Flowers Need Water

570 26 3

Trigger warning: Implied Statutory Rape, Gaslighting, Manipulation, NSFW

Songs mentioned: Children - Dream Version by Robert Miles, Fantasya by Robert Miles

Amara had developed a routine while staying with the vampires who claim her as their own. She would wake up around two in the afternoon and drag herself out of bed to find either Marcus, Caius or Aro waiting for her to rise. Generally if it were Caius or Aro she would take longer to get out of bed for she didn't want to have to face them. Her feelings haven't changed overnight about them, but Marcus, on the other hand, had her smitten.

Once up she would go to the extravagant bathroom and begin her morning ritual with relieving herself and then brushing her hair, teeth and washing her face. She would then go from the bathroom to the closet and dress for the day. She hadn't left her room so her outfits consisted of whatever looked comfortable to wear most days. Then she would normally read whatever was brought to her or draw while listening to her music, passing the day doing absolutely nothing productive, in her opinion.

Today was different though, as she stood out on the balcony smoking she decided she needed change. She needed human interaction badly or to explore, something.

Don't get her wrong, the conversations she had with Marcus were fantastic. They ranged from some thing like small talk about the weather to deep conversations about the universe, the meaning to life, and the supernatural. He just treated her like she was a fragile china doll that at any moment would shatter and disappear forever.

If only she knew what happened to his first true love, Didyme. Marcus knew Didyme's power influenced his love for her slightly, but even knowing that he didn't care. He had loved her with all of himself and when she was murdered he was distraught with despair. Now he had a second chance at love and to lose that would destroy him. He didn't want to accidentally break her and he very well could at any moment.

The conversations she'd have with Caius were essentially none existent. He generally stayed long enough to see that she ate her breakfast and took her medication. Every now and then he would ask how she slept while she drank her cup of Italian coffee. Every time it was past his time to be there he would stand and come to her to place a kiss upon her cheek, hands or neck. Whispering the few words of see you later and he would be gone.

Neither of them had ever brought up the fact that his wife disliked her or that Caius and Athenadora were in love. Much like how Amara and Luke couldn't be together, Caius and Athenadora couldn't remain together. The bond wouldn't allow it after its been started and Caius could thank himself for starting the process in reverse order. Most vampires change their mate's first before sealing the bond. Most vampires don't take human partners for they feared their strength would kill them.

He wasn't most vampires. He and his wife had shared many lovers in the past. Granted they ended up just being food most times. The very few that Caius and Athenadora did change have since left on their own. The point was he knew how to be with a human not how to socially interact with them.

When it came down to seeing Amara for the first time he lost it. The smell of two other men on what was his angered him. He started their bond sooner than either of them truly wanted. Now he had to deal with the consequences, which were very stiff interactions between the two.

Then, last but not least, there were the conversations with Aro that happened to be awkward. Amara didn't know where to begin with him. His controlling nature made her build a useless wall around her. He hadn't tried touching her without gloved hands which was a plus, but if he ever touched her, even with his lips, he could read everything she had thought. She didn't realize that until recently from Marcus. So every time he kissed her hand he knew what she thought. Amara didn't like that her thoughts were no long her own. Nothing she thought was private anymore with him around. The bad thing was, was that he would use what he learned against her. It wasn't outright noticeable at first, but she started to pick up on it the last few days. Since she found out the extent of his powers, Amara had not let him touch her.

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