time in waking up which meant being lazy till the very last second. At some point during the night she had kicked the covers down to her hips, probably from getting too hot underneath them. As she laid on her side she was trying to open her eyes, but found it hard to do after having such a deep sleep. Raising her glasses up she rubbed each of her eyes and picked the sleep out of the corners of them. She slowly and painfully raised herself up and leaned against the headboard. She sat there glancing around her room noticing the clothes were picked up, folded and set on the end table. She also noticed a note on top of them. She leaned over to get the note before leaning back again.

It read, "Mia dolcezza, I hoped you have slept well. I enjoyed being by you for most of the night and wished I didn't have to go. I will not be there to wake you up how I'd love to, unfortunately, but will try to be with you by lunch time. You will be fine at your appointment, I have faith in you. I promise today will be great. Yours eternally, Marcus"

She couldn't stop the grin from forming on her face. His admission to being hers made her heart flutter. She was rereading the note when there was a knock on her door that she didn't hear. It wasn't till the door was opened and with Caius in tow with what she presumed was food in hand. She gasped and quickly tried to bring the covers over herself, but it was too late. He had already seen everything by the sound he made.

"Caius, what are you doing here," she exclaimed her question.

Instead of pouncing her like she expected he stood frozen for a moment before setting the tray down and sitting down at the table. He swallowed thickly, "I thought I would bring you food to break your fast. I knocked."

"Well I didn't hear it, besides people normally wait for a response before busting through the door," she said while keeping the sheer sheet pressed against her body.

Caius gave her a look of absurdity, "I did not bust through the door. I came through it properly. Now are you going to get up to eat or do I need to bring it to you?"

"I would prefer to get dressed," she muttered.

She sat up straight and winced. He was over to her in an instant, not bothering to push the chair in. "You are hurt," he pointed out  her back was revealed to him and so were the sides of her hips. He noticed the bruises that littered her body. His fist clenched in rage.

"Its nothing, I'm just sore," she reassured him.

He reached out and touched a deep purple handprint on her backside causing her to flinch, "Ow."

"This is more than sore," he ground out, "You're clearly hurt."

"Caius, cool your tits," she swatted his hand, "You've done the same to me the first time we met."

"I don't have tits, I have pectorals," he looked confused, "And that is besides the point."

She shook her head and sighed, clearly that went over his head. Amara wrapped the sheet around her body before getting off the bed. She stood facing Caius momentarily. His eyes were angry and if she wasn't mistaken, jealousy. 'Why would he be jealous of a few bruises... oh,' then it dawned on her. He was jealous of Marcus getting all of her attention. She barely has let him even touch her, so she could see where he might be a little envious.

She wouldn't give him sex, but she would give him something to think about. She went to her tiptoes, grabbed his jacket and forced him down to her level. She crashed her lips against his giving him her raw emotions. She kissed him with the anger she had felt toward him, but also with longing. She showed him the feelings of hopelessness and desperation. She communicated all that and more toward him in that one kiss. When she pulled back her chest rose and fell fast and her lips were bright red. At some point during the kiss the sheet she wore slid down her body.

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