Chapter 2

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It was freezing, as a typical December night, snow was falling heavily outside and it felt like it may stay like this until Christmas Eve.

I didn't mind snow, I loved it actually, I loved winter in general. But living here, like this, made me hate it. Because unfortunately, we didn't have a heating system to keep ourselves warm and we couldn't afford to pay for one. Shocker!

I was wearing a sweatpants and a wool sweater, wrapped from head to toe in a thick blanket on the couch. But it was still not enough. My body couldn't stop from shivering and my teeth from chattering. Because the flat was freezing.

Toji was out to finish a job, and they already payed him in advance so he left some money for me to order dinner. I ended up ordering Chinese food and ate alone two hours ago. Keeping some for him, in case he came back hungry. Even though, I knew he wouldn't have it in him to eat.

He never eats after a job...

I knew what he did for a living wasn't right, and I knew it came with a heavy package and consequences. But what else could he do? This life has been nothing but unfair, to him and to me. So of course I got it, and of course I would justify his actions and the path he chose!m. Life was just that damn hard sometimes..

And I actually joined him a few times on his jobs, whenever he felt like one of them would be too easy, he would take me with him, as a way to teach me how to use my powers correctly and spend time together.

Killing sorcerers, so romantic...

As fucked up as that might have sounded, it was still the best thing that ever happened to me. My life has been nothing but chaotic before him, and somehow, after getting involved with him, his chaos kind of mixed with mine, and just made everything settle for a bit. And I couldn't be more grateful for that.

Breaking me out of my thoughts, I started hearing loud and heavy footsteps outside the door. I lifted my head and removed the blanket away from my ears so I could hear better. Then suddenly, a heavy pounding started to drub at the wooden door.

"Shit!" My legs immediately kicked off the blanket and I stood up. I didn't even need to check who it was, I knew it was him. And I rushed for the door and unlocked it, opening it quickly to see Toji's body leaning against the doorframe.

"Hey, kitten..." He mumbled, not looking exactly at my face as he dragged himself past me and into the flat. I felt my heart hammering heavily at the state he was in. I closed the door and turned to him. He took off his big black jacket and I gasped.

Because his whole clothes were drenched with blood!

I started to panic when I realized I couldn't tell if it was his or not! Under the living room light, I noticed his face was splashed with blood as well and I could see a bruise was forming around his jaw.

"Toji..." I whispered his name but I didn't think he heard me. Because He dropped his jacket on the floor and headed towards the bathroom, keeping the door opened behind him.

My feet shuffled quickly to follow after him. Even though I knew better not to approach him right away, because he was too deep into his head at the moment, I didn't care. I wanted to make sure he was ok.

In the bathroom, I saw him stripping off his clothes, taking off his shirt and his pants. I stood awkwardly by the door, not really sure what I should say or do. Then my eyes scanned his body immediately the second he got naked, looking for injuries. I sighed a loud breath of reliefe when I realized there wasn't any serious injuries on him, and the blood was simply not his.

I felt my cheeks flushing slightly when he bent down and took off his boxers. Kicking everything away on the floor and stepping into the freezing cold water of the shower. My whole body ached from only the sight of him under the cold water. I knew he didn't care and he didn't mind, he was just built like that, and he could take it.

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